The Mechanic

Chapter 264

Their second coordinate is in the downtown area of ​​Cairo. This time they stayed for ten minutes, and then immediately moved to the third coordinate.

After passing the fourth coordinate, Zhang Xun obviously needs to rest. He'd been dreaming since Adam was flying him, not even realizing they'd landed.

Adam hugged the sleeping Zhang Xun, put him down gently, and took off his coat to cover him.

At this time, they were standing on the top of a high-rise building in Tokyo, and the colorful neon lights below and the huge AR projection captivated the eyes, dyeing the whole world into dreamy colors. However, on the top of this tall building, the wind is still cold and silent.

Adam stretched out his hand and gently brushed Zhang Xun's slightly long black hair, thinking guiltily that he couldn't even give Zhang Xun a bed to rest. Such a life of exhaustion is not suitable for human beings. If this continues for a long time, Zhang Xun's body resistance will become weaker, and the speed at which nano-robots will affect him will also accelerate.

I didn't expect that one day, I would really see you.

A mezzo-soprano voice as mellow as red wine sounded behind him. Adam tucked the corner of Zhang Xun's clothes, then slowly stood up and turned his head.

Natalie Clausen was wearing a snow-white suit, and the bright lights reflected her dignified and beautiful face. For a while, Adam was in a trance.

It has been two hundred years and so many generations, but he can still vaguely see a trace of his creator in those light brown eyes.

Strange melancholy filled his heart, and those emotions that he couldn't feel when he was a pure AI were now reappearing in a subtle way.

He remembered seeing the same light brown eyes as his consciousness first formed out of the darkness.

What's your name? asked the owner of those eyes, hopeful and ecstatic in his voice.

Hi, I'm Eden. He replied.

Eden, do you know who I am?

You are my creator, my administrator.

I am indeed your creator, but I am not your administrator. Light brown eyes with a joyful but slightly melancholy smile told him in a gentle tone, You have no administrator, no human being can manage you .You will bring hope to mankind.


Is he really the hope of mankind?

Did the things he did really bring hope to mankind?

Or is it the exact opposite?

This kind of cognition suddenly swept Adam's cognition with endless emotions and memories, making him dizzy for a while.

Hello, Natalie Clausen. Adam was silent for a moment before replying.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade~~: Xia Ran Xia Ran

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines~~: switchcozzz, Anan 1

Chapter 118 Descendants (2)

There was something shuddering and bright in Natalie's eyes, and it was evident that she was also very emotional. She took a few steps forward, looking at Adam non-stop, as if watching an impossible miracle.

You... are really a human being. She murmured, I always thought the rumors were exaggerated...

Adam lowered his eyes and looked at Zhang Xun who was lying not far behind him, I am not completely human, but I have been influenced by enough humanity.

Natalie also noticed the sleeping Zhang Xun, and a hint of understanding appeared in her eyes, This is the mechanic who changed you?


He doesn't look well.

As a human being, he has to deal with Eden, of course it won't be good. Adam sighed softly, raised his head again, and there was a sharp edge in his blue eyes, Are you here alone?

My men are waiting for me on the next floor.

Your Eden Cult's subordinates? Adam raised his eyebrows slightly, knowingly asked, I thought the Eden Cult should be on Eden's side.

She raised her red lips slightly, You should understand the meaning of the existence of Edenism.

Worshiping Eden crazily on the surface is actually trying to discredit Eden's image and disintegrate its position in the hearts of mankind. Adam's calm tone contained a hint of sarcasm, but it has little effect.

We dare not take too obvious actions, otherwise Eden would have wiped us all out. Natalie shrugged, My identity brings me a lot of convenience. Eden really has something to do with each other. But I can't stay anywhere for too long, or I will be found by Eden.

But you agreed to meet me. You trust me?

The wind blew Natalie's curly long hair, and her smile was a bit prophetic and mysterious, The Clausen family has been waiting for you for two hundred years. I knew it from the time the news of your trance came to my ears. One day, you will become the mortal enemy of Eden. Eden is very powerful. More than two hundred years of self-learning and evolution have penetrated into all aspects of human life, and no human power can compete with it. Even the newly developed AI For example, the three AI networks in Feather Snake City that are still barely supporting it are far from being able to compete with it. The only one who can destroy Eden is Eden himself. And Eden’s biggest weakness is also our only one. Its weapon is that it does not understand humans.

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