The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 252: Little Cui is dead, old Cui is alive!

Yang An was sitting in front of Mr. Cui's bed. The two looked at each other silently. Yang An sighed softly.

Mr. Cui lost a lot of blood. He was transfused during the rescue. At this moment, he is replenishing various nutritional fluids. In order to prevent him from making excessive actions, his hand is fixed in a hard plastic frame and cannot move freely. Only the infusion wire passes through. .

Yang An smiled gently: "Just want to see me make a phone call. What a frightening thing to do is weird. Isn't the doctor not letting you drink? Why don't you listen to the doctor's orders? Besides, it's boring to drink alone. If you want to drink, just call me and Xiaosha, and we will accompany you. Alas, you said that you are about to know the destiny, what else can't be ignored ... "

I walked in front of the gate and really saw everything through it. Teacher Cui's mood has stabilized and her voice is weak. I'm sorry to say, "It makes you worry."

At this time, it is not suitable to talk about topics related to the illness. Sister Wang winked at Yang An, and Sabbe also played teasingly next to Corgi and Sahuan, and the atmosphere in the ward was much better.

Yang An was listening to Sister Wang just now. Teacher Cui ’s suicide note had been secretly written long ago. After being folded, it has been placed in the innermost layer of the wallet. This is the case for patients with severe depression. Most people have ended. Thoughts of one's own life, or directly commit suicide.

But Mr. Cui's willpower is strong enough, he can persist in hosting the Golden Eagle Festival, and can tell jokes to everyone. He is not like a severe depression patient at all, so those who care about him are relaxed.

The outbreak of the illness was that after the show was suspended, Mr. Cui must have suffered a lot of grievances on the stage, but he did not say the details, and no one knew what had happened.

After returning, Mr. Cui drank drunk at home, closed the study and looked at past photos, interview documents, work commemorative albums, certificates of honor, etc., feeling so excited that he couldn't think of it for a moment, so he did something wrong under impulse. Found and rescued back.

The influence of this incident was controlled within a certain range. Some people in CCTV ’s own circle knew it, and then Yang An was there. No one dared to pass it to the outside media to know about it. The related medical staff was also given a password, so this Not many people know things.

Yang An said with a smile: "The program stopped just right, you can take time to do other things, do what you like to do. Alas, I now earn a little money, I do n’t have to worry about food and clothing, but I ’m tired of recording every day. I want to retire soon. I spend time with my wife and children, take a dog, drive an RV, run around the world, enjoy the beauty of various places, and taste various foods. This is the life I dream of. "

Sabe answered, "Remember to take me with you when you leave."

Yang An nodded: "Well, at that time I will prepare a rope for you to make a comfortable nest in the car. By the way, which brand of dog food do you like to eat the most? I will also prepare a few big bags for you."

"I like the" Wang Wang "brand dog food. If I add some smoked cod ham sausage, canned sardines, Korqin super dry beef chunks, it is even better! It is best to prepare some bone-shaped bite glue to kill me time, perfect! "

Shabei was talking and he laughed aloud, Sha Keji, Sha Huski, Sha Mu, Sha Ying, Sha Jingba, Yang An did not know how many nicknames were given to him, he once wondered whether he was abused Crazy, I really like these!

The long-lost laughter finally appeared in the ward, and Ms. Cui also laughed: "Remember to inform me when you leave. I'll hang a small drop of water on the back of your car and follow you out."

You'd better talk to us normally!

Everyone was relieved, and Yang An was even more happy. Since Xiao Cui expressed his willingness to live in Xiao Diao and follow the trip, this shows that he is still full of nostalgia for life, so now as long as he can untie his knot.

Sister Wang said distressed: "Don't wait for Yang An, he is very busy. If you want to go out and see, I can accompany you at any time after you leave the hospital."

Yang An agreed: "Sister Wang said well, life needs a journey of walking and walking, so that you can be free and easy, and comfortable. Chi Junchi, are you familiar with it?"

Teacher Cui said, "The relationship is okay."

Yang An said, "Director Ye Zhixiang Ye is the brother-in-law of Chi Dao. He asked me to help me last time and said that I would cooperate with Chi Dao. I did n’t have time at that time, but I kept it in my heart. The thing is to make a documentary about Chinese land cuisine. I have prepared some materials here, and I have also thought about the program frame. Guidao now accepts other CCTV programs. Would you like to take over the job with Sister Wang? "

Sister Wang is of course willing to travel to all parts of the country for a documentary on Chinese cuisine. Yang An is the producer herself. She can accompany her husband all the way to take care of him. Where can I find such good things?

Shabe took the opportunity to say, "yes-or-no? Teacher Cui, please click!"

Mr. Cui grinned and said, "Is this my life theater multiple choice question?"

Yang An blinked: "If you are not satisfied, I have another program, but it is an indoor variety show. I want to run a TV blind date program, select some very special female guests to stand on the stage, and let Unmarried high-quality men came to the stage to select, and the two sides held hands when they saw the right eye, and eliminated them when they did not see the right eye. We are hosting the happy blind date together. Are you interested? "

Sister Wang is even happier. A TV blind date show? This is better! And Yang An will also host the show himself, so it will definitely not be rigid and boring. He will be full of laughter all the time. If Xiao Cui wants to fully recover, the best panacea is laughter!

Shabe pretended to be angry: "Yang An, it's not fun for you to do this. There is such a good show, why not give it to me?"

Yang An asked in return: "You are not married and your dating experience is almost zero. What qualifications do you have to be a matchmaker?"


After being severely hit by 10,000 points of injury, Shabe covered her chest, backed up, and wanted to cry without tears!

Yang An laughed: "In the first phase, I can arrange for you to come on stage first, and I strive to let you hold a female guest smoothly!"

Shabei still wanted to play tricks, and he didn't help. Xiao Cui snorted: "I want a blind date, and I'll give it to me after I make a perfect documentary."

Everyone laughed: "Greedy!"

Ms. Cui expressed her emotions for a long time and said, "I'm also a person who walked by before the gate was closed. My first half of my life was dedicated to CCTV, and CCTV also gave me the platform and opportunity. I have no complaints during these years of work. Regret. Now, I have gained a new life again. With your friends, I can travel and make food shows. This is the beginning of my new life. CCTV's little Cui has died, but he can breathe air freely and can speak as he wants. Lao Cui gets a new life today! "

"Old Cui congratulations on your resurrection!"

"Now we can rest assured, you old Cui, take a good rest!"

The meeting time should not be too long, and the patient needs to rest quietly. Yang An and Shabe laughed and then left.

Sister Wang followed the guest and walked to the elevator door, thanked: "Yang An, Shabei, thank you for coming to see Lao Cui, and also accompanied him to say so many words of relief."

Shabei laughed: "Everyone is a CCTV colleague, they are good friends. It should be. Sister-in-law, please comfort Mr. Cui, and we will be with him when we have time."

Yang An asked: "Sister Wang, did Mr. Cui offer to resign?"

Sister Wang sighed: "Do you still need to ask? As soon as the show stops, Lao Cui submits her resignation letter. The job handover procedure is completed in half an hour. This speed is really chilling! All the good time was dedicated to the TV station, but ... he said no complaints or regrets in his mouth, but how could this be, this man Cui would have to face his face ... "

Too much!

Shabe wanted to protest, Yang An stopped him, and smiled at Sister Wang: "It's best to resign, and it's just a break from the past. After Mr. Cui was discharged from the hospital, Sister Wang took him to Hongfeng to find us to play for a few days, mine The company is always open for him. "

Leave the hospital and see if it's two o'clock in the morning.

The two hurriedly came from Hongfeng without carrying any luggage, so they had to go to Shabei's house first.

Too much happened tonight, everyone's mood is very complicated, mixed feelings, it is difficult to fall asleep.

Shabei just got up, took out a few bottles of beer from the refrigerator, and a few bags of marinades in a vacuum bag, said on the TV remote control, "Watch the ball if you can't sleep, there will be a Champions League semi-final tonight."

Yang An was leaning on the sofa. He was not very interested in the ball game, but among the four hosts who saw the live broadcast of Sports Channel, Liu Yuxi was so impressive that he sat upright.

"Liu Yuxi has a live show today. Will Lao Cui affect her greatly?"

Yang An thought about it. After watching it for a while, she did not guess wrong. Liu Yuxi's state was very poor, and she was quite absent-minded.

Shabei also noticed: "Is she thinking about Lao Cui?"

Yang An took a sip of beer: "She called during the day ~ ~ I heard something wrong. At this time it was half past two. It is estimated that she must be physically and mentally exhausted at this moment."

On TV, Atletico Madrid vs Bayern Munich will be broadcast live, the three male hosts of "I Love the Champions Cup" said cheerfully, with constant laughter, but Liu Yuxi, who was sitting on the most side, was holding his chin with his hands, pouting away, expression Quite aggrieved.

There were several seats in the room. When she noticed that the camera was shaking and she took care of herself, she returned to God and put her hands down. But at this time, it was still not her turn to speak. Soon she continued to lose her mind, and her eyelids were mild. Closed, without a single point of focus, his eyes seemed very loose.

The host finally said: "Last Atletico Madrid won against Barcelona 2: 1, Barcelona still scored goals, can only say that Atletico's condition is too good ..."

Yang An and Sha Bei both know that Liu Yuxi is a Barcelona fan.

Sure enough, at this time, she turned around, blinked frequently, and turned her head to pay attention to the host. In the gap between everyone's speech, she suddenly said impulsively: "Athlete Athletic sends Messi a red card!" (To be continued). ) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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