The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 845: Eisenheim's concerns

Bai En stared at the valley. He was surprised by the rapid changes in the weather conditions in the mountains here. This morning is sunny and as clear as summer on the Kaslov Plain. Now the weather is cold and the wind is cold, reminding him of snow and winter. The clouds are very low and very dark. In the distance, he could see the thunder and thunder and hear the thunder in the distance.

The mountains themselves also changed their face dramatically. At dawn, they look like bright, pure Titans, and look almost hospitable. In the dull light, they look huge and dark, daunting. The distant peaks were covered by more clouds.

He felt his mood getting lower and lower. The weather changes added an ominous, depressing atmosphere around them, because they knew they were getting closer and closer to the dragon's lair. Yes, Bai En understands that a dragon cannot change the mountains and the weather in it, but the surrounding scenery behaves as if to prove it, and he begins to doubt whether his ideas are wrong.

Angelica has moved to the front of the column and reconnaissance ahead with Standa and Oleg. This is very logical. So far, her eyes are the sharpest among this group of people, and she can detect threats before anyone else.

At least, her logic is this. Bai En thinks she is just to stay away from him. She became lonely and estranged again and ignored all attempts to talk to him. He quickly concluded that he would never know a woman, or at least never know her.

He realized that Eisenheim-Schneider had walked with him. The magician had a strange expression on his face, both excited and nervous. Bahn believes that his first impression of Eisenheim-Schneider this morning is correct.

Now Eisenheim-Schneider is a little different. He looks more like a wizard than before. Bai En tried to tell himself that it was only because he now more clearly realized the power of this magician, but he knew that the other party's power was much more than that.

In the past few days, the magician has changed significantly. Now, he is more like a character hiding his true strength than ever before.

"Bai En, can I ask you a few questions about your sword?"

"Why?" Bane didn't expect Eisenheim-Schneider to ask this suddenly.

"I'm very interested in this. It seems to me that it is a powerful ... artifact, and it seems ... waking up."

"Artifact? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I have felt the change. The weapon hides a certain sense of ability, and its power is increasing."

Bai En thought of the explosive power he gained in yesterday ’s battle and the way that ‘Feng Soul’ on the ‘Glennell ’s Will’ protected him from Dragon Spit. He had long known that this weapon had magic power, but it was not until recently that it showed such magic power. In the past, it was just a sword that would never lose its edge, and the rune above would glow mysteriously in some cases.

More importantly, is his physical change related to this sword? He wanted to open up and ask Eisenheim-Schneider about his physical changes, but for some unclear reason, he didn't mention it to the other party.

"Do you think there is any danger?" Bai En asked nervously. Eisenheim-Schneider shrugged. But his frown ruined his handsome appearance.

"I don't know. All magic weapons are dangerous to a certain extent. They contain powerful forces, which sometimes affect their controllers in unpredictable ways. Weapons with sensibility are the most dangerous, Because they can distort the mind and soul of the person carrying them. "

Bane felt that Eisenheim-Schneider's words made him creepy. He did not doubt that this was a lie, and he did read similar statements in the books, but there seemed to be no examples in those books that could prove that this would actually happen. He restrained the instinctive urge to pull out the sword and throw it away.

"Are you saying that this sword might control me?"

So does it also control the night owl? Bai En was not sure, but the Night Owl had never used it in the Black Tower for so many years, and when he used it again, he died outside the city of Bill Barry soon after. Bai En is not sure if this is the true will of the night owl, but he did give himself the scabbard of this sword before the battle.

If this sword really affects a person, why should the night owl leave it to himself? Maybe it's another sword? Bai En remembered the old mage in the mountain, and he told Bai En that 'Feng Soul' was dying, so he combined the other magic sword that he found from Shifengbao underground with 'Feng Soul' One.

"That's unlikely, unless it is particularly effective, and you are particularly mentally handicapped. I have to add one thing quickly. You don't seem to be particularly mentally handicapped."

Bane is still thinking about the sword, not paying attention to Eisenheim-Schneider's words.

"It may have a slight effect on your thinking, or it may act as a partial control during times of stress. I suspect that this weapon cannot control you if you decide not to let it succeed. At least, I hope not."

"Does it affect other things? For example ... My body changes?" Bai En asked.

"I don't think so. I've never heard of it or seen anything like it, but I can only say that I hope not."

"You are starting to worry me, Eisenheim"

"That's not my intention. Can I ask how did you get that weapon?"

Bai En thought for a while. "It belongs to the Night Owl Master of the Fatalin Association. After his death, I inherited it from him."

As he said these words, Bai En realized that this was both true and untrue. This sword did belong to the night owl at first, but it was only a part of it. After the old-time mage integrated the magic sword of Shifengbao into it, he said that the sword was complete.

And Ye Xiao never said to give the sword to himself, he just gave the scabbard to himself. After falling into the sea, the sword miraculously returned to the scabbard without knowing when.

Bai En believes that this sword does not belong to him. However, it feels that at least it feels to Bai En that it belongs to him. Considering that the night owl left a heir, and entrusted himself to teach him. In many cases, Bai En feels that he only keeps the sword temporarily, and he fully intends to return it at an appropriate time. He told Eisenheim-Schneider all these ideas. The magician looks thoughtful.

"It seems to me that this sword has influenced your mind for a long time, albeit very subtle. It sounds like you have been unconsciously resisting its influence, which is normal for the caster and also instinctive."

Because I am a mage, I will subconsciously resist anything that erodes my thoughts, so does it only have a "subtle" effect on me? Bai En is not sure in what way this sword has affected himself and how much.

"Why should this sword affect me?"

"Maybe one has a curse attached to it. Or, it may be one of those weapons that only wants to suppress all the thoughts of the controller. Maybe it was cast when it destroyed a specific enemy or a certain type of enemy. . Have you ever thought that this might be the case? "

"I guess you already know the answer." Bai En said.

"I want to say that just looking at the workmanship of the hilt is a clue. I guess that after we met the dragon, the blade began to change."

Looking at the hilt, Bai En felt that he didn't know what to say. When he was in Heidelberg, he again found a dwarf casting master to modify the hilt. As if the materials were absorbed by the sword, Bai En couldn't even judge whether it was related to magic.

"You're right." Bane finally told Eisenheim-Schneider how the sword protected him from dragon inflammation, and in the battle the day before, when he felt he might not survive. How did the "spirit" intervene against the beast?

Eisenheim-Schneider listened attentively, and it wasn't until Bai En said that he said: "I think your sword is specially forged as a dragon nemesis."

"You mean, do you think this will give me the power to kill Carandiel?"

"I don't know. But I guess your magic can't hurt the dragon at all. I think your sword can damage Carandil in a way that ordinary swords can't, but I don't think it can guarantee you Ability to kill that dragon. Many examples of heroes with the most powerful magic weapons in history who failed to kill the dragon. Even Marnus only wounded the great frost dragon Abraham. It seems that only Gaitan really In the sense, a dragon was killed, and the dragon's dragon head was used as the gate of the imperial palace of Gaitan. "

"You don't worry about me ~ ~ Eisenheim," Bai En said with a wry smile. "I thought about it, maybe I will be a hero in a great story."

"To be honest, Bane, judging from your previous experience and your current behavior, you and Grerogan are already the kind of person. I am a magician, not a prophet, nor a prophet, but I do n’t think you The sword, Guerrero ’s axe, Mackason ’s weapon, and even I came here by accident. I suspect this is an arrangement of fate. If I were a more vain, or more religious person, I would See the hands of the gods pushing this thing. "

"I find it hard to imagine," Bai En smiled bitterly again. "I find it easier to believe that Guerrerogan and I live under the curse of the gods."

"You are too cynical, Mr. Bai En."

Bai En said: "If you see everything I see and experience everything I experience, you will become cynical."

Eisenheim-Schneider looked at Baine, as if measuring how serious he was. After a while, he looked away.

"Grey Rogan is right," he said. "It's going to rain. It will be huge."

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