The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 938: Zhan Liu Guanzhang

"You! You all have to die!"

Guan Ping's death caused Guan Yu to go completely berserk.

He thought that this was a battle that was sure to win, but he didn't want to lose even his own son here in the end.

In this battle, no matter whether he can kill Guan Hai and others, Guan Yu is the loser.

The pain of bereavement, the pain of bereavement in middle age!

Under the great sadness and anger, the green dragon behind him screamed.

"Second brother!"

Liu Bei felt Guan Yu's pain, and rushed forward in a hurry.

He grasped the Yanyue Saber in Guan Yu's hand, suppressed tears and shook his head, "No!"

Guan Yu can't run away.

If Guan Yu desperately seeks revenge from Guan Hai and the others, then nothing will survive in this place!

"Brother, Ping'er can't die in vain!"

Guan Yu roared with blood, "Even if I die today, I will let this world be buried with Ping'er."

At this time, what he wants to destroy is not only Guan Hai and Tianqi's army.

He even wants this world to be buried with his son!

"Second brother!"

At this time Zhang Fei also rushed over and grabbed Yanyue Dao, and tried hard to persuade: "Ping'er died in battle, we are all heartbroken."

"But we can't destroy Big Brother's hegemony!"

Guan Ping is dead, and they are still alive.

As long as Liu Bei can successfully settle in Kaifeng City, then Zhang Fei and Guan Yu will also be kings of a country in the future!

At that time, no matter how many children they want to have.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The sliver of rationality left Guan Yu almost insane.

He really wanted to kill the world with a single blow, and he really wanted to let the world know how brave Guan Yunchang was.

But Liu Bei and Zhang Fei beside him tried hard to persuade him, and finally he compromised.

He not only has a son, but also two brothers who are like brothers!

"Our three brothers, their profits cut through gold!"

Seeing Guan Yu gradually regaining his senses, Liu Bei held his hand tightly. Zhang Fei also stretched out his rough palm, and in an instant, a strange energy surrounded the three of them.

The color of the world changed again, and the whole world seemed to be cheering for their brotherhood.


Guan Hai and Xie Xuan stood together, looking at Guan Yu, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei with extreme fear.

They can clearly feel it.

Liu Bei, who was not strong enough to enter the altar, suddenly rose to the altar level when he stood beside Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

There is also Zhang Fei, who was in the first stage of the altar, and suddenly stepped into the middle stage of the altar at this time.

This brotherhood is so deep that it can actually strengthen their strength.

"It's Taoyuan's trio of sworn brothers."

Xie Xuan said slowly: "Now Liu Bei and Zhang Fei both share Guan Yu's strength!"

How strong is the complete Liu Guanzhang?

At least for now, Guan Hai and Xie Xuan have seen it.

Guan Yu, who is in the back stage of the altar, is paired with Zhang Fei, who is in the middle stage of the altar, and Liu Bei, who is in the early stage of the altar.

The three brothers in Taoyuan, the three gods on the altar and the real fairyland powerhouse!

With such strength, Liu Bei is indeed qualified to become the overlord of a country!

"Huh, it looks like I'm going to fight for my life!"

Guan Hai touched the blood knife in his hand.

He can only fight Guan Yu alone at most, and he has tried his best with every knife just now.

Now that Guan Yu has the support of Zhang Fei and Liu Bei, even if Xie Xuan is on the side to support him, he will do his best!

"Give that fly to me."

Xie Xuan didn't hold back.

He himself is only a strong man in the middle of the altar, and the safest course of action is naturally to fight against Zhang Fei alone.

He Xie Xuan's body, and the lives of millions of Beifu ghost soldiers below.

In fact, in Beifu Guibingwu's first resurrection, his strength was actually not so stable.

Now, the only way is to kill Zhang Fei first!

As for the remaining Liu Bei who is in the initial stage of the altar, let's wait and see!

"Haha, it's so lively!"

But at this moment, Li Ji flew up.

Since his subordinate Longwu Army stepped into the initial stage of killing gods, his strength has also stabilized at the initial stage of the altar.

"How could I, Li Ji, be missing in such a lively battlefield?"

He can't beat Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but he has no problem against Liu Bei.

At this time, the battlefield in the deep space has become a three-on-three battle with a balanced number of people!


Li Ji's appearance made Guan Hai overjoyed.

Roaring all over his body, he rushed towards Guan Yu again.


The Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife in his hand was filled with blood, and Guan Yu was knocked back with one blow.

But the next second.


A blue dragon came roaring.

The huge dragon tail swept across Guan Hai's body, making the tip of Guan Hai's tongue bleed.


Then there was another green dragon breath, and the blue flame made him sizzle.

The breath in the deep space became hot, and the entire sky turned blue.


However, a blood knife suddenly flew out from the dragon's breath.

Guan Yu's dragon's breath not only did not hurt Guan Hai, Qinglong was also cut in half by Guan Hai.

After absorbing the power of the green dragon, the Blood Prison Soul Breaker in Guan Hai's hand became more and more demonic.

Accompanied by Guan Hai's gentle waving, the howling of ghosts and wolves was captivating.

"Eight Zhang Snake Spear!"

When Guan Hai was fighting Guan Yu, Zhang Fei charged Xie Xuan with an eight-foot-long spear.

He had been ravaged by Xie Xuan for so long just now, and now it was finally his turn to take revenge.


The eight-foot snake spear stirred up the deep space, and thunder neighed from the spear body.


With one blow, Xie Xuan took a dozen steps back with the Poxuan sword in his hand.

Although he has been working in Shentai Central Realm for more than half a year. But in terms of pure strength, he is still inferior to the strong and brave Zhang Fei.


After gaining the upper hand with one blow, Zhang Fei suddenly roared again.


His sound was like thunder, and Xie Xuan's eyes went fierce! After stepping into the middle of the altar, Zhang Fei is invincible and brave!

"Die to grandpa!"

Taking advantage of Xie Xuan's brief absence, he jumped up.


With one blow, Xie Xuan's figure instantly disappeared into the sky.

Although he blocked the blow with the Powang sword, the unstoppable power made him fly backwards ten thousand meters.

call out!

Another cold light.

Zhang Fei threw out the eight-foot-long spear in his hand, and the sharp spear went straight for Xie Xuan's head!

when! Click!

But this time, an ear-piercing voice sounded.

The mighty Hachizhang Snake Spear flew backwards after a click.

Zhang Fei grabbed the spear and took a look. A crack had already appeared on his beloved Bazhang spear.

"Some strength."

In the distance, Xie Xuan slowly volleyed over.

Every step he takes is a distance of thousands of meters.

As soon as his voice fell, he appeared in front of Zhang Fei.


Behind him, a broken sword turned into a thousand swords and thousands of swords.


In the next second, dense golden blades shot towards Zhang Fei.

Under the clanging, Zhang Fei was trapped.

No matter how he roared at this time, he could not escape the attack of the Poxuan Golden Sword.

"Third brother."

Seeing that Zhang Fei was in danger, Liu Bei rushed over with two maces in hand.

He wanted to rescue his third brother Zhang Fei. However, before he touched the corner of Xie Xuan's clothes, Li Ji forced him back with a sword in his hand.

"Your opponent is me!"

Li Ji said coldly.

Although his force value is not high, Liu Bei looks easy to bully!

With one strike, Liu Bei was forced to retreat steadily.

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of the online game: The Fall of the Heavens ()

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