Kasumigaoka stood up, took off her yukata, and walked into the hot spring pool in her underwear as if nothing had happened.

Damn it! I really don't miss every opportunity to seduce senior!

Nayuta said angrily.

Okay, let's go together.

At this time, Yang Nai came to the rescue: Although five people are a little crowded, it's okay to make do.

Chapter 149: The boring life of the rich

When the five girls came out of the hot springs, they found that Qianliu had fallen asleep on the overlapping quilts.

Eight people's quilts were lined up in a row on the tatami, with Kobato and Rikka in the innermost corner.

Senior's left side belongs to me!

As soon as Nayuta came out, he dominated the bed on Senryu's left side.

No wait: Kasumigaoka spoke up, Mashiro very sensibly ran to Chiliu's right side and lay down, while Fuyuma and Hina automatically moved to a position.

Therefore, Kasumigaoka was shocked to find that her... real girlfriend was actually pushed to the edge.

Get up.

She angrily scolded Nayuta.

Humph, I don't, first come, first served!

Nayuta spoke plausibly and hugged the quilt tightly, refusing to come out.

Kasumigaoka's eyes narrowed dangerously, silently saying Nine eight seven

Sheng simply retreated into Qianliu's quilt and said to herself, Well, it's normal for boyfriend and girlfriend to sleep together. You forced me to do this.

Wait..., this is too cunning!

Nayuta was furious, especially when she saw Kasumigaoka looking at him with provocative eyes.

Okay, stop making noise and go to sleep.

Qianliu, who woke up in the middle of the night, held the frightened Kasumigaoka in his arms, smelled the pleasant body fragrance of the beautiful girl, and hugged her sensual plump curves, feeling that it was much better than sleeping alone.

Nayuta had nothing to do about it. Fortunately, he and Qianliu slept next to each other. Kasumigaoka was so nervous that he had no intention of provoking his opponent. Therefore, the night passed quite smoothly. As for the pillow fight that Nayuta had planned, it was not It was possible. The group of people got up relatively early the next day, said goodbye to the landlady, and Qianliu led the seven girls in a rental car to drive to the villa area in the Keihin area.

A seven-seater business car with just enough space for eight people in the driver's seat.

People in District 11 can get a driver's license at the age of 18, so Qianliu has already obtained it. Compared to other countries, the cost of a driver's license in District 11 is a bit high.

It costs about 300,000 yen: the cheaper ones are also in the 250,000 yen range, and the tuition is about 10,000 to 20,000 yen.

Starting in the morning, it didn't take long for eight people to arrive at the private beachside villa.

After arriving at the location, the first thing everyone saw was a seaside hill with tall and dense flowers and grass. There was a large bungalow on the hill, and there was a stone road leading to the house.

Near the intersection of the stone road, there is a somewhat unpleasant sign with the words Private land ahead written on it.

There are almost no other houses around, and the scenery is endless.

Qianliu drove straight in from the stone road, and after about a minute, he finally reached the end.

After getting off the car with their luggage, the girls walked to the entrance door, which was a huge door full of oppression.

Qianliu took out something and pressed it, and the door automatically opened, Wow! It's so big!

The six flowers do not sigh.

Although the appearance of this house is full of nostalgic style, when you open the windows, you find that the ventilation inside is very strong and the house is very cool. In the wide hall, you can see several doors and several corridors leading into the house. On the front of the hall is The high ceiling design allows you to see the stairs leading to the second floor.

And since I opened the window, I could smell the ocean tide on the private beach not far away.

Sea! It's the sea! It's the sea!

The little dove let out an excited cry.

She didn't even glance at the villa, but stared straight at the vast sea in front of her, her eyes sparkling, and the blue sea shimmered with golden light in the sun.

Because this is a private beach, there is no one in the sea or on the beach.

Are we really the only ones who can use this place?

Rikka couldn't help but sigh.

Oh! Oh oh oh! Swim! Bro! Let's go swimming!

Kojiu looked excited, as if he was ready to drop his luggage and rush into the sea at any moment.

Hmph, I'm so excited just seeing the sea... I'm just a true ancestor of vampires, nothing more!

Rikka pretended to be mature and said.

However, although she spoke so calmly, her cheeks were red and her whole body was shaking. She didn't look convincing.

Take your luggage and put it away first before swimming.

Qianliu said to the two excited lolita.

Although this place is not often used, it seems that someone usually cleans it up. The house is very clean, and the electricity here can still be used. In addition, household appliances such as TVs and air conditioners are also very complete. Except for the inconvenience of transportation, no matter...

You should be able to live comfortably here for as long as you want.

There is even a small town ten minutes' drive from the villa. There is no need to worry about the food for the past few days. After putting their luggage in the room, everyone put on their swimsuits and gathered in the living room.

Brother is so slow!

Kojiu, who had arrived earlier, puffed up his cheeks and complained.

Qianliu was the last one to come to the living room, and everyone else had already arrived.

Kasumigaoka and Hina were wearing bikinis, while Touma and Mashiro were wearing two-piece swimsuits with a skirt around their waists.

As for Nayuta, she wanted to find another way and choose to swim naked, but the girls all boycotted her, so she had no choice but to change into a pink and white striped swimsuit.

Brother Qianliu! Let's go quickly!

Rikka rushed over and took his hand.

Rikka wearing Shikaku water inexplicably adds a bit of cuteness. Sure enough, compared with bikinis, it is better for children to wear normal swimsuits like this.

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