The Mechanic

Chapter 285

Adam frowned slightly, as if aware of Zhang Xun's suspicion of him, As long as only the five of us know about this, Eden won't know about it.

Zhang Xun wanted to say something more, but he didn't speak after all.

The author has something to say: Although I want to speed up the update and finish it quickly, I am so busy every day... I hope there will be more on the weekend~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the deep water torpedo~~: You can score as many points as you want 1

Thanks to the little angels who cast the mines~~: Melee Mage Phoebe 2; Xia Ran Xia Ran 1

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution~~: 40 bottles of Chasing Moon Water Moon; 10 bottles of Lioil; 2 bottles of Xingye Yehuo; 1 bottle of Huagu Zhixin

Chapter 127 Endgame (3)

They plan to leave this icy and snowy abandoned Arctic research base around three o'clock tonight, when Pan and the other two super AIs start to launch a large-scale false data attack on Eden's European server. The attack will last about three hours, long enough for them to enter the territory of the Freedmen of Greenland.

After arriving in Greenland, they will get in touch with Lucille and other leaders of the free folk and rioters, and Natalie will also get in touch with her family at the same time. They will choose two people, plus Adam, and try to inject the virus into the three locations most likely to break through the defense, close to Eden's core biological server, according to Adam's collected data analysis.

Listening to the howling wind outside the inspection base, Zhang Xun lay on his side on the creaking cold bed, looking at the pendant in his hand with some ecstasy. His dry thumb slowly stroked the tangled lines of vines on the pendant, thread by thread, as if that was the most important thing in the world.

A bang brought him back to reality from a trance. When Adam walked towards him, he accidentally kicked his foot on the hard bed, probably because of the pain, his handsome face twisted together.

……How are you?

It hurts... Adam held on to the bed railing for a while, and his appearance almost resembled the scene when Adam was not quite used to the human body when they first met. Adam, who was just learning to walk at the time, often bumped into furniture because he was not skilled enough to control his legs.

Adam limped to sit next to Zhang Xun, hesitated for a moment, then took off his boots and socks to check his toes, luckily the nails were not chopped off...

The corners of Zhang Xun's mouth lifted slightly, with a rare urge to smile.

When was the last time you wanted to laugh?

Why have you been so clumsy lately?

Adam looked at him with a pair of big blue eyes, seeming aggrieved, I have stayed in Eden's network for too long, and I have to re-adapt to the human body.

For AI, one second may be equivalent to several years in the network field, and the time unit cannot be compared with human beings... Maybe it is understandable.

Adam looked at the pendant in Zhang Xun's hand, with some surprise in his eyes, You still keep it?

...There is no reason to throw it away.

It's fine if it's before injecting nanorobots... Adam didn't finish his sentence, but Zhang Xun knew what he meant.

Zhang Xun gradually lost his own characteristics as a human individual, and those emotional attachments are also passing away. That's why he started to become numb and lack mood swings, and at the same time began to show a series of symptoms of depression.

Zhang Xun's love for Adam should also be worn away in this process.

But obviously, Zhang Xun was still holding on to something and refused to let go. Even though he knew it was like sand and couldn't be grasped, he still had to try.

You know, in this world, there are not many people I have loved. Zhang Xun said softly, raising his deep eyes, filled with a trace of sadness, entangled with Adam's gaze, Maybe only now There is only one left. I think, with a little effort, I can still keep some.

To love an AI whose world view is completely different from his own is full of thorns and pains, but Zhang Xun still wants to choose to continue to love and continue to work hard to retain his own feelings. Because even pain is better than nothing.

Adam stared at him quietly, with something similar to sadness deep in his eyes. He was sad, but Zhang Xun twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to comfort him, It's good that you are here, after all this is over, you can use my DNA model stored in your database to restore me, Is it right?

Adam hesitated for a moment, nodded, and quietly took Zhang Xun's hand holding the pendant, I will cure you.

But at this moment, there was a sound outside the door of the expedition team. Everyone immediately became alert, and Anya and Diego picked up their weapons and aimed at the direction of the gate.

The door opened, and a tall, handsome man stood outside. Anya's eyes were piercing, and she pointed her gun at the opponent, Who are you!

Anya, don't shoot. Zhang Xun looked at the man with a calm expression.

Anya glanced back at him, Do you know him?

The man standing at the door has clear green eyes and dark brown slightly curly hair. His eyes pass through the gap between everyone and he looks straight at Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun nodded, He is Pan, and this is the body I gave him.

Adam opened his eyes slightly, and turned to look at Pan. All his communications with Pan were in the electronic field. He didn't know that Axun also gave another AI body.

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