The Mechanic

Chapter 286

Pan looked around and quickly scanned every human body, making sure that except for the known Zhang Xun, no one else was infected by nanobots. Then he strode in, ignoring everyone else, and headed straight for Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun almost thought that Pan wanted to give him a hug...

Of course this is impossible. Hugging is a purely expressive gesture with no actual function.

Adam watched Pan's movements closely, and when he realized that he was invading Zhang Xun's personal space, he frowned and reached out to stop him.

Pan stopped and turned his head to stare at Adam in an all-too-steady manner.

Adam stared at him too.

Blue eyes meet green eyes, something tense in the air.

Everyone was a little nervous. These two AIs are clearly on the same front now, why do they seem to be fighting now?

Zhang Xun's gaze wandered twice between the two AIs, breaking the silence, Pan, is this your extension or your core module?

Pan turned his head and looked at him, It's my extended body. I know you're going to flee to Greenland tonight, so I'm here to escort you.

But aren't you going to attack Eden tonight? You need all the resources.

Ensuring that you and others arrive safely at your destination is crucial to successfully defeating Eden. I have done simulations and allocating one-fifteenth of the resources here will not affect our confrontation with Eden.

Pan paused, and continued, In addition, I used the opportunity of lurking in the Eden Network to infiltrate various social networks, analyzed the population data in those websites, and located more than 87 million people in the world. The tendency to upload anti-Eden and fear accounts for one-fifth of the current population of the earth. This is only the more radical population, and the consciousness of some more neutral population is easy to be influenced and deflected, so I did not choose them. I They established encrypted contacts with these people who opposed Eden one by one, and organized a new anti-Eden anti-uploading organization. They called themselves Bronze Men.

They don't know my identity, but I set up a local area network for them in a certain area, so that they can have unmonitored conversations and receive my instructions. This time, while we are attacking Eden from the Internet, the Bronze Men will simultaneously carry out social hacking attacks all over the world. They'll sneak into all the important city management extension AI R\u0026D centers trying to plant some basic viruses or sabotage the servers. Therefore, according to the simulation and prediction of Phoenix and me, this operation will completely disrupt the order of at least 21 key cities, traffic will be paralyzed, and power supply will also be cut off. Eden may use mechanical police or mechanical soldiers to maintain order, which can effectively weaken Eden's detection ability.

If there are casualties in the process of disrupting the city's order, or those who are seriously ill in the hospital and waiting for emergency treatment, how do you plan to deal with it? Adam asked sharply.

Collateral damage cannot be avoided, but all hospitals have backup generators that can last for more than two days, so they will not be affected. Any extended AI that is successfully implanted with a virus by the Bronze Man will be controlled by me, Phoenix and Morningstar .While Phoenix and I are mainly responsible for attacking Eden, Morningstar will use those compromised systems to monitor the situation in the city, and if anyone needs help, it will use the fastest way to reach the scene.

Adam nodded slightly, without further questioning.

Pan looked at Zhang Xun, took out a gun from his pocket, and handed it to him.

Zhang Xun recognized at a glance that it was James' gun.

Did Jamie receive the modified nanorobot? He pointed to the one-handed laser gun, as if he could still feel James' body temperature on it.

Received, now he is recovering, and it will take some time. He wanted to come out to help you, but was stopped by me and Todd.

Anya also heaved a sigh of relief when she heard her younger brother's name.

Zhang Xun suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. If in the end they fail and are wiped out by Eden, at least James among them can survive and have a chance to find a place not controlled by Eden, and spend the rest of his life with Todd safely, don't Get involved in any game between AI and humans.

The time was getting closer and closer to three o'clock in the morning, and everyone was waiting nervously. No one spoke, and everyone just silently prepared their weapons and packed their bags.

Zhang Xun, who had been looking at James' gun, suddenly whispered to Adam and Pan, I've been thinking about it for the past two days. All the uploaded consciousnesses have started to influence each other due to the lack of clear boundaries, but after all, most of them are not mentally ill. The consciousness of humans with schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder has a strange unity that can accommodate contradictions. If we can use this unity to create a protective film, maybe the uploaded consciousness can be maintained in the collective consciousness for a period of time may even be permanent independence.

Adam looked up at him with unpredictable eyes, What does this unity mean?

I don't know yet... Maybe it's a certain complex that runs through a person's life experience, or a memory that has a great significance to the journey of a person's character, or maybe it's an unfulfilled long-cherished wish...Anyway, it's something that people don't care about anyway. Things that are willing to let go. Zhang Xun slowly described his vision, If we can quantify this unity, we can create a coat that wraps the uploaded consciousness like a protective shell... In this way Being uploaded, you can still maintain a certain self.”

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