Alex was not happy to hear the answer, what such a planet could have. How can an advanced civilization be produced without a certain dense population, unless it is a colony of other creatures, and there are some garrisons on it. Sighing and saying: “After entering the atmosphere, fly at low altitude until the life reaction position.” ”


After entering the atmosphere, the spacecraft followed an elliptical trajectory towards low altitude, and finally flew two hundred meters above the ground after entering the back of the planet. Alice kept looking out the window, the yellow sand was flying outside, and the eyes were desolate, and there was no sign of life. The red and yellow sand indicates the weakening of life and the dissipation of civilization. Alice got tired and closed his eyes again and leaned back in his chair.

Suddenly, he thought: when Latis arrived on Earth, he once suspected that the probe showed the error of Goku’s combat power value transformation, and even Dodolia had a disbelief in Nami’s nemesis.

“It can’t be that the spaceship is broken!” Half a ring, Alice said.

As soon as the thought appeared in his mind, it lingered like a brand, and Alice sat up straight and looked out of the ship. If the spaceship is really broken, in addition to returning to Planet Vegeta, you can only rely on luck to drift in the universe to receive information about life planets. Although I am not satisfied with many aspects of this spacecraft, I really don’t want it to be “parallel goods” at this time, even if many equipment does not have it, but the existing things must be genuine! Otherwise…… Alex simply couldn’t imagine it.

At this moment, a huge tree towered in front of Alice’s eyes, and Alice, who was shocked, did not move anything other than open his mouth.

“What is this?” Looking out the window, Alice said blankly.

The spacecraft did not reply, as if it had come to rest after work. The reason why Alex was so surprised was because the “tree” he saw in front of him was so big that it stood there, giving people a huge visual shock.

At the speed of the spacecraft, it takes ten minutes to fly to the root of the tree, and it takes ten minutes from entering the eye to coming to the bottom of the tree, using a spacecraft, although the flight speed is not the flight speed of space, but you can still imagine how huge it is.

Alex looked at the spacecraft’s detection of air.

“Barely reaching the survival value? In that case, I could walk here, but it was very uncomfortable. ”

With the answer, he immediately opened the hatch, and the moment the gap opened, Alex felt an uncomfortable rush of air rushing towards him. This feeling seemed to put him in the oven, and his whole body was uncomfortably tight.

“Move quickly, it’s really uncomfortable here, staying for one more minute is a sin~” Alex thought, and then flew into the sky.

The tree grows very luxuriantly, with emerald green leaves, which contrasts strongly with the scene of yellow sand rolling in the distance, and it seems that all the life energy of the entire planet is concentrated here. Ales climbed a branch, although it was a branch, but for Alex it was a two-meter-wide wooden bridge.

Suddenly a message appeared in his head, and it streaked through his brain like lightning. However, it was so shocked that Alice’s eyes were dull and he did not move.

“Advanced civilizations in the universe are not without the technology to transmit the life energy of a planet to a specific location, making it more fertile than anywhere else. But as far as the situation at hand is concerned, the life reaction here refers to this tree. The tree that can automatically absorb the life energy of the entire planet, there is only one in Dragon Ball, and there is only one ~ right, that is, the nerve tree. When he said the words “nerve tree”, Alice’s mouth opened wide and his face was full of excitement. I looked at the branches hundreds of meters away, and sure enough, there were fruit-like things there.

Resisting the excitement in his heart, Alice acted quickly, and this action was simple, that is, to eat.

That’s right, constantly eating the fruit of the tree. How did the Neural Tree come up here? Alex wasn’t interested in knowing, maybe he would think about it after eating, but for now, sorry—no time.

There are so many fruits of the nerve tree that even the Alexaiyan’s stomach can only eat one-tenth of it. Feeling his growing strength, Alice stopped. After all, he really couldn’t eat. And the power of growth at this time must be consolidated quickly, and if it is missed, a large batch will be wasted.

In this way, Alice is doing various basic movements around the nerve tree. Of course, these basic movements are naturally related to martial arts training, which can be regarded as a warm-up! It took half an hour for Alice to stop. Without exercise equipment, there is really no choice, only crazy punches and kicks, and the speed is extreme.

“Ya~~~” Seeing that the speed was too fast and disappeared in front of him, he still kept accelerating, but accelerated harder and harder.



These movements alone lasted for five hours, and the speed of punches and kicks did not slow down in the slightest, except for Alice’s tenacious will, which was helped by the mysterious energy in his body. It accelerates the decomposition of the energy of the nerve tree fruit in Ales, ensuring that these energies enter every cell of Alex to maximize the utilization of the neural tree. Unfortunately, Alex was completely immersed in cultivation at this time and did not pay attention to the changes in his body.

In this way, even Alex himself couldn’t tell clearly, and the strength consolidation that he thought would take ten days to complete was actually completed in less than a day.

He was surprised, raised his hands in front of him, slowly clenched his palms into fists, and muttered in his mouth: “This is my strength now……… It’s amazing! ”

Alice repeatedly released his grip on the cage, experiencing a decidedly different feeling of power. He could feel that his strength was already a level higher than before. Looking at the fruit hanging from the tree, Alex flew up again….

After a month, Alex finally completed the task – to eat the nerve tree fruit. What excited him the most was his discovery of the Neural Tree seed. Nerve tree seeds grow on the highest branches in the crown, and other branches often have several fruits, but this crown is where the nerve tree seeds are, and the whole branch has no other fruit except it—a peculiar growth condition.

The growth of the nerve tree consumes the life energy of a planet for hundreds of years, so for the planet that grows the nerve tree, from the moment the nerve tree grows, it indicates that the planet will become desolate in hundreds of years. Moreover, if there are no special circumstances in hundreds of years, or if the planet reproduces on its own, it will take thousands of years to restore the prehistoric state of the planet, and as for returning to its former appearance, it may take hundreds of centuries.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the Neural Tree, Alice wouldn’t have been on this planet for so long. The situation here was so bad that Alice felt his body start to stink. It’s a pity that the water here is the kind that people don’t want to approach when they see it, “bathe”, or save it!

Armed with the seeds of the Nerve Tree, Alice stepped into the spaceship and set out again on the quest for a living planet.


Alice’s spacecraft had just flown out of the atmosphere when he saw a spaceship like him appear far away from him, of course, only for a flash.

Thinking about the scene he just saw, Ales thought: “No one will come to this planet, except for something important.” In this way, it should be someone from Planet Vegeta who came to me… What a misstep you guys are! It took seven years to come to me. Now my strength should be in the state of Frieza’s three-stage transformation, and it may be stronger, but his terminal transformation is a trouble! As things stand, it seems that returning to planet Vegeta is a good choice, much better than wandering around the universe like I am now. ”

After thinking for a long time, because he didn’t want to be dragged back, he clicked the button to go to Planet Vegeta.

Idle and bored, Alex began to chant again: “It seems that the spacecraft is much faster now!” When I get to Planet Vegeta, I must make them build me a great one… Kindness…… Just like Boomer’s father made for Goku, there must be a gravity room, a bathroom, a bedroom, and a bathroom…”

Designing his spaceship in his mind, he never thought that he would still be a penniless proletarian. It seems that in the Dragon Ball experience, martial artists rarely use money, which also leads to Alex not having the concept of money in the Dragon Ball world.

Unlike when he came from Rolai, this time there was a clear purpose, the speed of the spacecraft was fast, and Alex was awakened by the spacecraft in just two months.

“Oh~, the planet Vegeta in front of it, well~ is indeed much larger than Lorai Star, worthy of being a planet ten times the gravity of the earth~.” Ales looked at Planet Vegeta in front of him and commented with a full face.

As usual, if an unfamiliar ship enters the planet’s detection range, the planet will send a warning message, and after three invalidations, it will activate the weapon system to shoot it down. Of course, if you are familiar with it, it is another matter. In particular, the small spaceship on which Alex’s people ride will not carry weapons themselves and cannot threaten the security of the planet, so they will not pay too much attention. The reason why they are so confident is because the Saiyans are the strongest fighting people in the universe, and no one thinks that the other party can capture the planet Vegeta after landing. Naturally, there are exceptions to many rules.

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