The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 937: The unrivaled pagoda cavalry

"Meng Qi, go all out to help the Azure Dragon Army!"

From the rear, Liu Bei was heartbroken when he saw Qinglong Heavy Cavalry being slaughtered by Tiefutu.

He didn't believe it anymore, and with the addition of 700,000 iron cavalry from Xiliang, couldn't they kill the 30,000 Iron Buddhas?

"The last general takes orders!"

Ma Chao led the attack with a spear in his hand.

Now the whole battlefield is in chaos.

The Yue Family Army led by Yue Fei was fighting with Xue Rengui's Xue Family Army.

The Azure Dragon Army and the Shenwu Army fought together.

At the north gate, the Beifu army was attacked by Di Qing's evil ghost army.

Di Qing, whose courtesy name is Hanchen, has tattoos on his face, is good at riding and shooting, and is known as "General Face Nirvana". And the evil ghost army under his command, everyone wears evil ghost masks, disheveled hair, brave and invincible.

It was also the result of Zhao Kuangyin's careful consideration that the evil spirits would fight against the Beifu ghost soldiers.

As for Li Ji in Ximen, he is currently under attack from Cao Binzhending's army.

Cao Bin, courtesy name Guohua, was a famous general who founded the country of the Song Dynasty.

Although the Zhending Army under his command is no match for Li Ji's Longwu Army. But at this time, even if the strength is weak, it must go up.

Zhao Kuangyin is fighting hard.

Yue Fei, Di Qing, and Cao Bin, these three are Song's last cards.

With Liu Bei leading an army to support him, he is confident of winning the final victory.

"His grandma, the people who come to us are a group of grannies and dogs."

Kaifeng City South Gate.

Nieba cursed while massacring the rangers of the Song Empire,

The soldiers under his command are also at the beginning level of killing gods, and Li Yuanhao's Xixia wolf cavalry is unparalleled in speed.

But even though they are so strong, Zhao Kuangyin still doesn't pay attention to them.

The three famous generals of the Song Dynasty were all sent to the east gate, west gate and north gate.

"Why should General Nieba get angry?"

At this time, Li Yuanhao, who was on the side, said while watching the battlefield: "We just need to guard the south gate and prevent Zhao Kuangyin from escaping."

Go into battle to kill the enemy wantonly?

Thinking of Guan Yu's incomparable power just now, he panicked a little.

There are countless beautiful wives and concubines in his Xixia kingdom, he doesn't want to die here.

"I can't wait for Zhao Kuangyin to break through from our south gate!"

Nieba wiped the knife in his hand, and smiled: "The merit of beheading Zhao Kuangyin is enough to be famous through the ages!"

Although he is a ranger.

But when he reached his position, he not only pursued strength, but also pursued the singing of thousands of people.

No matter how strong the strength is, what's the use of people in the world not knowing?

"Hehe, I hope."

Li Yuanhao didn't want to.

He just wanted to end the battle early and return to the Great Xia Kingdom.


East Gate Battlefield.

The appearance of Xiliang iron cavalry led by Ma Chao caused a lot of commotion.

From the perspective of momentum alone, Ma Chao's Xiliang Iron Cavalry does not seem to be much weaker than Guan Yu's Qinglong Army.

Ma Chao appeared on the battlefield where Tiefutu and the Qinglong Army were fighting after piercing through the archers of the Shenwu Army.

"Kill the enemy!"

Xiliang iron cavalry is both heavy cavalry and light cavalry.

They are indeed inferior to the Iron Buddha in terms of defense, but their extremely fast speed allows them to return immediately.

Ma Chao knew the strength of Tie Futu, so he didn't give Tie Futu a chance to attack them.

Under the sharp arrows, the armor on the Iron Buddha soldier's body made a clanging sound.

The arrow technique of Xiliang iron cavalry is very accurate.

As they deliberately attacked the vital parts, many Tiefutu's necks were shot through.

And the knees, the waist. All places with gaps are the targets of their attacks.

However, Ma Chao had not been happy for a long time, and a scene that horrified him appeared again.

Those Iron Buddha soldiers who were shot through their knees and necks didn't die at all.

They pulled out the arrows in their bodies, and the rich blood on the battlefield immediately repaired their injuries.

In other words, unless it kills in one hit.

Otherwise, on this battlefield, the Thirty Thousand Iron Buddhas are invincible!

"Wind and thunder force field!"

How could Ma Chao watch Guan Yu's Azure Dragon Army fall.

He threw a spear.

In an instant, a huge wind and thunder force field appeared on the ground.

Rumble! Kaz Kaz.

Under the ravages of thunder, every Iron Buddha soldier in the force field was paralyzed.

Thunder bombarded their bodies and began to burn their flesh and blood.

Under the extremely high temperature, the power of thunder dispelled the blood energy. Without the blessing of blood, the soldiers of Tiefutu suffered casualties for the first time!

Ma Chao is a strong man in the Shenmen Realm.

With his means, he can kill Tiefutu who is powerful on the border!

"Break it for this general!"

Seeing Ma Chao attacking himself, Chen Yang abandoned the inhuman Guan Ping who was trampled by him.

He turned around and tore apart the wind and thunder force field with one strike of his sword.

Qinglong Heavy Cavalry who wants to rescue Guan Yu under his hands, dreaming!

"court death!"

Seeing that Chen Yang broke his own wind and thunder force field with a sword, Ma Chao rushed over with a roar.

With the spear in his hand, every blow would send Chenyang on the road.


The spear was like a dragon, and Chen Yang was forced back hundreds of steps by him!


Being crushed and beaten by a boy who was the same age as him, how could Chen Yang be convinced?

He was full of anger, and the long sword in his hand abruptly blocked all Ma Chao's attacks.

In the next second, he turned to pick it up.

After resisting the continuous attacks from Ma Chao, he started to fight back!

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

For a time, the two fought for dozens of rounds.

Since both of them are in the realm of Shenmen and cavalry generals, it is difficult to distinguish the winner for a while.

Ma Chao was in a hurry when he found that he couldn't kill Chen Yang quickly.

He is fighting evenly here, but the soldiers under his command and the remaining Qinglong heavy cavalry are being slaughtered by the Iron Buddha!

"Soldiers and martyrs!"

With a roar, his strength suddenly rose.

With the blessing of the army and martyrs, he gradually gained the upper hand. The spear in his hand began to stab wounds on Chen Yang's body.

This battle has become beneficial to him again.

"Go away!"

Chen Yang bit the tip of his tongue, and the sweet smell of blood made him run away in an instant.

As the commander of the Iron Buddha, he naturally possesses some characteristics of the Iron Buddha.

Strengthen your own strength with the power of your own flesh and blood.

As long as there is blood in his body, he can run away forever!

"You! You retreat first!"

Feeling the surging power in Chen Yang's body, Ma Chao knew that today's battle would not end so easily.

Under his order, the remaining Qinglong heavy cavalry and Xiliang cavalry began to retreat.

They switched targets.

No matter how Tie Futu hunted them down, they still wanted to kill the enemies ahead.

For a while, under the fleeing of Qinglong Heavy Cavalry and Xiliang Iron Cavalry, the entire battlefield was completely chaotic.

They ran to the south gate and trampled to death many rangers of the Song Empire and Ba Dao Army.

That is, when Nieba was about to raise his sword to fight back, they came to the west gate again.

Here, Li Ji's Longwu army is slaughtering the Zhending army.

Seeing the invincible posture of Long Wujun, Guan Ping didn't dare to stay longer.

He didn't even dare to cut through the formation of Longwu Army.

The weak Zhending Army became their target.

"You are courting death!"

Cao Bin was angry. He originally thought that Guan Ping was a friendly army, but he didn't want all the soldiers under his command to die under the friendly army's horse.

Under the leadership of Guan Ping, Iron Buddha also galloped here.

In an instant, blood flowed like rivers, and ghosts cried and wolves howled.

After Tie Futu left, Cao Bin found that only half of the soldiers under his command were left.

When he looked up again and saw the knife in Li Ji's hand, he was terrified!

"Run! Run!"

Guan Ping continued to run.

He couldn't stop, because if he stopped, the soldiers under his command would die under the knife of Tiefutu.

If Liu Bei hadn't given the order yet, otherwise he would have led his army to retreat at this moment.

This Iron Buddha is too terrifying, unrivaled, unrivaled!

After disrupting the situation at the west city gate, the remaining Qinglong army ran to the north city gate where the ghost soldiers of the Beifu were stationed.

This is the place of ghosts.

Liu Laozhi is fighting with Di Qing, and the ghosts under his command are also intertwined.

Beifu ghost soldiers are immortal.

After repeated massacres were ineffective, Di Qing's evil ghost army also began to feel fear.

How to fight this?

They originally thought that they were evil spirits in the current world, and their fierce reputation could frighten a large number of enemies.

This time, however, what they encountered were real ghosts, ghosts that could not be killed.

Di Qing's evil ghost army has reached the brink of destruction under the repeated attacks of the Beifu ghost soldiers.

"General Di Qing, I will help you!"

Guan Ping couldn't tell which were ghost soldiers and which were evil spirits.

If so, crush them all.

He had never fought against the Beifu Legion, so he was sure that he only needed to crush these skeletons.

What is the fastest way to crush bone stubble? Of course it was his Azure Dragon Heavy Cavalry.

And after his Qinglong heavy cavalry, there is the unstoppable Iron Buddha.

"This time, I'm going to make a contribution."

A trace of joy rose in his heart. After fleeing for so long, no matter whether it is crushing Di Qing's evil ghost or crushing Beifu ghost soldiers, this is killing the enemy!


Tens of thousands of Qinglong heavy cavalry held the reins tightly and stabilized their bodies. Some people burst into tears and were very excited.


However, in the next second, all the Qinglong heavy cavalry seemed to hit an iron wall.

Do not! Not an iron wall!

Countless green dragon heavy cavalry flew out, hitting the ground with **** flesh.

It was the bone claws that grew out of the ground that grabbed the horse's leg, and Qinglong's heavy cavalry was too powerful, breaking the horse's leg and flying out.

"Quack." A Beifu ghost soldier laughed.

Don't look at them as just a group of skeletons, seemingly weak.

But in fact, each of them at the initial stage of killing gods is a peerless skeleton.

Guan Ping led the Qinglong heavy cavalry to attack, isn't it a sheep into a tiger's mouth?


Guan Ping also flew out to the battlefield where Liu Laozhi and Di Qing fought.

Looking at the unexpected guest, Liu Laozhi raised his foot.

Click! Boom!

Guan Ping's head was directly crushed, and the whole body was kicked far away by Liu Laozhi.

Guan Ping died, and he didn't even know how he died.


Deep Space Battlefield.

The appearance of Xie Xuan and Zhang Fei did not affect the battle between Guan Yu and Guan Hai at all.

With Xie Xuan blocking it, it was impossible for Zhang Fei to help Guan Yu.

On the contrary, because of his lack of strength, he became Guan Yu's burden for a while!

But it was at the most intense time of the battle between the two sides.


Guan Yu spat out a mouthful of blood.

He had no time to care about Zhang Fei who was ravaged by Xie Xuan, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.


He could clearly perceive that his son Guan Ping died in battle!

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of the online game: The Fall of the Heavens ()

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