Okay, please wait a moment. Eddie, you have to be careful. Some creatures waiting for experiments have been released here, and there are still some living researchers inside. I have an impression here. I have worked here before. Suzuki Yoko said on the side He replied while typing on the keyboard.

Zombies are constantly coming, posing a huge threat in a narrow area. Even a submachine gun cannot be used.

Jessica took out a three-meter-long iron chain and swung it down, splitting five zombies in half. Then she swayed from side to side and used her unique strength technique to interrupt all the zombies in the corridor.

These zombies that were beaten in half did not feel any pain. They were still crawling on the ground with their hands, trying to bite any living creature.

Boom! Eddie was not polite, he just kicked down the zombies with his special combat boots, crushing the zombies' heads, ending the lives of these monsters, and giving birth to a good child in the next life.

As we continued to move forward, we soon saw a zombie with purple gas. It seemed to be a mutated zombie produced after inhaling a unique poisonous gas. It was the same type of zombie, except it was poisonous.

Eddie immediately raised his gun and blew the zombie's head off. Suddenly a burst of lavender smoke filled the aisle, making it impossible to pass through for a while.

It seems we still have to go through the ventilation duct. Eddie looked a little helpless at this situation.

No, there are some brain-eaters in the ventilation ducts. It's very dangerous. It's better to pass through the ground. Those zombies should have absorbed some kind of gas variant. Just break the legs and prevent them from getting close. Suzuki Yoko's voice came from the headset came.

What is a brain eater? Svetlana asked.

It's a monster that mutates after the fleas absorb the blood of T-serum. It will absorb the brain of any living creature. It is a very disgusting and ferocious monster. Just shoot it to death from a distance. They are quite big individually. Dee explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, there seemed to be a sound of sharp claws walking inside the ventilation duct.

Eddie raised his submachine gun and pointed it at the source of the sound, which was a metal storm. The monster in the ventilation duct was beaten until it screamed and died miserably.

Boom! The monster cut off the ventilation duct and jumped down. Instead of launching an attack, he pounced directly on the head of a zombie and began to bite and devour the zombie's brain. The whole process was very disgusting.

The T-serum seems to be a disaster. Svetlana frowned, raised her gun, and killed the brain-eater with a powerful bullet from the Melin gun.

It was originally a disaster, but now the disaster is starting to spread. Be careful, let's go. Eddie walked out first, but he continued to use the submachine gun. This is a special gun that Emma equipped him with many accessories. Can enhance bullet power and reduce recoil. And it can be freely switched between submachine gun and sniper rifle modes.

Just walk through the hall and past the experimental area to get to the experimental area. Now the ventilation duct cannot be walked, so we can only fight it step by step.

Along the way, unless you encounter monsters such as Brain Eaters, Eddie will use bullets to greet them. If it were just an ordinary zombie, there would be no need to waste bullets and it would be faster and more convenient to deal with it directly with physical skills.

Opening the door to the laboratory, the hall is almost a paradise for the dead. Hunters and zombies are all here, and a huge plant occupies the door to the dormitory area.

Hiss! When the hunters saw another living person appearing, they immediately ran over and rushed over, raising their claws high to kill.

Bang! Svetlana raised the Merlin gun, and the huge kinetic energy of the bullet, combined with the dummy bullet, blew the hunter's head off with one shot. How can flesh and blood collide with the most brutal steel?

Eddie took out his tactical dagger and launched a countercharge against the overcoming hunter. His eyes became extremely focused, and everything around him seemed to slow down. Before the hunter's claws struck, Eddie had already dodged sideways, and then with a powerful stroke of the dagger, half of the hunter's head was cut off.

He punched out with his left hand, blowing the head off the violent zombie that was attacking. He turned around and kicked the zombie behind him, knocking down other zombies that wanted to surround him.

The backhand was to lower his head to avoid the licker's mouth attack, take out a grenade and throw it, and swung the dagger hard to pierce the licker's heart.

Svetlana is also very tough. This kind of close combat is her favorite part. Rather than using firearms to deal with enemies, when the situation permits, she prefers to use her superb skills to kill the enemy with one blow.

Jessica and Lisa also rushed into the pile of zombies. They grabbed the railing next to them with their jade hands, grabbed and twisted hard, and twisted off the one-meter-long steel pipe. They used it as a weapon and struck it wide and wide.

No zombie can survive being hit with a stick, and no hunter can compete with Lisa head-on.

There were more than ten hunters, five lickers and more than fifty zombies in the hall, all of which were wiped out by Eddie and three women!

Only a huge plant was still in front of the gate, which seemed to be similar to the plant monsters in the abandoned treatment plant.

Burn with flames! Eddie ordered.

Jessica nodded, stepped forward, and turned on the flame gun to continuously emit flames to burn the huge plants.

The attacked plants became more violent, and no plant could resist the blazing flames. The burning pain causes the plant to fight back by swinging its vines.

Lisa stood next to her mother and grabbed the oncoming vine, not even shaking before being whipped with great force. There were no white marks on the white jade hands, and the vines were ripped off with just a tug! Do you know about humanoid tanks?

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 183: Money-worshiping researcher Monica

Under the attack of Lisa and Jessica, who were already superwomen, the giant plant that could not move was burned to ashes. If this plant met other people, perhaps no one would be able to do anything to it and it would be eaten alive. However, if it met Guabi with a flame gun and sufficient dye, it would only die.

If Veronica's serum was present, it would be a matter of minutes to destroy this plant.

There is a security warehouse near the dormitory area. There are some dyes in there that can be replenished, and you can also replenish some bullets.

Continue to the dormitory area. Most of them are infected researchers. A few researcher zombies still devoured enough food and mutated into lickers. It has huge destructive power against ordinary people, its fast pace and ability to climb walls, and its dexterous speed can tease any prey into applause.

It's just that this evolved creature encountered a creature that was more powerful than it. Among the four, even Eddie, the weakest, could easily deal with various biological and chemical weapons after a lot of actual combat killings. It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. It is the most practical and reliable.

All the way forward, this is just the dormitory area on the lowest floor. Thirty meters up is the accommodation for senior researchers. The ironic thing is that the senior researcher's residence does not have direct access to the outside world. He needs to return to the ground floor through a specific passage and then take the elevator from the lobby on the ground floor.

The continuous killing caused Eddie to have side effects, an urge to vent, which he could only suppress with willpower. If he killed without restraint, the effect of the serum would eventually swallow up his sanity.

This is not obviously reflected in women such as Jill. They have very strong willpower and do not have such side effects. It seems that it will only be reflected in men. When a man is treated differently?

Svetlana frowned, Did you have a side effect?

How do you know? Eddie didn't hide it, his eyes began to blur, and he needed to be quiet.

Kyoko Yamaha told me that I taught her some practical skills. I can't help you in your situation! Svetlana explained.

A pretty lady like you must have a way, right? Eddie teased.

Go to hell! Svetlana snorted, then looked around, There should be survivors here. I'll go find someone to check. Don't move. Hold on. If it doesn't work, you can only use the last resort. The solution has been solved, don't worry, you will be fine, at least while I am still your bodyguard, you will be fine.

Eddie opened a door, and there happened to be a researcher-turned-zombie inside. He wanted to bite Eddie, but Jessica grabbed his head and pulled it out on his own, trampling him to death with high heels!

Arriving in the room, Eddie took out a piece of compressed biscuit to replenish energy.

Svetlana came to a nearby laboratory. She heard several gunshots, and then a woman with Umbrella's ID ran out holding a box.

The woman was a typical white man, with good looks, but her face looked a bit mean. When she turned around, she noticed someone was behind her, and she wanted to shoot with her backhand, but was caught by Svetlana. Let me go, who are you!

Are you an employee of Umbrella? Svetlana asked, and then she felt like she had asked an idiot question, knocking the other person unconscious and raising it.

Returning to the dormitory area, Svetlana left the woman behind, I found a researcher who should be able to help you. I will help you check outside.

An hour later, Eddie opened the dormitory door, holding a Melin gun.

Svetlana raised her eyebrows, Did you kill her?

No, I am not someone who burns bridges. She has helped me. Even if she is not a good person, I will not kill her. I will not do such shameless things, but if it is an enemy, I will kill both men and women. For me Said, there are only yourself and your enemies, no one else. Eddie said coldly.

Svetlana nodded. She didn't want her partner to be a cold and heartless person. She knew Eddie like this.

The woman looked at Eddie who walked in again with a hint of surprise and resentment, What else do you want to do? You devil.

Eddie noticed the Umbrella ID hanging on the woman's clothing, Mid-level researcher Monica? Haha, it sure is so.

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