The Mechanic

Chapter 265

Adam frowned, a look of sullenness flashed in his eyes. Although he and Eden have been separated, after all, they were one in the past two hundred years. Eden's only job is to understand human beings, otherwise we would not control the entire human world so easily.

Eden's understanding stays on the surface. What it sees are data, probabilities, and the behavior trajectory of the group. It may be able to predict the reactions people will have, but it doesn't know why they have these reactions. Nata Li's smile is elegant and dignified, even very friendly, But you are different, Adam. Your mechanic gave you the ability to understand human beings and even fall in love with them.

I don't think that ability will help me accomplish my mission, quite the opposite.

Your creator, my ancestor, was disappointed with human beings and human nature when he created you, so the Eden he created was completely separated from human beings. It is an incomparably powerful observer, according to some Seriously biased data makes decisions for all human beings. But in his later years, Clausen gradually realized the mistakes he might have made. If he wants his works to benefit mankind, then such works must be able to understand human beings, otherwise it will The created paradise is only a shell.

Adam disassembled Natalie's words, and a trace of chill permeated into his youthful hesitation, You want to say that I am the suitable 'work' in your imagination? If that's the case, why not when we are still fragile? When is the time to carry out the séance plan?

First of all, biological and electronic technology were still completely separated fields at that time. The technology was not in place, and it was too difficult to produce a mature AI carrier. Moreover, Eden was too young. When Clausen died, its plan had not yet been revealed. Clausen does not believe that human nature will not be corrupted, so he will not easily give you what is in people. When he died, he still had hope and confidence in Eden, but he also did correspondingly for his worries measures.

Looking at the sparkle in Natalie's eyes, combined with all the information she told him, Adam gradually deduced, but the chill gradually turned into a bone-chilling cold, Clawson left on Eden. There is a leaky hole...and your family has inherited the knowledge about this leaky hole for generations.

Natalie smiled, You can rest assured, that loophole no longer works for you.

Adam wasn't sure if Natalie was lying. During the years when he was still one with Eden, they were constantly checking for loopholes and weaknesses in their complex neural networks. He's almost certain that Eden is invulnerable, no AI can infect it.

But what if it's some hidden command written into the source code, some command that's never triggered? Or some kind of virus that has been in a latent state...

Adam recalled the man who created him, the man who was somewhat similar to Zhang Xun's personality, and regarded him as the man he had devoted his whole life to. Always peaceful and humble but with a trace of melancholy and pessimistic eyes, only when looking at him, the eyes will shine brightly. The endless affection and hope contained in it, Adam, who was Eden at that time, could not fully understand. But in retrospect after he had a human body, it had a completely different meaning.

That creator who believed so completely in him and Eden, who had given him the highest trust and freedom, actually secretly plotted their end.

This is human beings, human beings that AI will never be able to fathom.

You won't give me the leak easily. Because you can't be completely sure that I will really break with Eden. The breath on Adam's body became more and more condensed, but his expression and tone remained calm, But you must help me, because I am Your only hope. Only I can create a nanobot antidote.

Of course I am willing to use our resources to assist you in developing the antidote for the nanobots, and I can even tell you about Eden's loophole. We only have one request.


We need to access Hengxiang's authority. Natalie said, curling her red lips.


Zhang Xun felt that he was standing in a vast wilderness.

There are golden wheat fields on all sides, and there is no end in sight. The slight breeze pushes out progressive làng waves on the wheat sea one by one, as if combed by an invisible comb.

He seems to be the only one in the world, but he is not the only one. His eyes looked at the blue sky, reflecting the shadows of the clouds, but he lacked his own soul alone.

He felt that many, many things were with him, enveloping every inch of his body, diluting his existence. Roots began to grow under his feet, his skin began to dry out, and he gradually became uncertain whether he was part of the wheat field.

The blowing wind seemed to be the breath he exhaled, and the flowing clouds in the sky seemed to be the confusion in his eyes. He wasn't sure if he existed, or if he was just a part of the world.

Calm, deadly calm. There is no emotional ups and downs, no slightest joy, anger, sorrow or joy. He seemed to have become one of thousands of wheat seedlings, no different from the wheat around him.

Is this... the paradise in Eden's eyes?

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