The Mechanic

Chapter 216

James, Todd, Diego and others couldn't help looking at these new humans who had been severely transformed with a curious look. Even in the ordinary world, most people's body modification rarely exceeds 20% of the overall body modification, and here it seems that 50% is considered a small amount...

A light and long flying machine landed in front of them silently, like a snake or worm that can fly in the air.

The man with golden eyes stared at them, Hand over all your weapons.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay and had no choice but to obey. However, after Todd handed over all the guns on his body, the soldier with eight arms still stretched out one hand, raising his eyebrows slightly.

I gave you all the weapons! Todd said angrily.

The human soldier snorted, When you entered the city gate, your whole body was scanned, and you still have a dagger in your boot.

Todd cursed secretly, he could only bend down and take out the dagger.

They were driven into the snake-shaped flying machine. Sitting on the soft jellyfish-like seat, Zhang Xun realized that the aircraft's suspension system was excellent, and he didn't even feel any vibration or shaking during the whole take-off process.

When you see the high priest, don't speak unless he asks you questions. Any suspicious behavior and actions will be monitored by Phoenix, and disciplinary measures will be implemented if necessary. You are not allowed to talk to Phoenix without permission. , the use of AI language is absolutely prohibited. The golden-eyed soldier stared at Zhang Xun, his eyes full of vigilance and distrust.

Zhang Xun hurriedly said, We will abide by the regulations.

Todd rolled his eyes, and seemed dissatisfied with Zhang Xun's complete cooperation.

The soldier or officer suddenly aimed his pupils at James, and a stream of light flashed, scanning James' body. His brows were raised slightly, revealing a look of surprise for a moment, and he sneered, Do you know that you can live for half a year at most?

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes widened in astonishment. Zhang Xun's heart skipped a beat, followed by surging panic.

What do you mean? Todd asked slightly tensely.

The golden-eyed man said, He has received excessive radiation and has already started to show symptoms of radiation syndrome. Phoenix predicts that his lifespan will be around six to seven months.

Zhang Xun felt that all the air in his chest was sucked out, making it difficult to breathe. He looked at James, who had a surprisingly calm expression, and opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't say it.

Didn't you say that your protective clothing is not damaged! Unbelievable rejection and anger entangled on Todd's face, covering up the trembling panic.

James whispered, I found a hole after encountering the mutant bat, but I immediately taped it up. I thought it would be fine for such a short period of time...

Your level of damage is definitely not caused by a short period of exposure, it is at least more than eight hours of continuous strong radiation exposure.

eight hours. . . That's about the time they encounter the mechanical police.

At that time, the breach probably already existed, but it was relatively small and undiscovered. It was only discovered when it was torn apart during the fight with the bat.

Zhang Xun only felt that the whole person was drenched in ice water. Cindy's bleeding eyes and the breath of death around him are still clearly in his mind, but now, his brother who is closer to him in the only two relatives in this world is about to face the same pain without dignity death.

It can be saved... Zhang Xun whispered, staring at James, You can be saved, Jamie.

James' tone was a little too flat, You mean nano-robots? I don't want to become a zombie controlled by collective consciousness.

No, I said it, I will find a way to get rid of the side effects. Zhang Xun is not sure whether he is trying to convince James or himself, In half a year, there will definitely be a way!

Diego let out a long sigh and cursed.

For a moment, the aircraft fell into a deathly silence.

Zhang Xun felt his left hand tighten, and when he turned his head, he saw Enuo frowned slightly, looking at him as if a little sad, holding his hand, as if to give him comfort and support.

It's just that it should comfort and support James right now...

In a heavy heart, they didn't even bother to pay attention to the golden city passing by their window, they couldn't see the ribbon-shaped hanging gardens that shuttled between the buildings, they couldn't see the cyborgs flying in the air, and they couldn't see the huge buildings The robot is moving slowly.

The aircraft took them to the magnificent Mayan pyramid in the center of the city.

The internal space of the pyramid is high and wide, and the light illuminates every corner brilliantly through ingenious refraction. Almost all the people who work here have a certain degree of transformation, some are close to 90%, and the relatively few are 30 to 40%. Original humans are very rare.

The style of renovation is also very strange. Some people's transformation is almost invisible, infinitely close to the real human body, and some have beautified and exaggerated their own body, while the other group pays more attention to practicality, and some have replaced their bodies in animal form.

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