The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 844: Everyone's destination

The Grund-Big Nose of the Broken Nose tribe knelt in front of Ugrek-Skinned. More precisely, he is now kneeling in front of Ugrek-Skinner's tent. Falling to the ground in front of anyone or anything, it offends Glend's sensitive dignity of Goblin, but for Yugrek-skinned people, all the caution is worth it.

He was very sensitive and grumpy, and even made Goblin feel terrified. Of course, he also has the habit of peeling their skin and eating their meat while the enemy is still alive.

Ugrek ’s bodyguards mumbled around, barely holding back the laughter and mocking the embarrassed look of the chief of the broken nose tribe. Let them laugh, he thought. He has seen them often humiliated by their boss.

When the door curtain opened and Ugrek drilled out of his leather tent, they immediately fell silent. Even Glende shuddered. Not only because of Ugrek, but also because of the person behind him.

Shaman Ix is with the chieftain, which is never a good thing. The little man was even crazier than Ugrek, who claimed to be talking to the gods in his dream. Glend guessed this must be true. Otherwise why would a powerful skinny man listen to a little dwarf like Goblin?

"What's the matter?" Ugrek asked. Grund looked up at him. Glend always believed that Ugrek was the largest orc in the world, and he was convinced. He was almost taller than any orc he had seen in Grund in the mountains, and much stronger.

He held his magical machete in one hand and a large axe in the other. It is said that magic was applied to the machete. All of his armor was specially made by the captured human blacksmith, and Ugrek locked the blacksmith to his tent pole. Two huge horns protruded from his helmet. His eyes are healthy red.

Grund quickly explained what happened. To his surprise, Ugrek looked at the shaman and then laughed. Ikes giggled. He laughed so hard that he had to wipe his nose with his snotty cloak.

Grund didn't think he saw anything interesting, but he laughed in coordination, just to be safe. There is never any harm in accommodating the chieftain. Soon, the bodyguards of the Great Chief also joined in. When they all howled happily, Ugrek made a gesture with his fist to calm them down. He looked down at the shaman.

"This is indeed a dream come true," Yikes said. "What the gods say is true. They want to kill the dragon, and then you want to kill them. You will have a magic axe to match your magic knife, and you will get all the treasures of that dragon."

"I will be the world's greatest orc war leader?" Yugrek asked. The attitude in his words doesn't seem to care much about weapons and treasures.

"You will become the world's greatest orc war leader."

"Send a message!" Ugrek shouted at everyone around him. "Call the tribe. We went to Longshan. We have some dwarves to kill."

Just as everyone ran to obey his orders, Ugrek stopped them again. He always does. "Tell everyone of you guys, don't move those dwarfs until the group arrives. They are mine. I will kill them and eat their hearts."


Angelica followed the team through the mountains. She is not unhappy, but she is not happy either. She didn't know what happened between herself and Bai En. Sometimes, she was sure that she loved him, and sometimes, she was also sure that she could not feel anything. Passion comes and goes, this is really strange.

Sometimes, just as they were sitting by the fire last night, holding hands, she felt a deep connection between them, as if there was a powerful magic that attracted them to each other.

Sometimes, like this morning, when they were striding under the cloudy sky, his simplest glance could make her furious, and the stupid loyalty she sometimes saw in his eyes She really wanted to slap him.

At this time, he seemed to be different from the person lying next to her at night, as if he was a stranger who broke into her life somehow.

She thought for a while and corrected her mistakes. This is not the case. Sometimes, she feels that she is a different person, and something in her heart has changed in a way that she does not understand herself.

And he is the source of her series of emotions, which both fascinated her and made her afraid, which has never been seen before. She was afraid of losing him but wanted to escape from him. Somehow, he controlled her life in a strange way, and she both hated it and was surprised at it.

She looked up at the turbulent black clouds, feeling that they reflected her inner confusion to some extent.

"We'd better get ready to camp." Grerogan said behind her. "It seems that it will be raining heavily."


The Prophet Tangul looked up at the door of the endless abyss. The wall formed by the huge crater appeared vaguely above him. The rough rocks are covered with poisonous lichens.

In front of him, there is a huge mouse-like head with a wide open mouth, which is the entrance to the caster's clan lair. The black iron gate of the gate is its teeth, and its eye socket protrudes from the head.

In the distance, Tangul could hear the roar of the beast and felt the presence of a large magic stone that could numb the brain. The sky overhead shone with strange colors, as a cloud of chemicals rose from the chimney that stood on the edge of the crater, polluting the surrounding air.

The roar of the horseshoe told Tangul that the dark knights had left him. The tingling in his body told him that the spell surrounding them had disappeared.

Tangul is convinced that this spell is only used to distort time and increase speed, allowing them to cross the distance between the evil army and the endless abyss in a quarter of the time.

At least he hopes it is like this. To the best of his knowledge, he has not been adversely affected by magic temporarily, nor has he been permanently affected.

He whispered to the devil and almost thanked him for his success. Susorion ’s followers kept their promises and sent him to the Ratman Fortress unscathed. Tangul paused for a moment in prayer, wondering why.

The followers of the Treacherous King are known for their cunning rather than their kindness. However, he thought that they were probably moved by his incredible eloquence. Tangul knew that no matter how cunning they were, they couldn't compare with the genius-minded Prophet. He knew that he once again defeated the enemy with his own intellect.

But he was still uneasy. He wished they hadn't brought him here. In addition to the endless abyss, he would rather choose to go to any other fortress. Even any port in a storm, Tangul thought. At least now he has good news to announce. Of course, in the face of the threat of the evil **** army, the elders of the Founder Clan will realize the significance of reaching a common goal with Tangul.

He kicked Luck's ass. "Get up! Get up! Get up, lazy worm! Now there is no time to rest!"

Luck stared at him with hateful eyes. Foam rose around his lips. His chest undulates like a bellows. He tried very hard to chase the evil warhorse carrying its owner, almost breathless, but because he suspected that leaving behind meant his death, so he managed to keep his bruised body up. The evil spells cast by the wizards also affected him. Although they marched surprisingly fast, he did not fall behind.

Tangul realized that from above the huge, patterned gate, a pair of red, rat-like eyes were staring at him. He knew that the weapons in the hands of these sentries were being aimed at him, and reinforcements were being quickly called to strengthen the internal guards.

A voice belonging to the Ratman asked sharply, "Who is there? What do you have to do with the caster clan?"

Tangul straightened and tilted his head back so that the corner on his head would allow the sentry to see clearly. He knew that the guards would recognize the signs favored by the devil. He gave them a few heartbeats to let them appreciate, and then said in a low voice with his most impressive speech: "Here is the Prophet Tangul, bringing important news to your master."

"Are you a Tangul or a Tangul ghost?" Another trembling voice belonging to the Ratman came again. "The Prophet Tangul is dead. He was killed by the dwarves and their human allies in the Cavalry Battle of the Horseman."

"Ah, forever, forever, to deal with this idiot problem," Tangul thought very unpleasantly ~ ~ Do I look like dead, you stupid pest? Open this door, take I go to see your master, otherwise I will release a terrible deadly magic to devour your bones! "

He let a pale flame gather around his paws, indicating that his words were serious. In fact, he was convinced that the protective magic woven on the walls of this crater might well be able to resist his most powerful magic, but how could an ordinary sentry know this?

"I have to discuss it with my master. Wait! Wait!" Tangul wasn't sure if the guard wanted to temporarily stop the magic or just to wait outside the door. It doesn't matter. He knew that as long as someone in power was called, he could go in.

Now all he has to do is consider what he has to say. He needs to figure out what is good for telling the caster clan and what needs to be avoided to know. Some things can wait, he said to himself. Suddenly, he was full of confidence again. He knew that a squirrel like him with superior intelligence would have no problem relying on intelligence to defeat the founders, as he easily defeated Sasolion's followers with wisdom.

Nevertheless, he was still very distressed. Even for a ratman with extraordinary abilities, it seemed too easy to escape the evil claws of that evil army.

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