The Mechanic

Chapter 260

Zhang Xun pulled the pendant given to him by Adam out of his clothes. The chip that Adam gave him had already been injected into Pan, and now the box contained something else.

When he took out the tiny nano-robot injector, the most primitive and intense panic finally appeared on Adam's face. Just like the expression he had facing the entire strange human world after he had just descended from the gods. It was like the expression of being overwhelmed by the deepest fear during the bombing.

Zhang Xun stopped looking at him, pointed the syringe at the blood vessels in his neck, and pressed his thumb on the button. His expression at this time was very calm, but there was bottomless despair spreading in his eyes.

I'm sorry Adam...I know you can't change your overall goal...but you can change your sub-goals, you can change the way you reach your overall goal. Mind uploading is not the only option, you should know that.

Ah Xun! Put that thing down first! Adam immediately wanted to stand up, but Zhang Xun took a step back threateningly and moved his thumb. Adam immediately didn't dare to take any extra actions, Don't do stupid things! What if I can't create an antidote! What if the damage is irreversible once it's done!

I am also human, Adam. If you want to upload all human beings, sooner or later I will be uploaded. Zhang Xun twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled ironically, You know, if you really Don't care about me, maybe I don't dare to use this gave me a weapon to threaten you.


If uploading consciousness can really bring people eternal happiness. Why are you so afraid of me doing it? Moist tears gradually began to gather in Zhang Xun's eyes, Anyway, for you, individuals have no meaning, and human nature has no meaning. Meaning. If other people can be transformed, why can't I?

You said you didn't want to be uploaded!

I really don't want to, but I have no choice. Zhang Xun's palms were sweating, and he took a deep breath, feeling that he had never been so afraid. But he is a sacrifice, he is the only sacrifice available.

You have a choice, Adam. You can create a cure to save me and everyone else, or you can watch me become...them.

After Zhang Xun finished speaking, he pressed the button.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Xia Ran Xia Ran, Xing Xing’s Medicine Pack, Bastard’s Natural Curly Four Corner Strawberry, myvanillaworld, Cangli, Anan 1

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: He \u0026 Zhou 80 bottles;

Chapter 116 Sacrificial Lamb (7)

AI's perception of time is different from that of humans, but Adam, who has a human body, although his thinking speed is still at the AI ​​level, his body is limited to the human time range.

So the moment Zhang Xun pressed the button of the nanorobot injector, in Adam's consciousness, it was quite a long period of time. In an instant, countless thoughts emerged from Adam's mind, and countless ways to stop Zhang Xun.

But his body was too late to move.

He seemed to be rigidly confined in an ever-extending time unit, watching the nano-robots pouring into Zhang Xun's veins.

When he finally snatched the mini syringe from Zhang Xun's hand, he found that the blue liquid inside had been emptied. Adam's eyes widened, and all the thoughts in his head were stuck together for a moment, and the huge sense of panic made him feel chills.

Tears welled up from his eyes, and he stared at Zhang Xun as if some terrible mutation would happen to Zhang Xun in the next second.

But no, the transformation of the brain by nanorobots is gradual, and there will not even be any obvious changes in the first few days to ten days.

Adam stared blankly at Zhang Xun, then suddenly dropped the syringe in his hand, and hugged Zhang Xun in his arms. He could feel that Zhang Xun was trembling slightly, obviously he was also afraid, afraid of what would happen to him.

I'll fix everything... Adam murmured in a low-pitched, almost neurotic way, not knowing whether he was comforting Zhang Xun or himself. His hug was so tight that Zhang Xun could barely breathe.

But Zhang Xun still let him hold him, because he didn't want to let go. Adam was the only one who could save him, his only redemption and comfort.

What's next? Would he hear something that wasn't there? What will you feel?

Still... can't feel anything, he will lose his personality little by little.

He grabbed Adam's clothes, unspeakable.


Adam knew that from now on they would have to be very careful every step of the way.

Eden knew him as he knew Eden. According to the current situation, Paradise Lost may have given up on him and defected to Eden. In that case, Heng Township would also fall under Eden's control. But when creating Hengxiang, Adam thought for some reason and left a back door for himself.

And Eden probably predicted that he left a back door, so that back door is likely to have been discovered and repaired by now.

However, Adam also predicted the possibility that Eden predicted and repaired the hole he left behind, so when that hole was repaired, another dormant hole would be activated...

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