Alice listened to him and sure enough, he took out a book made of sheepskin from behind his back. Writing happens to be universal, unlike Nami Nemesis, which has its own unique language and script. Sit down on the spot and watch right away, untying Limbao’s rope by the way.

These notes are indeed precious to the people of this planet, but they do not show any light in Ales’ hands. The use of some of these tricks has long been reflected in the culture of Saiyan force, and is infused into the brain of every Saiyan baby who is born. What attracts him more is the use of energy in his body, that is, Alex has not been able to solve “qi” until now.

After reading the entire note, Alex closed his eyes and pondered, recalling what he had just gained in his heart. Although Luo Laixing’s use of “Qi” attacks is extremely poor, and he is still in the stage of studying the emission of Qigong waves, their understanding and use of “Qi” has opened Alice’s eyes and made him feel like he has been reborn.

“The use of ‘Qi’ is wonderful! We Saiyans don’t understand ‘qi’, nor do we know its existence, they do have high combat power, and the Luolai Starmen do not have much combat power, but their understanding of ‘qi’ is so clear,” Ales looked at the parchment in his hand and sighed, “It seems that few in the Frieza camp can sense the existence of ‘qi’, how can it be regarded as a defect for them!” In this way, the mysteries such as the Realm King Fist and the Yuan Qi Bomb should be the advanced use of ‘Qi’, and the Qigong Cannon can also be regarded as a secret method to increase lethality with life. Eh… I don’t think about it, this harvest is good, there is still something to absorb tomorrow. ”

Alice, who stood up, opened the door and said to the two tiger-backed guys guarding the door: “You two, Mr. Limbao take to the room prepared in the palace to rest, by the way!” Be kind to life and tell your subordinates not to slack. ”

Then he turned to Limbao, who was sitting on the ground, and said, “Do you think someone will carry you?” ”

For the guy who broke his legs, Limbao obviously didn’t have a good impression, but he really didn’t have the strength to deal with him, and he didn’t want him to underestimate him. He moved the broken leg in front of him, lightly pressed his hands on the sides of the broken area, and then applied hard force. Just listen to the “click”, the leg is restored to its original state, and then the other leg is restored in this way, so that it can barely walk.

Alice looked at the whole process with interest, “Yes, it’s a man.” He turned to his subordinates at the door and said, “Mr. Limbao, after he arrives in the room, he will find the best doctor here to heal his injuries, got it?” ”

“Yes, understood!”

“Then, Mr. Limbao, please!” Saying that, he pulled out his right hand and made a “please”.

In the next few days, Alex has been learning the fighting skills of the Rolai Starman, and although there is nothing particularly powerful, it has also added a lot of understanding to him.


The universe is actually very bright, and the reason why people look dark is because of the effect of countless black backgrounds superimposed on thick. In this space, which is 90% black, a circular spaceship passes through the middle.

“Spaceship, did it scan the planet of life?” It was a small, one-man spaceship, and the people inside seemed impatient and made impatient sounds.

“In the process of detection… Please wait………… Not found, detecting… Please wait………… No findings found. ”


“Discover the planet of life ~ Discover the planet of life.” An electronic voice came from him that uplifted him.

“In what direction?” The man roared.

“Please wait…”

“What a broken spaceship, it’s been three months. I slept three times in a row, and I actually found the life planet until now, how is the scanning radius so small, what Saiyan Star gave me will not be parallel goods! A voice complained.

As you should have guessed, this person is Alex, but he is seven years old at this time. Three months ago, he integrated the martial arts of the Luolai Starman and left to embark on a new journey. Unfortunately, nothing was found for three months, and when he was bored, he activated the sleep device, woke up every ten days, and changed the course to search for the planet of life. At this time, he complained very much about why Saiyan didn’t give himself an interstellar voyage map, and he wanted to use this stupid method to find the planet of life. It’s just that he doesn’t know that Saiyan never gives interstellar maps to the spaceship that babies ride, and they want these children to return to Saiyan after completing their mission, instead of disobeying instructions on an alien planet.

It may be the inspiration of the god of luck, just as Alice finished complaining, the electronic voice of the spacecraft said: “Direction forward down right JC4078.”

Alice didn’t care that the living planet was three or four days away from him, but let out a heavy breath, “It’s really choking me these days, bastard!” Hurry up and get the interstellar range map, otherwise it will be bad to be discovered by Saiyan Star. It is also necessary to reengineer the spacecraft and remove the tracking device inside. ”

Because the combat effectiveness detector on the Ales spaceship is an old version, when he stopped using the detector to detect his strength two years ago when he saw his combat power at 14,000, he didn’t want his only vehicle to be damaged, after all, there are many explosions in Dragon Ball caused by excessive combat power values. Having learned to use “qi” to observe the strength of others, he can clearly feel the growth of his strength, but compared to the first form of Frieza, he is still like a cloud of mud, not to mention the ultimate form of Frieza. In fact, he wondered why Saiyan had not given him orders until now, as if he had forgotten him.

What he didn’t know was that at this time, there was an adult Saiyan warrior on his way to Lolais. Seven years ago, after Alex left Planet Vegeta, the Saiyans were attacked by information rarely used in cosmic battles, destroying the computers on Planet Vegeta, and it took a year to recover. Although most of the data has been recovered, a small number of the data has been lost, and Alex’s information, although not lost, has been put on hold for several years, and it is only now that it is discovered that such a baby has not returned. So, Planet Vegeta reacted immediately and directly sent adult warriors out of the horse.

These actions naturally have nothing to do with Alice, who has already left. After so many years of training, especially recently learning to use “qi” to increase the regulation of his body, he feels more and more that there is a force in his body that is helping him – no matter what kind of exercise he undergoes, as long as he sleeps, everything is normal. And this power continues to grow stronger as his strength increases. Like starting the battle with the mountain boar, this kind of injury will definitely have a great impact on the baby’s physical growth, but it did not have any negative effect on him except for the black mark left by the blood agglutation for just one day, and at that time he thought it was because of Saiya’s physique. After so many years in Lolai Star, Alex also knew that the mountain boar was the most powerful creature in Lolai Star, although ironic, but it was a fact. With Alice’s strength at that time, he did not feel ashamed to fight against it.

The power that existed in Alice’s body, at first, it was not obvious. However, now that his strength has increased, he can feel its existence very well, but unfortunately! I couldn’t get a clue. This force seems to only play a supporting role, and whenever Alex is injured or exhausted, he can feel that there is a force in his body helping him, recovering from his injuries and eliminating fatigue. It’s just that at this time, Alice is tormented by his body without a trace of strength, even if he grits his teeth to pursue the trace of strength, he can’t concentrate.

The secret in the body was not discovered, and although it was a pity, it did not affect Alex much. Pursuing the path to become stronger, how could he hesitate at this time, he believed that the power that existed in his body would reveal the mystery when he became a Super Saiyan. After all, the situation observed before was: this mysterious power increases with the increase of one’s own strength, then, when it reaches a certain level, its origin will naturally be revealed. “Anyway, your own strength, now is not the time to understand its origin, but to make full use of its help to the body, so that you can increase your strength and tap its potential with maximum efficiency.”

After the excitement, Alex calmed down, saw that the target planet was still three days away from him, and reached out to activate the long-term sleep device. Before falling asleep, Alex looked at the open universe outside the window and made a voice that only he could hear: “Dragon Ball world!” I don’t know what changes I can give you when I join, look forward to it~”!


“Shh~Di~” Alex opened his eyes amid the sound of the spaceship, looked at the window in front of him, and couldn’t help but whisper: “Damn, this is also the planet of life!” ”

What catches your eye is red, and the clouds are brown. Alex could not believe that such a planet could have any higher life, such a planet was like Mars in a previous life, and it was clearly different from the blue life planet.

Hold your head with your hands and close your eyes. Seeing the planet in front of him getting bigger and bigger, Alex asked, “Where is the living matter?” ”

“On the front and back of the planet”.

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