The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 941: Mt. Tengen

Seeing that the Black Lotus Sword Gang was strange and unpredictable, and Liang Yan's deity also possessed King Kong Weili, Huang Jiao Daxian finally showed a look of horror when he arrived.

   Although his several magical abilities are strong, they can't help the opponent at all, and the method of gathering sand into a tower was broken by the opponent's sword, and now he has no fighting spirit.

   But he didn't show a look of despair, instead, as if made up his mind, he suddenly stretched out his hand and patted his waist storage bag.

   I saw a yellow flag flying out of it, and it grew in mid-air in the wind, and suddenly it was as large as a door panel.

   And that Huangjiao Great Immortal didn't have any hesitation on his face, he just turned his body in midair and stepped directly into the flag!

   Liang Yan's body and sword merged into one at this time and flew in the air. Seeing this scene from a distance, he couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise.

The next moment, Huangjiao Great Immortal's whole person disappeared in the yellow flag, and the surrounding yellow sand, golden hook, and yellow clouds were also submerged in it. In just a moment, all of them disappeared. Yinger.

After half a breath, Liang Yan was able to arrive. His spiritual consciousness spread with all his strength, but found that within a radius of tens of miles, there was no trace of Huangjiao Great Immortal. This person seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, not at all. Any traces are left.

  Only a yellow flag was still floating in the air, which was slowly falling.

   Liang Yan stretched out his hand and copied the flag into his hand, frowning slightly.

   On the banner, there was embroidered with a pattern of a spirit beast. He was born with a fat head and a big belly, short limbs, and three long beards on the top of his head. It looked extremely weird.

   is just the original aura of the flag, since the Huangjiao Great Immortal entered, there is no aura, and it has become an ordinary rag.

   "Is it a one-time space movement magic weapon?"

   Liang Yan stared at the banner in his hand, and couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

   "Unexpectedly, a monk in the middle of the golden core in the Qixing urban area would have so many supernatural powers and magic weapons. Judging from the method of this person, it is not much worse than the real person Yunli and the old monsters of Yang Yan!"

   Liang Yan was shocked, and at the same time he was more wary of the monks in these twelve cities, and the trace of arrogance that had originally been in the South Chuan was gone.

"The Antarctic Xianzhou is dangerous and unpredictable. The current plan is to find the first treasure as soon as possible, and then find a place where you can live and practice well. The most important thing is to improve your own strength.......... "

   Liang Yan made up his mind, and more and more wanted to leave this place to go to the legendary Tianhe City.

In order to hide his cultivation base, he only used the escape speed of the Juyuan Realm to hurry. Now after this battle, Liang Yan has no hesitation. With a one-handed pinch, the breath of the Golden Core Realm is unreservedly released, and the whole person It turned into a long rainbow and disappeared into the depths of the jungle in a moment...


   Five days later, at the foot of a majestic mountain, a rough-looking middle-aged man dressed in linen came to him.

   "It seems that this is Tianyuan Mountain, it really looks a little magnificent!"

   The middle-aged man looked up at the top of the mountain and muttered to himself.

   As far as he could see, it was the top of Tianyuan Mountain, but this majestic mountain was flattened with magical powers and replaced by a small town.

In fact, this middle-aged man was Liang Yan who rushed here all the way. Because he had fought with the "Huangjiao Great Immortal", he had no choice but to disguise himself again with the spell of "The Path of Destiny" in an attempt to get through. .

   After approaching Tianyuan Mountain, Liang Yan has already met many human monks one after another, and from these people's mouth, he has given him some information about this place.

   It is said that in the territory of the Seven Star City, there are dozens of teleportation formations, which lead to different places. This Tianyuan Mountain is where one of the teleportation formations is located.

   Like this important place, Seven Star City will naturally send people to guard it, and monks from all over the Antarctic Xianzhou will also come and go. Over time, a town composed of monks formed on the top of Tianyuan Mountain.

   Whether it is a local monk in the territory of the Seven-Star City, or a passing visitor, they can trade resources and exchange information in the town, which can be regarded as a market for cultivators.

   Liang Yan rectified his spirit, and then drove a light, and flew towards the top of the mountain along the steep mountain road.

   The top of Tianyuan Mountain is as smooth as a mirror, as if it was cut crosswise by a person, cutting off most of it, and a huge town stood on the top of the mountain.

   Liang Yan pressed down and escaped from a distance, and stopped on the steep mountain road.

   He raised his eyes and looked forward, and saw that there were extremely powerful defensive restrictions around the town. Even if he wanted to force through it with his own cultivation base, it would be more fortunate.

   The only place that can be entered and exited normally is the entrance to the town on the north side, where there are more than a dozen monks as guards, and their cultivation bases are all above the Juyuan realm.

   At this time, there are already many cultivators coming and going in and out of the town, and those Tianyuan Mountain cultivators on duty will check one by one, looking extremely strict.

   Liang Yan saw the situation at the entrance, and he had no worries in his heart. He has the suzerain of the Xuanshuang Sect as the security, and now he is considered a person of innocent origin, naturally, he will not cause any commotion.

As soon as he thought of this, he did not hesitate, and walked directly towards the entrance of the After seeing him at the gate of the city, the Tianyuanshan monk immediately had three people out of the queue and respectfully saluted him. :

   "Senior, wait a minute, I'll wait for my routine, and please show my ID so that I can verify the origin."

Liang Yan didn't have the slightest intention to hide his cultivation, and he had long released his Golden Core Realm aura. These people were only in the Juyuan Realm, but when they saw him, they didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, they showed an attitude of neither humble nor overbearing It is commonplace for them to interrogate high-ranking monks.

   "Hehe, I am the elder of the Xuanshuang Sect. If you want to come this time, you must present this thing to Fellow Xiong in person."

   Liang Yan said that he took out a wooden box with complicated patterns from his sleeve and showed it to several people.

   Among the cultivators of Tianyuan Mountain, an old man who seemed to be a leader squinted his eyes a little, then nodded and said:

   "There is nothing wrong, it is indeed the mark of Sect Master Xuanshuang, this senior has an innocent background and can enter the city."

   While he was speaking, he waved his hand, and the monks who followed immediately dispersed, revealing a passage.

   Liang Yan smiled when he saw this, and walked in without saying much.

   After he entered the city gate, he found people coming and going on the street. Many monks were walking among them. Some were walking in a hurry, while others were smiling and strolling in the courtyard.

   "It seems that the monks I met before did not lie to me. Not only are there teleportation circles, there are also many exchange gatherings, and even some underground trading venues." Liang Yan secretly thought.

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