The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 253: The last hen

As a host of a basketball program, Liu Yuxi didn't know much about football.

And in terms of qualifications and professionalism, she is in a weak position. Her position in "I Love the Champions Cup" is actually a topical guest host that attracts attention. She likes Messi and is a Barcelona fan. Barcelona loses on a controversial penalty. She yells for her favorite team, which is actually normal.

In fact, in a sense, Ms. Huang growled "penalty! Penalty! Gross has made a contribution! Victory belongs to Italy! Victory belongs to everyone who loves Italian football! Great Italy!" Disposition person.

In addition, like Lao Cui, she is a person who likes to express her inner feelings, so she called Yang An as soon as she heard that Lao Cui had an accident. I hope he can comfort and persuade Lao Cui and don't give up the world .

Yang An and Sha Beiqi Qi sighed and touched the beer. They were experienced hosts. It was clear that Liu Yuxi was a bit wrong to say this. The main thing was that her mood was not right today!

Hearing that Liu Yuxi was aggrieved for Messi and was still struggling with the punishment, the three professional male host laughed, and she closed her eyes slightly again, revealing a slight disgust.

Shabei watched it carefully, patted her leg and regretted: "She was scolded in the headset!"

Indeed, her expression became unnatural, and her brows frowned slightly, as if directed by a person to say nothing and nothing.

On the big screen behind, vcr is replaying a picture of Atletico Madrid's victory over Barcelona for five minutes. Bgm is a sad piece of music with regretful commentary, all of which are heartbreaking pictures.

Liu Yuxi finally couldn't help, she took off the headphones and said wronged, "I don't want to listen to this music, it's too sensational ... I bought a set of" European Giants "books and read the introductions of the powerful giants. I haven't After watching it in time, one big team after another was eliminated. I was very worried about the red card owed to Messi by the horse race ... Why did the defender tackle Messi? Why didn't the referee give a penalty ... ... "

Seeing Liu Yuxi shed tears, Shabe kept shaking her head and muttered, "Don't say it, don't say it."

The host immediately switched the topic, interrupted her speech, and said in a relaxed tone: "Liu Yuxi is still in regret and has not been able to jump out. Her feelings as a new fan are well understood. But for those of us who will Football as a professional host, football, or even any competition, is a brutal confrontation. When there is victory, there is defeat. This is also the only way for fans to mature. "

Yang An was also lamenting that Liu Yuxi was definitely feeling today, but she did the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Yang An took out her mobile phone and logged in to Liu Yuxi's Weibo. Unsurprisingly, just a few minutes later, Yang An saw malicious comments.

"As the host of a football show, there is no quality at all, and Messi is the only one wronged all over the world. Who is the reason for the torn ligament of the alien? Should Beckham be shoveled? Why do n’t you cry Totti fracture Where is the neutral impartiality of your host! "

"Thinking! Hype! Cry what cry? This is a poor show, stinking!"

"You don't love football at all! Pseudo fans die!"

There are still many bad reviews behind him. Yang An was too lazy to look at him. He threw his mobile phone and laughed, with a desolation and helplessness in his laughter: "Mr. Huang growled and shouted long live Italy and was scolded as a dog. Eventually Forced to resign, the mixed year is not as good as one year. Teacher Cui has something to say, but also suffered from severe depression, and was almost forced to commit suicide. Liu Yuxi is just a little girl with a true temperament, seeing the team she likes Defeated, I can't help but say something in my heart, crying for it, she was scolded so miserably, I'm worried she can't stand the excitement! "

Shabe took out her phone: "Let me text her."

Yang An said, "So I said that when the host is too aggrieved, especially if you are a live news program, if you say a wrong word, you will be stabbed and you wo n’t be able to make a joke. Brother Sha, when filming this summer, you He Yuxi simply took the opportunity to resign, let's go to the local Taiwan to do variety entertainment programs, talk freely, how comfortable, do not need to be affected by Zhao's birdishness! "

Shabe raised a beer and cried with Yang An, and said, depressed, "I will resign after recording" The Great Challenge "! Think of Cui's handover in half an hour, haha! Can I swear?"

The news of Lao Cui's attempted suicide did not reach the ears of ordinary people, but the live broadcast of "I Love the Champions League" exploded the fan circle the next day, all kinds of controversy came, especially against Liu Yuxi's abuse.

Red Maple still has a program to do. Before leaving An Jingyang, Yang An sent a voice message to Liu Yuxi: "Yixi, be stronger. If you are tired, you can take a few days off to Hongfeng to find us. The man's gang will always be your strong backing, and we will always be the object you can talk to. "

Liu Yuxi was a poor little girl. She was weak and weak in the stage, had no background, and was not scolded by the public. No one helped her to speak for a long time.

Fortunately, the man helped the six big brothers to take care of her and gave her great spiritual support before she persisted and waited for June to come.

At the end of May, Xiao Cui was discharged from the hospital after receiving treatment from a psychologist. He went to Hong Feng with his wife and saw Yang An's fierce production of the show.

"The Great Challenge" is recording the last issue of the first season. It happens that the domestic weather is affected by subtropical high pressure air currents. Most parts of the south of the Yangtze River have been hit by heavy rain. Many cities have rained for two days and two nights, and urban streets have been flooded. During this period, the men helped record the most dangerous show, and they went to Yangcheng to record the show.

Six people were drawn. Shabei and Li Jingtian were drawn to the sanitation company's drainage maintenance staff. They faced storms and ran around various water points in the city, went down the well, vented the blocked drainage network, or temporarily blocked the drained drainage. Well, rescued the polluted water pipeline, overhauled the drainage system of the construction site, and the two did not sleep for 24 hours. The high-intensity work made them miserable. The two had stains on their faces, biting their hoes in their mouths, and lying on the back of the van. The seat fell asleep, which made countless viewers distressed.

Xiaodongbei and Ning Hao were armed police and followed the armed police squadron of the flood control command center to run dangerous areas with hidden dangers of floods, evacuate villagers, and help rescue the property besieged by the flood. The two encountered real flash floods in the mountainous areas, terrifying them. His face was pale, but the armed police officers and soldiers were not afraid of danger to charge into the battle and rescue the masses. The two also followed, without flinching, jumping into the waist-deep flood.

Yang An and Zhou Jinci were drawn to work as ordinary traffic police in the city. The two joined the traffic security forces as associate police officers. They drove heavy rain to clear the city's peak traffic, helped to launch a car that was soaked in flames, and persuaded the driver who crashed into the water. , Soaked in water for almost a whole day, the skin was blistered, and both of them were about to catch cold.

The production of this program has received strong support from the Yangcheng City Government. The local armed police officers and soldiers are also very welcome and cooperate. The men ’s gang will continue to pay silently for the sanitation profession and the traffic police profession they have been scolded in the form of pseudo-film documentaries. The armed police profession, which protects the interests of the people, is truly displayed to people across the country.

The finale of the first season of "The Great Challenge" shocked the whole country!

After half a month, it will be in the rainy season, and there will be a larger and more prolonged heavy rain. This episode of the program comes very timely and has received numerous positive reviews online.

"It turned out that the sanitation workers in our cities were cleaned up by their hands. Every day when we were sleeping, they were busy running and suddenly felt that this profession was great!"

"When I was driving, I was annoyed to see the traffic policeman, but I saw Yang Geer standing on the street directing traffic. He couldn't open his eyes because of the rain. I really feel sorry for him and the frontline traffic policemen who are still holding their posts in bad weather! I salute you, it will be better to post fewer tickets in the future ~ "

"The armed police and our people seem to be far away, but they are really at a crisis. They will always be the first to stand up to defend our people and pay tribute to the police officers and soldiers. Comrades have worked hard!"

In addition to language understanding and support, countless people support these occupations with practical actions ~ ~ Now the weather is hot, many businesses set a table at the door to provide sanitation workers with free herbal tea, some The noodle shop gave buns and steamed buns to sanitation workers free of charge, and pharmacies also provided sanitation workers with free standing oils, cooling oil, and band-aids.

The people's biggest support for traffic police is to abide by the laws and regulations, line up and follow the rules, reduce waste thrown out of the car window, cooperate with understanding the traffic police's clinical inspection, or wait for the red light, roll down the window, and stand in front of the traffic police on duty. Thumb up and shout like.

I have to say that "Great Challenge" is very good at using the media to build momentum, coupled with CCTV's intentional brand building and Yang An's production team's excellent skills, these six program period classics, the social effects produced by China Radio and TV University Professor Yang Shouyu summed it up-"great effect"!

Professor Yang Shouyu commented: "Phenomena-level TV programs have four characteristics, 1 is high ratings, 2 is the participation of the whole people in the discussion, 3 is leading the industry pattern and wind direction, there are breakthrough innovations in program form and style, 4 is to attract different Dimensional and intergenerational crowd watching, the greater the span of the age professional class, the greater the influence. "Amazing Challenge" no doubt, on these four points, all scores were submitted! Looking forward to the second quarter of next year, can give We bring even greater surprises! "(To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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