


If you like God Station, remember to collect it, and recommend it to more friends who love reading books

Roy rested his elbow on the handle of the chair. He asked with his fingers resting on his cheeks.

"I can answer this question for you. There is indeed a kingdom of fairies in the underworld, and there are many fairies from Eastern and Western myths living there. But I'm sorry that I can't tell you the exact coordinates of the kingdom of fairies in the underworld. This is a contract that every Fairy King must abide by.


Anne Charlton nodded and said after deliberating for a while.

ask for flowers

"I'm not interested in the fairy kingdom in the ghost world, I just want to know that compared to Mrs. Aisha's powers that can go berserk, they are real goblins. When playing a prank on goblins, can you accurately determine whether to return to the fairyland? a specific time in the past."

Roy continued to ask. To gain the power that can distort time, the power of the fairy king is the best way to use it. Because of the fact that Asia has traveled in ancient times many times, it is possible to go back to the past in this world.

Annie. Charlton heard that Roy didn't want to go to the fairyland. Her expression was also much more relaxed, if Luo Dan really asked that, it would make her a little embarrassed.

"Single fairy kings can't accurately go back to the past time, but if multiple fairy kings join forces, there is no problem. The fairy kings that exist in the underworld include Xie Yitan, the princess Salome, Boreas, Lord of the Northern Storm, Aberich the Dry of the Black Dwarves, Simon the King of Sandstorms, Chichimora, the Witch of Poland, etc.”

"I probably know what you want to do. You want to go back to a specific point in time to do something. But here I want to give you a piece of advice. Because of the existence of historical revision power, even if you go back to the past You can't change the future."

Anne Charlton read out a series of names, and at the same time, she also had some understanding of Roy's calculations. So give him enough advice.

"You don't need Annie's concerns about the power of historical revision. I already have a way to solve it, I just ask you one thing. If Mrs. Elsa takes the initiative to open the corridor of the fairy realm, JLL, can the fairy kings be okay? Teleport me exactly to a certain chronology L"

Roy sat up straight and asked word by word, this is the second step of the grand ceremony he is about to complete. It is also a crucial one.

"Can go"

Annie replied affirmatively.

"Then can you go and get the Goblin King to agree to do this?"

Roy asked L again if Annie said yes, then he could only take extraordinary measures and use some violent methods to get the coordinates of the kingdom of fairies and kill them all the way to the land of fairies.

"No problem. As the goblin king, I have the right to ask the locals to do me a favor, and I am willing to help you, unlike other godslayers. I don't want to see the last king wreaking havoc in this land that will cause Many innocent casualties."

Anne Charlton said with a sense of justice.

"I'll leave it to you then. Anne. Charlton!"

Roy relaxed and said with a smile.

become. Now there is only the last one left - the door L of 'wisdom' and 'knowledge', which is enough to parse the ritual,

Chapter 157: Forging the Last Steel with Planet Fire

Go from Roy to America to find Annie. Charlton, two and one times have passed =

"The audience is so kind. This is the special column group of Japan's HK TV station. Today we visited the experts of natural disaster research at the University of Tokyo, and asked the experts to explain to us about the recent uproar on the Internet about the rise of the world's volcanic index.

"Professor Ishihara, how to explain the phenomenon of the increase in the activity index of volcanoes? In the past month, many research institutes in related fields have found that many underground rock flows of active volcanoes are accelerating. The movement of submarine volcanoes also It has become more frequent, and even many fire karmas that have been identified as extinct volcanoes have recently recovered.”

"This situation is like a scene in the doomsday movie <>. In the ancient times hundreds of millions of years ago, there were many extinctions caused by volcanic eruptions. There are pessimistic views on the Internet that , this is a new extinction event, do you have anything to say about this?"

A female reporter is visiting professors from prestigious universities on the Japanese national TV station HK "May_63". Looking for the most lively topic recently.

Started a month ago. Volcanoes all over the world seem to have entered an active state. Although there is no instantaneous eruption, this state also makes people all over the world worry about it. The power of nature is infinite. The time of year. And the age of the mass extinction of many species is related to the eruption of ancient mountains, which is as terrible as the mother earth spewing out the anger of many years.

"I know that many people on the Internet are paying attention to this issue recently. Japan is also in the earthquake zone. There are many active volcanoes, but I hope that Taijia will believe in real science instead of civilian science, because of this abnormal event .There was a meeting of volcanic hazard researchers around the world. There is no evidence that a new extinction event is taking place.”

A scholar with a refined atmosphere on the TV said confidently that his identity as a professor at the University of Tokyo is indeed convincing enough].

In two restaurants in Tokyo, a petite but elegant girl was sitting at the dining table. She raised her head and looked at the investigation section on the tomb of the TV screen.

After the professor from the University of Tokyo told with a confident expression of righteous words that there is no danger of human extinction, this special section finally came to an end.

The girl retracted her gaze and looked at the wild and upright woman with short brown hair sitting across from her, .= Uncle Lancelot. _The 'King' really is about to wake up⊥ Volcanoes around the world are active, this is the sign of the 'King' awakening!

The girl is the **** Zugneville. Opposite it is the protector of the ancestors, the former Amazon queen L and now the knight of the lake.

Guinevere's tone was excited, and there was a burning light in her eyes. She spoke in a coquettish tone.

'Steel' is related to fire. When humans can use iron tools, they are all forged with fire, and represent the hero of the last steel. He is the most powerful and mysterious steel in this world. What it takes to forge it is the fire of the planet. Volcanic activity all over the world means that planetary fire is forging it

When the King of the End wakes up, as long as he continues to maintain an active posture, his body will produce infinite heat, and these attachments come from the interior of the planet under his feet. The King of the End is both a hero who kills the Demon King and a **** of disobedience. The gods of disobedience are all existences that will destroy human civilization. "The method of the last king to destroy human civilization is to use the heat of his own existence to trigger the eruption of volcanoes all over the world, thereby annihilating the entire human civilization.

"I've noticed. Guinevere"

Lancelot looked a little distracted. Even the voice was worried.

"What happened? Uncle Lancelot."

Guinevere asked worriedly.

"Guinevere, although I am the patron saint of witches now. I can protect you by my side, but at the same time I am also a **** of disobedience, and the wandering characteristics of a **** of disobedience are affecting me. I don't know if I still How long you can hold on, you will lose your reason and start wandering the earth. If that day comes. I will no longer be able to protect you."

Lancelot sighed and said. It is the nature of the **** of disobedience to wander and bring disasters. Unless she is bound by a contract, the reason why she can suppress her nature and protect Guinevere is because of the contract with the ancestor of the god. . But the ancestors of the gods have no godhead after all. Their contract could not last long, and Lancelot had gradually been unable to suppress his natural liberation.

If you want to completely bind the **** of disobedience with a contract, only godslayers can do it. However, the god-killer and the **** of disobedience are life-and-death enemies. So this is another paradox, the god-killer will not help the recalcitrant god, but will find a way to kill it.

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If you like God Station, remember to collect it, and recommend it to more friends who love reading books

So far, for thousands of years, there has been only Roy, the god-killer. He made a contract with the goddess Athena, the disobedient god, and completely wiped out her wandering nature, becoming her own collaborator.

Lancelot and Guinevere are also well aware of this, so both they and the only godslayers in this world are both admirable and surprised by Roy's maverick.

Can completely control the instinct of the god-killer, and choose to fight with the **** of disobedience

Covenant cooperation. Through the ages, only Roy can do it.

"It doesn't matter, Uncle Lancelot - our mission is about to be completed as long as the 'King' can be awakened. Sending the Holy Grail to his hands, even if I die in the next second and enter the reincarnation of reincarnation, I am willing to do so."

Guinevere smiled sweetly

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