And people like Frieza come to planet Vegeta, they don’t need too many programs at all, they can come and go whenever they want, of course, such people are a few – they can be counted in the palm of their hand.

Alex discovers that after entering a certain range of planet Vegeta, the spacecraft begins to be controlled by another system, and now he has lost control of the spacecraft. He knew that it was the people on planet Vegeta who were remotely controlled, which was described in many movies in his previous life. The landing site is a cushioning layer made of high-strength rubber, which will not have the huge impact of landing on other planets.

Before the hatch opened after the spacecraft landed, Alice saw two people running to both sides of the spacecraft and waiting, while there were also a group of people guarding a stretcher car at the exit.

“Is it the commissioning personnel of the base?” Alex looked at them and thought, at this moment, a spaceship landed in the air, and the appearance was not much different from what Alex was on.

The hatch opened, and the people outside the door were a little surprised to see Alice. But seeing that the other party had a tail, there was no doubt that it was a Saiyan. The suspicion that there is no recorded data with Alice can only be investigated slowly, and it is said that all the service personnel on Planet Vegeta are composed of advanced civilization creatures from other planets. Although these creatures have a very high scientific and technological culture, their own combat effectiveness is very low, and they can only rely on Saiyans to survive, so their status in Saiyan Star is very low. As long as the reason is justified, any Saiyan can kill them without anyone being held accountable.

Alice watched them stunned to the side, and then leaned out. After looking at the building in front of him, he couldn’t help but sigh, “If the technology of the earth in the previous life has one-tenth of here, then…” Thinking of this, he shook his head, “Still haven’t woken up from the memories of the past?” ”

Alice, who was walking towards the door, was stopped by two people who just thought they were receptionists.

Both of them are not very good-looking, in short, they are very different from the people Ales knows. One of them said, “Hello – kid, when did you set off?” ”

Alex looked at the two in front of him, wondering in his heart whether to answer truthfully.

Seeing that Alex did not react, the man just now immediately explained: “I’m sorry, we just wanted to… You know, there is no your number here, which means ~~ we do not have your information. ”

“Oh~~ I’m coming back for the first time,” Alice didn’t want to lie, telling a lie would have to be explained with a dozen lies, he was troublesome, and this is the world where strength is supreme, “I went out to fight when I was a child, and I only came back now.” ”

“What~~~?” The two seemed very surprised, which made Alice a little regret telling the truth.

Of course, Planet Vegeta pays attention to every baby. But it’s about where these babies go, not whether they live or die. For the Saiyan people, who have spent their entire lives fighting, death is the home of warriors, who experience the excitement of blood boiling during battle. For those who run away from battle, they will be treated as enemies, because fleeing from battle is an insult to the Saiyans, who will not allow anyone to tarnish the glory of the Saiyans, the strongest fighting people in the universe.

The two quickly came to their senses and immediately said, “Oh, we’ll take care of it.” Report this situation to the Saiyan command, maybe someone will come to you for questioning soon, and it may take up a lot of your time by then…”

Alice, who understood the words, nodded in agreement. After that, the two turned away to check the condition of the spacecraft, much to Alice’s surprise at the Saiyan’s management of the people.

“The system is very relaxed, it seems to be a unique feature of a people (he discovered a few months later that this is not the case),” Alex thought as he walked down the deserted street, “Under the rule of the Saiyan king, society did not reflect many feudal elements. It should be a deformed civilization that emerged from the strong manifestation of a pure fighting nation, adding most of the feudal factors to other dependent races.”

On the street, there are very few people, especially Saiyans. Many adult Saiyans have gone out to fight, and shopping and shopping are not suitable for the character of Saiyans. As a result, the buildings here, while advanced, are not as bustling as the streets on Earth.

While walking, Alice suddenly remembered an important question, where should he stay?

After turning around in place a few times, I was a little overwhelmed. From a distance, he saw two aliens running towards him on the side of the spacecraft just now. Just as Alex had to solve his own problem again, he walked up.

The two men came to Alice, gasped for breath first, and then the person who spoke for the first time said, “Hello, Saiyan warrior… That’s what I call you, do I mean okay? ”

“It’s just a title! And, it’s not bad either. ”

“Just now we forgot to give you, you young warriors who returned for the first time,” the person who spoke had not spoken until then, “We have accommodation arrangements for each of you returning soldiers, please come with us.” We forgot just now, I’m really sorry, please forgive me! ”

“Well…” Alex replied lightly, thinking to himself, “It turns out that Planet Vegeta has such good welfare that everyone has a house. It’s a pity that Saiyans like to go out and fight, and these houses are not of much use. ”

The house is assigned to a computer monitor, with the help of two local ground staff on Planet Vegeta, which is very efficient. After all, the object is a Saiyan warrior, a natural fighting people, and the treatment is much better than that of ordinary vassal races.

From the time of coming to Planet Vegeta, that is, noon, to now living in his room, it is only three hours. What is not satisfied with this efficiency?

Alex thought it was amazing! At least I had never experienced it in my previous life, so I slept here in peace.

Planet Vegeta has many exercise rooms full of creature warriors, like the vegetable people that Vegeta planted after he arrived on Earth. It’s just that now the combat effectiveness of vegetable people is only about eight hundred, and it is not effective for adult warriors to train at all, and they are generally used as exercise products for Saiyan children.

Because there are other high-tech races on Saiyan Star, the mechanical equipment is very developed, and it is very simple to build a personal artificial gravity device. Unfortunately, Planet Vegeta needs money to exchange everything except food, housing, transportation (spaceships). Where does this call Alex ask for money?

It has been the seventh day, and yesterday the Saiyan high-level responded to Alice’s deeds for several years: in view of the fact that the Saiyan Alice did not complete the instructions given by the planet Vegeta: did not destroy the Lolais, did not conquer the Lolais. Here: the commission payable is deducted, and after that, two occupied planets must be contributed to restore the Free Saiyan number. During this period, all orders were under the command of the Saiyan leadership. Failure to act within this period shall be punishable as a mutiny …

The general content is that Alice will occupy two planets and give him to planet Vegeta for nothing, and if he does not complete it, he will be regarded as a defection. Alice, who was walking on the street, shook his head and thought: “Saiyans belong to Frieza’s dependents, and yesterday’s information shows that none of the Saiyans has exceeded 30,000 combat strength, hey ~~ It’s really sad, just like that, he swore to the universe that he was the strongest fighting nation in the universe.” But then again, Saiyans do have a warlike nature, and there is basically no situation in the universe where the entire race is a warrior, well… This should be the capital that Saiyan can be proud of. In this way, people like me who don’t go to occupy the planet are the Saiyan scum they know, and if they don’t get it right, they will become wanted criminals in all Saiyans, alas…”

Absent-minded, he did not look at the detour in front of him, and collided with three people coming from the other side at the turn.

However, Alice reacted quickly in the end, and instantly left the range of the opponent’s possible attack. After standing still, he sensed their qi, “hehe”, he had fought no more than hundreds, and he was a Saiyan child like him, only a little older than him. So Alice relaxed, no matter what, the other party could not hurt him.


“What people?”

The opponent also reacted quickly and immediately put on a fighting stance.

Alice, relying on the principle that more is better than less, stepped forward and said, “I’m sorry…”

It’s a pity that Alice doesn’t understand the character of the Saiyans in the end, on the planet Saiyan, no, even in the universe, the Saiyans don’t say such things, absolutely not. Moreover, Isaiyan’s arrogant and domineering personality, once it encounters an incident, it is impossible to solve the matter with a single apology.

The three Saiyans saw that the other was also a Saiyan, and they were also children like themselves, so they had the heart to compete, and a slightly fat man in the middle reached out and pressed on the detector.



The very Sven-looking man to his left asked, “How much combat effectiveness?” ”

The man on the right was quite burly, and although he didn’t ask, he listened carefully, but his eyes did not leave Alice, and he was always on guard.

“Combat effectiveness … 1043。 ”

The two people around him said in surprise: “What, 1043, you can’t be mistaken!” He’s just that big… And not an aristocracy either? This…”

The high-level warriors on planet Vegeta and their descendants will have specific areas of activity, and it is impossible for high-level warrior children and low-level warrior children to be together. After all, the combat effectiveness of low-level fighters is too low, and if they are active with high-level fighters, they will only increase their mortality. Don’t have the idea of letting high-level warriors save low-level warriors, in the nature of the Saiyans, all guys with low combat effectiveness deserve to die. Napabegeta’s attitude towards Latis is known, and in the end, Vegeta did not hesitate to kill Napa, which also reflects the character of the Saiyan.

After arriving on the planet Vegeta, Alex maintained his combat power to a low level. For the fighting people, high strength will bring a lot of help in many cases, but if the combat power is too high, it will also be troublesome, like King Vegeta did with the Broly father and son.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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