Xiaojiu opened his mouth and looked at the gorgeous flames in amazement: Kukuku! The Evil King's True Eye, indeed my God's Flame burns more fiercely!

Liar! It's obviously mine!

Rikka was unhappy and immediately retorted.

As a result, the two lolita fell into a new round of argument.

When the number of hand-held fireworks became less and less, and everyone began to play with ground-type fireworks, Kasumigaoka and Touma stood a little farther away than other club members and watched the fireworks.

By the way, Mashiro is also the person who lights ground-type fireworks with a lighter. I always think that every time she lights a fire, a very cute smile appears on her face.

In this way, several people finished playing with a lot of fireworks in one go, and then, finally at the last moment, there were still three large fireworks left, which were deliberately saved for the end.

I'm coming this time!

Nayuta has been playing soy sauce for a long time and has already aimed at the end. After all, he is still a bit childish.

So, Nayu, Kobato and Rikka lit three large fireworks at the same time.

Seeing the long fuse burning rapidly, the trio 3 quickly retreated, and Kojito even ran into her brother's arms to nervously seek shelter.

It's just fireworks, there's no need to be like this.

Letting his sister hug his waist and quietly emerging his head from his arms, Qianliu subconsciously stroked his sister's blond hair.

At this moment, hoo...! Boo-boom! Boo-boo...! Boo-boom! Boo-boo...! Boo-boom! Boo-boo-boom. Small beams of light continued to shoot out from the pyrotechnic barrel, one after another. exploded.

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop... the firelight bloomed in various colors, and after it exploded, beautiful fire particles of various colors danced in the air.

Whoa whoa!

Kojiu made a sighing sound, and the color of the firelight was reflected in his heterochromatic eyes.

It took a full minute for the flowing particles to disappear without a trace.

Kukuku! It's my most durable!

Kobato looked at the fireworks on the far right before finally stopping, and proudly announced his verdict to Rikka.

Rikka's cheeks bulged into buns, Mingqi but couldn't help it.

But less than three seconds before the fireworks went out3.

Tong! Tong! Tong! Three shots sounded almost in no particular order, and then the three extinguished fireworks burst into life again.

The scene like a flaming tree and silver flowers shocked many girls. Three flaming trees and silver flowers blended around each other, constantly spurting out bright and bright flames.

It lasted for nearly half a minute before stopping. The fireworks seemed to flash in the pan, and the last particles of light dispersed in the air.

I'll make the baked eggs! Victory is mine.

Nayuta clenched his fist hard because the fireworks in the middle finally stopped.

Humph, the first stage is my victory!

Kojito argued dissatisfiedly: My firework familiar just doesn't want to work hard anymore.

To be honest, although the flames are gorgeous, there is no emotion in them and they will not leave a very deep impression on people.

Maybe Kobato and Rikka will remember it longer.

After finishing the commotion, they put the remains of the fireworks into a bucket filled with water, cleaned up the aftermath, and returned to the hot spring hotel.

We had a lot of fun today, as you can tell by looking at the two lolita players with red cheeks standing on the tatami in the room, their bangs sticking tightly to their foreheads due to sweat.

Kobato, Rikka, do you want to go to the hot springs?

Qianliu asked.

Of course, it's not an open-air hot spring, but a small hot spring pool in the room. It can only accommodate three or four people. If there are more, it will become crowded.


Kobato said and took off her yukata very simply, then followed Qianliu into the indoor hot spring pool.

Rikka didn't hesitate and followed Kobato's example.


Lying in the indoor hot spring pool, Qianliu looked out the window at the night sky. The soft moonlight and the beautiful starry sky were a great experience.

Brother! Catch me!

Saying this, Kojiu jumped directly from the edge of the pool.

Upon hearing this, Qianliu subconsciously stretched out his arms and caught his naked sister firmly.


After taking off his contact lenses, Kojito sat quietly in his arms, resting his head on his brother's chest, unlike the energetic and noisy day.

........................ Rikka also arrived at this time, carefully removed the water, and then slowly moved to a meter away from Qianliu.

Rikka, it doesn't matter if you come over.

Seeing Qianliu's gentle smile, Rikka blushed and moved her body again.

The steaming hot spring pool was like a fairyland. Qianliu was relaxing and enjoying the tranquility for a while when he suddenly felt a collision on his right side.


Turning his head sideways, he saw Rikka leaning on his arm with a cute expression and breathing evenly.

As he fell asleep, thinking about Qianliu like this, he looked at his sister in his arms. Kojiu also fell asleep at some point, his mouth slightly opened, and there was still a trace of crystal looming.

I made you so noisy during the day.

Qianliu smiled and shook his head, got up and wrapped each of his hands in a bath towel and carried them out.

This is what they are

The girls who were chatting in the room couldn't help but be curious when they saw this.

I was so tired that I fell asleep.

Qianliu put the two little lolita into the bed together and explained: Which of you wants to take a bath in the hot spring? It's already very late today. Go to bed early. We will go to the beach villa tomorrow.

That's fine.

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