The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 942: Dark Moon Pavilion

Liang Yan is also very interested in this kind of trading place. After all, the monks of different schools practice different techniques and require different resources. It is naturally a joy for everyone to be able to communicate with each other.

   And the thing he needs most now is "Blood Cloud Branches".

   In the battle of Yixing Pavilion, Liang Yanjianwan was damaged. Although they have been slowly recovering in the "Taixu Gourd" over the years, the speed is too slow.

   If you can get a "blood cloud branch", you can speed up the repair of the sword pill, so that you can add one of the most powerful hole cards.

With an attitude of giving it a try, Liang Yan did not go directly to the teleportation circle, but went to several trading places in the town, but to his disappointment, there were no shops here. Inventory of "Blood Cloud Branch".

   After walking around the whole town, Liang Yan couldn't help sighing in his heart:

   "It seems that this thing is still too precious. Even in Xianzhou, Antarctica, it is impossible to buy it from these ordinary chambers of commerce..."

   But he didn't lose too much. After all, this place is just a small market. When it comes to Tianhe City, there is always a way to get "Blood Cloud Branches".

After figuring this out, Liang Yan suddenly felt in his heart. He seemed to wander around the town at random, and he had already discovered that the place was arranged according to the Jiugong map, and the most central grid was the teleportation array. Where.

   After investigating the terrain, Liang Yan did not rashly rush to find Xiong Tianqi, but made another circle around the outskirts of the town, and finally came to a remote alley.

   There is an old pill workshop with weeds at the door and dilapidated courtyard. Obviously business is not good, and few people care about it.

However, Liang Yan learned from a monk whom he met before that this is an underground trading place hidden in Tianyuan Town. People who come here do not ask about their identity or origin, as long as you can afford the corresponding Spirit stones or treasures have a high probability of getting what you want.

   is not only trading resources, it can even be achieved by asking people to help arrange formations, practice magic weapons, or break restrictions.

   Liang Yan inspected the courtyard door for a while, then stepped in.

Inside the   Pharmaceutical Workshop, there are only a few rows of wooden counters, on which are arranged several wooden boxes, each marked with the name and purpose of the medicine inside.

   Liangyan swept a little bit, and found that the medicinal pills placed on the table were ordinary goods, not to mention the Antarctic Xianzhou, even in the land of Nanchu.

In the large room of   no, there was only an old man in his seventies sitting on the countertop, squinting his small eyes and looking up and down at himself. After a while, he listened to him slowly and asked:

   "What kind of pill do you want to buy? Although my pill shop is a bit old, there are a lot of good products!"

   Liang Yan smiled slightly after hearing this: "I'm not here to buy pills, but to find Dark Moon Pavilion."

   The old man heard the words "Dark Moon Pavilion", the corners of his mouth moved unconsciously, and he re-examined the middle-aged man in front of him. He seemed to have discovered something interesting, hehe smiled:

   "Wonderful, wonderful! It turns out that your Excellency is also a person who knows goods. If this is the case, come with the old man."

   As he spoke, he jumped out from behind the counter. Because of politeness, Liang Yan didn't release his spiritual sense to inspect the room before. It was only then that he discovered that the upper body of this seemingly ordinary old man, the lower body was actually empty, and only an oil lamp was floating in the air.

   Just when Liang Yan was a little surprised secretly, the old man had already turned around and pushed aside the mechanism on the wall, revealing a secret road leading to the ground.

   "What are you still waiting for? Aren't you going to enter the Dark Moon Pavilion?"

   The weird old man walked into the secret tunnel first without looking back, leaving only a faint voice.

   Liang Yan stood there and hesitated for a while, but in the end he followed the old man and stepped into the secret path.

   The whole secret road is deep and long. The two of them walked a whole incense stick before they came to the end. What appeared in front of them was a quaint stone gate with a moon pattern carved on the stone gate.

   "This is it."

   The weird old man turned around and threw a dark thing at him.

   Liang Yan reached out and took it, only to see a black mask with some simple prohibitions on it, which could block other people's divine sense detection.

   He checked carefully and found that there was nothing wrong with the mask, so he put it directly on his face.

   "Your Excellency, please."

After    spoke, Liang Yan realized that he had even changed his voice.

   "Hey, there is no work but no work, the old man was originally the guide of the Dark Moon Pavilion, and it is a great honor to be able to guide you."

   While the weird old man spoke, a meaningful smile appeared on his face, then he turned around and stretched out his hand to open Shimen.

   With a bang, the Shimen completely opened. Liang Yan looked up and saw that it was a wide underground hall divided into several areas. There were already many monks wearing black masks like him.

"Hey, Dark Moon Pavilion is an underground trading place. Whatever your needs, as long as there are enough spirit stones, you can achieve it here." The old man beside him slowly said: "If you return here after completing the transaction, Just tap the stone door seven times and it will open automatically."

Liang Yan nodded lightly, arched his hand towards the weird old man and walked in. At the same time, the stone gate behind him also made a rumbling sound, and it slowed down shortly after he entered. Slowly closed.

Liang Yan settled for a while, and then began to observe the surroundings silently, only to see that the underground hall was divided into five areas, namely the "Appreciation Zone", "Trading Zone", "Forbidden Zone", "Alchemy Zone" and "Refining Zone".器区".

   Among them, the "trading area" is the largest, accounting for almost half of the entire underground hall. The remaining "alchemy area" and "refining area" are not small, and the two together account for more than 40% of the area.

   Only the "Appreciation Zone" and the "Forbidden Zone" are the smallest. Together, these two places are less than 10% of the entire underground area.

   Liang Yan pondered for a while, then stepped forward and walked directly to the "forbidden zone" in the corner.

There is only a small stone room here. Pushing open the stone gate, Liang Yan saw a woman in a blue dress sitting inside. This woman was covered with a light veil and couldn't see her appearance, but she was graceful and light, with a hazy beauty. .

   She was sitting behind a stone table, and when she saw Liang Yan coming in, she didn't get up, but said lightly:

   "Please sit down."

   Liang Yan nodded, closed the Shimen with his backhand, and sat down in front of the masked woman. At this time, he heard the other's soft voice and said indifferently: "Why did you come?"

   "That's it!"

   Liang Yan smiled slightly, and took out something from his sleeve and placed it on the stone table.

   If Bo Songran, the lord of the Xuanshuang Sect, was here, he would be able to recognize that this thing was the wooden box he entrusted to Liang Yan to send the letter!

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