The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 943: Masked woman

The blue-clothed woman with a veil mask looked at the wooden box on the table, did not reach for it, but asked, "It seems that you are going to break the restrictions in this wooden box?"


   Liang Yan nodded, and replied very simply.

   The masked woman didn’t even look at him. She just raised her hand, and immediately a blue light enveloped the wooden box. After a long time, she listened to her indifferently and said:

"The prohibition in this wooden box is quite troublesome. There is a'Linglong Mother Talisman' inside. If you break it forcibly, not only will it damage the contents of the box, but within a hundred miles, the person holding the sub-talisman will instantly Can sense it."

   "Oh? There is such a thing!"

   Liang Yan frowned slightly after listening to the masked woman.

   In fact, the reason why he came here was because of his distrust of Sect Master Xuanshuang.

   When this person saw Liang Yan for the first time, the strange light in his eyes, although it was fleeting at the time, still made Liang Yan suspicious.

   It wasn't long before he landed in Xianzhou, Antarctica. It is impossible to see the monk here, but why does the other party seem to have known him a long time ago?

   Moreover, the delivery of the letter is inherently suspicious. Xiong Tianqi, as the guardian of Tianyuan Mountain in the seven-star town, is of high authority. Why would Bai Songran send an outsider like himself to deliver the letter?

   Of course, these doubts are not evidence. Even though Liang Yan was puzzled in his heart, he still agreed to send the letter in order to rush to Tianhe City as soon as possible.

   After all, if what Bai Songran said is true, it would be too difficult for him, an overseas monk who smuggled Antarctica into Xianzhou, to obtain the qualification to use the teleportation circle.

   It's just that he also kept an eye on him. After leaving the Xuanshuang Sect, he didn't use his original face to show others, but used the spell of "Ration Wood Dao" to disguise and disguise, all the way with the cultivation base of the Ju Yuan realm.

  Until he met the "Yellow Horn Great Immortal", the strange look on his face after seeing his three sword gangs made his suspicion aggravated.

   The Antarctic Xianzhou is unpredictable, especially the monks in the Twelve Cities. Under the same realm, they can almost be said to be the monks who crushed Nanchu.

   Liang Yan arrived at Tianyuan Mountain, and his vigilance couldn't help but rise to the apex, because he found that there were at least three auras in the city, all of which were above the middle of the golden core.

   Recalling that a "Yellow Horned Fairy" in the past had been able to fight him with hundreds of moves undefeated, let alone Xiong Tianqi who guarded this place.

   If the situation changes, he is not sure to retreat from Tianyuan Mountain without using the sword pill.

Adhering to the principle of "be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years", Liang Yan decided to open the envelope in advance to see what the contents were. If it was a letter of help, as Bai Songran said, then he would still According to the plan, it was transferred to Xiong Tianqi in exchange for a trial qualification for the teleportation circle.

   But if the content inside is tricky, then he said he must not reconsider this plan.

   It's just that there is a problem in this way, because Bai Songran once told him not to open the wooden box to read the letters inside. If this person sets a prohibition in the wooden box, won't you just run away this time?

   If you only talk about the power of fighting, Liang Yan will naturally have a sharp flying sword technique, but when it comes to this method of breaking the prohibition, Liang Yan can only be said to be ordinary.

   Bai Songran is after all a monk in the middle of the Golden Core. If he rashly starts, he is afraid that he will not lose the rice by stealing the chicken, but will miss his own major event.

   After thinking about it, Liang Yan decided to come to the Dark Moon Pavilion and pay some spirit stones as the price to let a cultivator who is good at breaking the restrictions do it for him, so he had the scene before him.

   Hearing that the masked woman said that there are restrictions in the wooden box, and there are weird talisman like "Linglong Mother Talisman", Liang Yan couldn't help but wonder.

   "Does Bai Songran really have no plans, or is there other things that are hidden from me?"

   Liang Yan murmured for a while, then asked, "Dare to ask fellow daoists, is there a way to break this restriction?"

The masked woman nodded and said: "There is naturally a way. If you want to crack the'Linglong Mother Talisman' inside without being discovered by the child talisman, you need a thousand spiritual stones. And if you want to completely break the wooden box prohibition, If you don't damage the contents, you have to add another two thousand spirit stones."

   Liang Yan's mouth twitched when he heard it, and the woman in front of her was clearly a lion's mouth!

   But he had predicted this long ago. After all, Dark Moon Pavilion is an underground place for secret transactions. Both the commission and the risk here are higher than other places, and it is normal that the price is a bit more expensive.

   He has no shortage of spirit stones, he only pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, only three thousand spirit stones, I hope fellow daoists will not disappoint me!"

   Liang Yan raised his hand while speaking, and saw a small storage bag on the table.

   The masked woman picked up the storage bag, checked it with her spiritual sense, and nodded with satisfaction: "It is indeed three thousand spiritual stones, and the quality is good. I will take this business."

As soon as   's voice fell, she stood up, reached out and took out a compass from her sleeve, and stuck it on the lid of the wooden box, as if she was carefully measuring something.

   At the same time, her ten green jade fingers were constantly moving in the air, and strands of blue silk thread came out from her sleeves and went straight into the wooden, it did not cause any fluctuations at all.

   Liang Yan looked at her and nodded secretly. Although this woman was the same as herself, she only had the cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan, but her method of breaking the restriction was really brilliant.

   The masked woman teased for a long time, and suddenly heard a "click" inside the wooden box, it seemed that the mechanism was loose.

   Liang Yan's heart moved, and he looked down, but saw that on the surface of the wooden box, there was a yellow talisman that was slowly pulled out by the masked woman with blue silk thread.

   And above the yellow talisman, there is an exquisite and small ice flower, which is slowly rotating, looking very gorgeous.

   "Is this the'Linglong Mother Talisman'?" Liang Yan asked curiously.

However, the masked woman did not answer. Instead, she patted the storage bag on her waist with one hand, and saw a blue jade bottle flying out of it. Under the guidance of the masked woman, a drop of viscous liquid came out of the bottle. The mouth enters, falls on the surface of the wooden box, and disappears in a moment.

   At the same time, the masked woman pinched one-handedly, and the eyes behind the veil seemed to shoot out two strange lights.

   Under her constant spellcasting, another scent of incense was passed. Suddenly, she heard the wooden box "click", and the entire lid of the box opened automatically, revealing a white envelope inside.

   After opening the wooden box, the masked woman's forehead was already faintly sweaty. At this time, she let out a long sigh of relief, sat back on the wooden chair again, and said faintly:

   "The wooden box has been opened, and you only have half a cup of tea time. After reading the contents of the letter, immediately put it back into the wooden box, and you can keep the prohibition from being destroyed."

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