You dance and I dance! Svetlana also said a classic line. This is the dialogue on the Titanic. What you do, I will do.

An invisible bond formed between the two, perhaps a bond that only developed after countless battles. The mutual trust between comrades-in-arms and the help between companions were very complicated and no one could explain it clearly.

The off-road vehicle was traveling very fast, and occasionally when it passed by a few shambling zombies, Svetlana would use her samurai blade to headshot a few zombies, as if she wanted to change the somewhat tense and charming atmosphere, which made She wasn't used to it, at least not yet.

As we gradually entered the continuous peaks of the Aklay Mountains, the place was covered with leaves, and the tall branches almost blocked the sunlight. Normally, this would be a good place to cool off, but during the time when the serum was leaked, it would just be a creepy place.

Svetlana looked at the moths not far away. Their huge and bloated size meant that they could only fly at low altitudes. He couldn't help but take out his sniper rifle, aim at the moths, and pull the trigger with his jade finger.

Bang! A bullet flew out. As it moved, the bullet whizzed past and directly penetrated the heads of the two moths, killing the moths on the spot.

There is no salvation here, only purification. Eddie said without looking back.

What kind of purification method? Svetlana asked.

The high-temperature bomb is a brand-new missile that can be as powerful as a nuclear bomb but significantly reduce pollution. It is a project jointly developed by Umbrella and the Federation. Eddie said directly.

It seems that you have mastered Umbrella's core information. Svetlana nodded, a glimmer of light flashing in her beautiful eyes.

That's not the case. Even if the Crimson Queen is lost, Umbrella will not fall. As long as those people don't die, Umbrella will be difficult to fall. That old fox Spencer will not fall so easily. Eddie sneered.

Even if Umbrella collapsed, there were many reasons besides the experimental data and videos submitted anonymously by Wesker. Colonel Sergei's death, the Caucasus branch was raided and infected with T-serum, and the Talos Tyrant plan failed. Coupled with the hijacking of the cruise ship where biological and chemical weapons were displayed to VIP customers, as well as the poaching by major forces, many factors combined to cause Umbrella to collapse.

Although Umbrella will fail, Spencer still has huge resources. Otherwise, we would not be able to support Alex’s project to research immortal viruses. Even though he was deceived by Alex in his old age and indistinctness, he was still very rich. Alex (thanks to an enthusiastic reader for pointing out the error) was able to deceive Spin. The stuffing is also where she excels.

At the ground gate of the underground nest, there is an abandoned gas station. In addition to entering from the gas station, you can also enter from several abandoned houses near the gas station.

Svetlana observed from a distance and said, That's about it. There are Federal Marines in front. They are stationed there and are fighting some infected creatures.

Eddie took out his binoculars and looked over, and saw well-equipped Marines attacking with guns. In front of them were more than twenty rotten zombie wolves, which were as disgusting and fast as zombie dogs, and their sharp teeth could crush them. Not a thick body armor. Body armor can prevent bullet impact but cannot prevent dog bites, let alone the ancestors of dogs, wolves!

They should be here to pick up William. William is already dead, so they need to retreat. Haha, Simons didn't expect it. Soon I will give him a big gift. Humph, fight with me, life or death. Eddie said with a cruel smile.

You still care about that agent. Svetlana gave a playful smile.

Sister Wang and Aunt Wang, of course it is impossible to give it to others. Eddie said righteously.

Sister? Auntie? You are really special. Is your age so important? Haha, stop talking, little man, what should we do now? Svetlana asked.

Go over there. You can sneak into the underground brood nest from there. Let's do it now. I'll ask Janeuri and the others to hack the camera, and then I'll blame Simmons. Eddie's smile gradually became wilder!

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 181: Lisa who knows martial arts

You are so shameless! Svetlana smiled, with a bit of approval in her tone, I admire you very much for this. Unlike that hypocrite, at least you are a real villain.

Are you praising me or hurting me? Eddie was speechless. He parked the car near a house and picked up weapons, including the anti-tank rocket launcher given by Caroline.

Praise you! I like your style very much. I hope you won't become as disgusting as those congressmen in the future. Svetlana's smile was hearty, and it was obvious that she was not lying.

Jessica and Lisa got out of the car carrying large weapons, including their favorite iron chains. As long as they were whipped down, not many creatures could withstand their attacks.

Flame guns and oil tanks are all necessities. There are many strange things in the underground nest. They are all connected to the Mansion Research Institute and the Cadre Training Institute. There have been no attacks for the time being, but It's hard to guarantee that William didn't spread something before he left.

Of course not. I will still be as despicable and sinister as ever! Eddie put on infrared glasses in advance and looked into the house. There were actually two huge spiders waiting for prey on the roof.

Lisa also noticed it. She took out the iron chain and swung it, breaking the wall directly and slapping the spiders inside to death. However, there were still many spider eggs on the ground, which looked very disgusting.

Jessica, burn them with a flame gun. These things are really disgusting. Eddie waved his hand. He always felt disgusted and disgusted by these mutated insects.

When the flames go down, the unhatched spiders will also be burned to death. If they mutate, they should not harm people. And if the infected animals still give birth to the next generation, then the ones born will also be dead mutant animals. The two sharks in the basement of the mansion can prove this very well.

Opening the secret passage door, Eddie walked down first. It had not been used for a long time and seemed to have some spider webs. Eddie had to use a tactical dagger to clean up, and when he saw spiders and other reptiles below, he would shoot them from a distance and not fight at all. That was a disease.

It took fifteen minutes to reach the underground passage. This is a tunnel-type passage. Walk forward for a distance of about two kilometers to reach the underground mother nest.

Roar! A roar came, and two mutated large lizards slowly crawled over. There was a weak light in the tunnel, making it impossible to see the surrounding environment clearly.

The large lizard is more than seven meters long. It originally only preyed on some blue-winged and mosquito lizards here. As a result, due to the spread of T serum, huge mutations occurred. It is unknown what kind of pig feed he ate, and he became tall and ferocious.

His two eyes had turned scarlet, as if the virus had taken over his brain, and his whole body exuded a foul odor.

Eddie took out his submachine gun and accurately hit the big lizard. Only the sound of dang-dang-dang was heard. The bullets were offset by the tough outer skin and fell to the ground. Only the big lizard roared in pain.

hiss! A strange organ suddenly stretched out as if it were made of plastic. Eddie dodged and the solid mountain wall behind him was hit with rubble. If it hit him with this force, it might hit him directly!

bass! Svetlana seized this fleeting opportunity, opened the safety pin of the grenade, and threw it directly into the open mouthparts of the big lizard.

Bang! There was a loud noise, and the big lizard's head was blown to pieces. This lizard's internal defenses have not evolved, and its appearance is riddled with holes. In fact, its brain has been blown apart by grenades.

A direct headshot is the best option. If an ordinary marine faces this kind of big lizard, it may take several people to die before they have a chance to pick it up.

The other lizard seemed to feel the death of its companion, and suddenly became even more angry. It crawled quickly on all fours and came to the front in the blink of an eye.

Lisa looked at the big lizard expressionlessly, stepped on the ground with her high heels, grabbed the big lizard's head with both hands, and punched out, blowing out the big lizard's eyes and eyelid scales.

Then with a loud shout, the big lizard, which weighed more than a ton and nearly two tons, was lifted up and thrown directly to the top of the four-meter-high tunnel. After hitting the ceiling hard, it fell again.

At this time, Lisa was ready for the next blow, and she just turned slightly to avoid the painful blow from the big lizard's mouthparts. And a high leg slashed down, crushing the mutated lizard's head directly.

In less than ten seconds, the big lizard that even Eddie found difficult to deal with was easily dealt with by Lisa! Is this the difference between a bronze player and a king? Although it was a bit uncomfortable, Eddie still accepted this fact. Anyway, Lisa is his bodyguard, the bodyguard is awesome, and he is very respectable.

On the other hand, Svetlana's beautiful eyes flashed with relief. She was worried about Eddie's safety before and worried that Eddie's safety would not be guaranteed after she left. Now it seems that she is overthinking. That's fine, at least she won't have any worries!

Well done! Eddie praised Lisa. At least he saw Lisa as a person, not as a monster. This was his friend and his companion.

Thank you. Lisa thanked her unexpectedly. Like Jessica, she doesn't like to talk. Maybe it's because she hasn't spoken for a long time. She usually doesn't talk much. She only talks freely like friends when the mother and daughter are alone. Other times there is more silence.

Eddie took out his gun and pointed it at the lizard eggs in the distance. To hit a snake, you have to hit it seven inches. If you add insult to injury, you have to cover the manhole cover. This is called avoiding future troubles. The hope of preventing mutation was corrupted and came to interrupt their retreat.

Along the way, there are no monsters here. It seems that we occasionally see some white bones, which look like the bones of hunters, and they should be eaten by lizards as dinner.

There are really not many animals and biological weapons that can defeat these two lizards in the tunnel, except for Lisa. She can even push the tyrant to the ground and beat him. Although it has not been tested, but there is a chance to try it.

This time our target is the dormitory area. We don't know what the situation is like in the nest, but there is definitely a problem. Let's not take it lightly and do our best to avoid injuries! Eddie ordered.

The one who needs to be careful here is you, right? You are the weakest, little man! Svetlana joked. This instructor sister always seems to like to bully her employer!

Chapter 182: Four Guabi sweep across the underground brood nest

The underground brood was almost destroyed by William's release of a large amount of T serum, and the hunters sent out were researchers who killed everything. William knew very well that if he escaped, Umbrella would not let him go. Not only him, but also his family members will be captured and thrown to an isolated island to become experimental subjects.

Eddie and others arrived at the Brood Laboratory through the elevator, only to find that the place had been occupied by zombies, and all kinds of strange biological and chemical weapons had been released.

As soon as the elevator door opened, several zombies rushed over. Eddie kicked the zombies out with a flying kick. Svetlana waved her hand and slapped her, causing the zombie's fragile head to spin twice.

This place has been infected, Yoko, please find a feasible road for us. Eddie said into the headset.

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