The life of her **** ancestor was not good, because the purpose of awakening the last king, she has been obstructed and hunted down by many godslayers for hundreds of years, and every time she called Lancelot to escape But after calling Lancelot too many times, Lancelot finally recovered his wandering nature.

"Yeah, Guinevere, you're right that the 'king' is about to wake up. When he wakes up, our mission will be completed. That King Roy didn't lie to us. The 'king' we serve is just sleeping here. On the ground, I can already perceive his breath, but the breath is still very weak. The location of the county body cannot be determined."

Hearing Guinevere L's consolation, Lancelot also laughed and said frankly. At this time, she had lost her wildness as the Amazon queen more and more, and began to approach 'perfect' in her behavior. ride

Her mythological attributes have been completely changed.

_ "King Roy is indeed a rare man in the world. If it weren't for our different situations and different camps. I really want to chat with him more."

Guinevere gracefully put down the cup in her hand. said warmly.

"You think so too, Gurney Wei Chuan=: It's a pity. There is only an end between us and him. Either he dies or we die."

Lancelot sighed, and then her complexion suddenly changed, "_Not good. That Jade of Swords is catching up again. This guy is just a dog-skin plaster, and he can't get rid of it!"

Lancelot stood up in a hurry, grabbed Guinevere without thinking, and ran out of the butler.

A few minutes later, a handsome Italian man came here. He looked like he was in his twenties. He was handsome and always had a stubborn smile.

The Italian man walked into the restaurant and looked around, then rubbed the back of his head with a smirk and said, "-Hey? Lancelot and Guinevere were still smelling just now, _how come they suddenly disappeared."

"Well, they must have run away.::.No L I have to continue chasing them and let them tell me where the last king sleeps L"

The Italian man murmured, hurried in and hurried away.

At this time, a Japanese male high school student screamed from the restaurant, "The store manager, those two women ran away without paying for their meal just now."

"Cao Lian, did you serve the table just now? I'm going to deduct L from your wages."

From the kitchen came the airy shout of the restaurant manager.

"What does this have to do with me?"

A high school student named Cao Lian said helplessly. Then he turned and looked at the place where Guinevere and Lancelot sat before.

He also heard the conversation between the two people before = point, these two foreign women should not be patients with severe secondary diseases. They call each other Lancelot and Guinevere L

Since a year ago, grasshoppers have found themselves constantly encountering strange things.

One hundred and fifty-eight chapters give birth to a Cupid

"Ming Shi. Why do I have to go to such an ancient past with you, Wang Ren?"

Two months after Roy found Anne Charlton and conspired with her, a 'cave' belonging to Elsa was opened in a mountain countryside in the United States. Roy, Mrs. Elsa and the incarnation of the goddess Stella La's Aphrodite came out of it.

Just returning to the modern age, Mrs. Elsa just whimpered. She was wearing a very old and dirty robe, and she had brown skin, and her complexion became even darker.

"This is the first time I've used this power on my own initiative, so I force myself to travel. If it wasn't for the master's imposition, I wouldn't have done it."

Although Mrs. Aisha is too neurotic, she still has self-knowledge. Although she has a cheerful and optimistic heart about the rampage of her own power and then travels back to the past, but it is only a joy in suffering. The actual situation is that if Aisha goes to someone else If possible, I don't want to always be involved in my own berserk power, but I have only lived through five or seven years of life. She still can't control her power.

"But this time, I really managed to actively control this ability and go back to a specific time to travel. It's really great. In this case, can I go wherever I want in the future? Ahhh, I think Go to ancient Babylon and see the Hanging Gardens! I also want to see how the pyramids were built.”

Madam Elsa, who was complaining just now, immediately shouted excitedly after she found out that her power was controllable this time.

"Aisha, you can control the power this time. It's entirely because a fairy king helps you stabilize the time and space. I don't think it's possible for you to completely control it by yourself::: Of course I don't want to hit you. Aisha, you can practice activating powers at any time. But I suggest you must go to the wilderness to activate. Don't cause trouble to others."

Roy saw that Mrs. Elsa began to be enthusiastic about her power. He immediately reminded.

At this last moment, Roy didn't want to make himself messy because of Mrs. Elsa's messy power.

"You don't trust me at all, Master."

Madam Elsa said reluctantly.

"Don't complain. Godkiller L is why I went to such a dirty place with you guys!"

Aphrodite grabbed her beautiful blonde hair and said distractedly.

"Oh, it seems that you are going well, Roy!"

Just when Mrs. Elsa and Aphrodite were quarreling, they were waiting for Roy to return in front of the demon cave. It was Anne Charlton.

Because no one else is at Annie. Charlton also, without disguise, stood freely in the wilderness.

And in order to prevent that idiot from Salvatore from making trouble!, this time Roy brought Elsa to America and used her powers secretly.

"Well. It's going very smoothly. This is more than one call for you, Annie."

Roy greeted Annie cordially after seeing Annie.

Counting the two godslayers killed by Roy, among the current godslayers, only Anne Charlton is more reliable. It is suitable for cooperation, other godslayers have more or less some brain problems, not like the way of thinking of normal people.

"Haha, to be praised by you guy_ I feel a little honored for some reason:\". By the way. Let me show you this. "

Annie. Charlton held a kraft paper bag in his hand and handed it over."

Roy took the paper bag and carried it away. There were some very simple documents on the surface. Roy's ability was nine-and-ten lines. It took a few seconds to read it.

"Volcanic turmoil in the world? It seems that the last king is finally about to wake up."

After seeing the detailed content inside, Roy raised his eyebrows.

"Sure enough, the abnormal volcanic activity that appeared in the two months you left has something to do with the last king: this **** is really scary. Even the Yellowstone volcano is active, if the Yellowstone volcano erupts completely. It will be the end of the world. ."

Annie. Charlton said worriedly that the L Yellowstone super volcano is located in the United States, and it is simply a big bomb that can wipe out all living things.

"Can you determine the specific awakening time of the last king?"

Anne asked again.

"According to the conclusions I have drawn from the data collected in the past. Generally, the last king will wake up completely after nine months of unusually active volcanoes around the world."

"That means we still have at most half a year?"

Annie. Charlton looked solemn.

"Yes. We only have half a year at most. When the King of the Last wakes up, when he gets the Holy Grail, he will activate the Covenant Law, thereby destroying all the godslayers and then sleeping again. Of course, we can also kill Guinevere now. Don't let her give the grail to the last king, but it will make the last king wander. Start collecting the spirit of the earth_ eventually he will still complete the law of the covenant.

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