The Mechanic

Chapter 217

It is conceivable that the lifespan of these modified humans will be much longer than that of ordinary humans. After all, the artificial body is harder and more perfect than the original body, and it can be replaced even if it is broken. The only thing that cannot be extended is their brain. Death came only when the brains began to fail and could no longer support the functioning of their mechanical bodies.

In such an environment, Zhang Xun and his group became very conspicuous, like a few black stains on the bright silk.

They were escorted by robots and soldiers, and quickly rushed to the height of the pyramid on a completely transparent elevator. Zhang Xun noticed that the penultimate floor was the 19th floor, but the highest floor above was not the 20th floor, but just a 0 written on it.

Their elevator stopped on the nineteenth floor, and when the door opened, there were two closed doors in front of them, densely carved with Mayan or Aztec reliefs.

The golden-eyed soldier walked up to them, raised his head and said, Morning Star, the person the high priest wants to see has been brought here.

Morning Star is obviously the name of the main controlling AI of this pyramid. After a while, a soft neutral voice said, Welcome to the Temple of the Sun.

The double doors opened slowly and automatically.

In the circular hall behind the door, several stone-carved chairs were spread out in a fan shape, one chair in the middle was higher than the others, and the back of the chair reached to the ceiling.

Every chair is filled with people. Sitting on the one in the center was an astonishingly young man. At first glance, no trace of his transformation could be seen. The large and gorgeous robe buried most of his skin. His complexion is dark, his face is ordinary but very attractive, but his eyes are peaceful and serene, he looks like a master of meditation.

The people sitting in the surrounding chairs have more vivid emotions, but what Zhang Xun noticed was the woman sitting in the end chair on the right.

About thirty-five years old, Asian face, big eyes, no signs of modification.

Zhang Xun vaguely guessed that this was the senior engineer who betrayed Eden.

A group of people stood anxiously in the center of the circle, as if they had returned to Paradise Lost and were being judged within the round table.

The young man sitting on the chair in the middle spoke with a mellow and deep voice, Zhang Xun, the mechanic of Paradise Lost, is the first person in the world to give an AI soul.

Zhang Xun knew that this battle belonged to him. Can they stay in Feather Snake City safely? Can't help him fight against Eden, it all depends on his performance this time. He cannot fail.

But the more I thought about it, the more nervous I became. He took an awkward step forward, but before he could take that step, he felt Enoch's fingers lightly brushing his palm.

This action inexplicably reassured him a lot.

The Shenshen plan is not my work alone. I am just the last link. Zhang Xun lowered his eyes and said in a humble tone.

But you are the administrator of Adam, that is, the administrator of Eden. The man smiled, My name is Eztli, and I am one of the three main founders of Feather Serpent City. High Priest. Every time someone wants to join Feather Serpent City, I will ask them the same question, and you are no exception: You have traveled thousands of miles to Feather Serpent City, what do you want to get from here?

Zhang Xun thought for a while and replied, Protection.

As Adam's administrator, you have an extraordinary status in Paradise Lost. Why did you defect? ​​And why did we take the risk of fighting with Paradise Lost to help you? asked a middle-aged man with the same extraordinary status on the right road.

Because you didn't intend to make friends with Paradise Lost. Zhang Xun paused, a sharp edge flashed in his eyes, I can understand your dislike of Paradise Lost, after all, compared to the old-fashioned antiques that are conservative and self-styled, your own A new force that claims to be more advanced and more open-minded. I didn’t expect you to work so hard to gain Eden’s approval, but in the end you were only treated as experimental guinea pigs by Eden.”

He said, sighing softly, And it's just the mice in the control group.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who cast the rocket pào~~~: This bat is my white moonlight 2

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines~~~: Yiduzang a pity flower, 2 Xiaojin; myvanillaworld, Xiaran Xiaran 1

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution~~~: 30 bottles of AlieenAdler; 20 bottles of Yiduzang a pity flower; 15 bottles of Garland Xiaobaa; 10 bottles of Qingwei baby; 1 bottle of Fenglan

Chapter 97 Feather Snake City (3)

Zhang Xun's words stirred up dark ripples in the clean and white meeting hall, and suppressed anger smoldered under the calm surface.

But the high priest Yizli was not affected by Zhang Xun's words.

Men are guilty. Izli said slowly, Patriarchy has lasted on the earth for thousands of years, and during these thousands of years we have consumed the earth to the point where it is almost unsustainable. We regard women as belongings to plunder Take pride in possession, hate and kill each other, manufacture weapons that can destroy our only earth, and take it for granted by plundering non-stop. If there is no Eden, if Eden does not take all necessary measures, the current earth may be It is a piece of scorched earth that has been hollowed out. Yes, we don’t hate Eden as much as you do. When a man makes a mistake, he must atone for his sin, and he must find a way to evolve instead of standing still and being stubborn.”

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