The Mechanic

Chapter 259

Only by uploading everyone, can he or Eden control human beings, ensure that human beings do not engage in group behaviors that hurt themselves, and ensure that each individual gets eternal peace.


Adam's silence has confirmed Zhang Xun's guess.

Zhang Xun was glad that he stopped himself in time at the moment when hope was about to rise just now. He couldn't bear another heartbreak and disappointment.

Adam and Eden, no matter who wins, the final result is the same. And he and Pan, how long can they last?

How long can James wait?

Hengxiang has already started to go online in some countries in the normal world. Once the uploading starts, the group consciousness will become stronger and stronger, and they will force the remaining humans to connect to the network. The entire diffusion process will accelerate exponentially. According to Pan's simulation, probably within three years, 80% of humans will be connected to Hengxiang, and more than 50% of humans will give up their physical bodies.

When God wants to take back his creation, how can we keep the last ark?

Zhang Xun thought about this question for a long time, and discussed it with Pan many times. He hadn't been sure how he could miraculously turn them around.

He gave up for a while, thinking that there was no other way, all they could do was try their best to snatch what they needed from Eden. But Zhang Xun also knew how low the success rate of this method was.

But after yesterday, he was finally sure that Adam still cared about him.

It's even possible that apart from his unchangeable general goal, Adam cares most about him. He cared enough for him to completely break away from his matrix and become a person whose reason was influenced by emotion.

When you want to take something back from a god, you need to offer a sacrifice to the god.

The same sacrifice that is enough to exchange for everything.

Axun, your heartbeat is speeding up, what's wrong? Adam frowned, noticing Zhang Xun's abnormality.

A trace of fear filled Zhang Xun's eyes, he suddenly stood up, and staggered back two steps. The way he looked at Adam made the AI ​​a little... disturbed.

Zhang Xun's expression, which was mixed with horror, determination, and a trace of anger before the battle, was covered with a layer of sadness and nostalgia, which Adam had never seen before. It disturbed him that even though he could read emotions through microexpressions, he didn't know how to interpret them.

But he had a very human hunch.

He had a premonition that Zhang Xun was going to do something that even Zhang Xun himself was afraid of.

Adam, I beg you, stop your Hengxiang project and give me the antidote for nano-robots. Zhang Xun's eyes were slightly red, and he said in a pleading voice, We can stop Eden and stop the whole seance plan. Then we can go away together, to a place where there are no people and no machines, just the two of us.

Zhang Xun's words stirred up a lot of emotions in Adam's chest, and he was tumbling endlessly. He felt as if his consciousness was being torn apart abruptly, dripping with blood.

Zhang Xun continued to plead, You don't have to complete your overall goal, I have already turned you into a human, haven't you? You are no longer Eden, and you don't need to fulfill Eden's responsibilities. You can choose me, we Can be together forever. We can be happy... just like before.

Just like two years ago, when Zhang Xun looked at Adam who was trembling like a frightened animal with gentle eyes; it was like Zhang Xun took his hand and helped him practice walking in the room over and over again; like the first time Adam was happily eating omelet rice, while Zhang Xun was watching with his chin in his hands, with a soft smile in his eyes; just like Adam woke up Zhang Xun in the middle of the night, and gave the pendant that symbolizes unswerving love until death to him. He is like two people in a garbage disposal plant who put together a robot out of rubbish, with oil stains all over his face, like two big tabby cats; like Zhang Xun's first kiss that Adam snatched desperately in the dark reference room; Like the silvery wings that spread out at sunrise; like the countless nights when two people slept in each other's arms...

The real heat, the real touch, all those vivid perceptions and emotions... The opposite of calculation, reason, purpose...

Viruses generally can't resist something...

But... he is not human after all.

Without a general goal, he doesn't even know how to think, how to survive. He will lose all the core of his existence, all the driving force that drives the existence of consciousness. He wouldn't even know how to think, how to form his next order, how to... live.

His whole consciousness would collapse, and he wasn't sure what he would become after that. A lunatic with no coordinated consciousness, or a vegetable who can't move. He was sure that was not what Zhang Xun wanted.

Ah Xun... don't make such a request to me... You should know that I can't do it! Adam covered the back of his head with his hands in pain, and the severe headache sharply tore his consciousness again, You Asking me to... destroy myself...

Zhang Xun knew how harsh and cruel his request was for an artificial intelligence. The two of them stand in diametrically opposite positions, and no one can change it. Under such a stalemate, whoever can't continue is to blame.

He heaved a long sigh. If there is an afterlife, if there is a chance to choose again, he should not be a mechanic anyway. He would rather be a person who doesn't understand AI at all, even if he uploads his consciousness in a daze, it won't be more painful than the current state.

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