When we arrived at the military camp canteen, it was different from an ordinary military camp, almost like a modern company.

Eddie ordered a few burgers and sat in the restaurant waiting. By the way, I took out my mobile phone and browsed Umbrella's news on it, but all of them were beaten down.

Someone is taking the lead, and the upper-level companies are also severing ties. No one is speaking to the Umbrella Group, and with the sanctions from the Western Federation, they can only wait for death slowly.

It is impossible to go bankrupt all at once. Those who are smarter now know that they need to run away quickly. If he stayed, he would just deliver food and wait for death with the company.

It is said that the East Asia division has already begun selling assets, and Shenya Pharmaceutical is acquiring Umbrella's East Asia division.

Yamaha Kyoko sat quietly on the other side, seeming to be concentrating with her eyes closed, but in fact she was observing the movements around her. A bodyguard's duty is to ensure the safety of her employer, and it is impossible for her to play with her mobile phone at this time.

With the sound of footsteps, the members of the Sixth Echo Team came to the cafeteria together.

Captain Jettingham was the first to say hello, Hello, Dr. Eddie, nice to see you again. These are our new team members and old acquaintances, Hank, Ghost, Lone Wolf, Kamai, and Qoka. Now.

The other two seemed to have defected from Umbrella, after all, Umbrella's special forces had fallen.

Hello everyone, we agreed to treat you to dinner, but you ended up coming to the dining hall? Eddie picked up the burger and raised it, his tone a little unhappy.

Haha, this was my mistake. Come on, I'll invite you to a barbecue restaurant nearby, a Latin American barbecue restaurant. It's very authentic. Jettingham laughed.

The group of people drove out of the military camp and headed to a small town twenty kilometers away. Is this the neighborhood he was talking about? I’ve never seen someone call someone nearby from 20 kilometers away.

Hank and others had obviously trained on Rockfort Island, but unfortunately, they did not know the coordinates and had no way to go there directly. Every action was strictly confidential. Even Hank himself didn't know it, and he didn't care at the time.

There are a large number of biological and chemical weapons on Rockfort Island, which are used for training. Among them is the mass-produced Tyrant T-03. Although it is a mass-produced model, it can kill a cow with one punch. There are many recruits If you don't pay attention, you will be killed by him. Hank is a middle-aged white man, about thirty years old, with a beard.

There are also sandworms, which are mutated earthworms, the ones we have encountered. Compared with naturally infected earthworms, sandworms have a stronger attack power. When we feel the ground shaking, we have to leave our position quickly. Go to the hard ground or close to the mountain wall. Lone Wolf shared his unique experience.

Listen to what you said, that Rockfort Island is an extremely important place for Umbrella? Siena became interested. In her opinion, as long as it is novel, it is worth exploring. Mainly exciting, more exciting than most things.

Indeed. Hank nodded and said no more.

What kind of person is Alfred? Eddie suddenly asked.

Hank was a little surprised. Although he and Eddie were former employees of Umbrella, they had never met at all. I am quite impressed with the Wolves players, they are a very good team.

He is very talented and has designed a lot of levels and biological and chemical weapons. It is not difficult for him to deal with a military training organization. It's just that he has some mystery. He is the only one in the castle villa where he lives, and his Housekeeper. But you can often see the shadow of a woman appearing, and the mysterious female voice coming from it. The team member ghost suddenly said.

How did you know? Eddie was a little curious.

I am sometimes sent to the outer perimeter to guard, and I can always be found when I am on duty. But I am sure that there are no women in the castle, so it is a bit strange. The ghost's expression was serious, proving that he was not lying.

Do you think it could be schizophrenia? I've heard that some people will suffer from schizophrenia under extreme thoughts. Didn't he have a genius sister who died long ago? Excessive longing led to a split personality. This That makes sense. Marissa explained.

He's a boss in women's clothing! Eddie was not surprised. He just didn't expect that there would be men in this world who liked women's clothing.

What cross-dressing boss? Caroline, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked, which made her best friend Siena feel curious. Is this iceberg-like woman starting to melt?

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 307: King Ada who can’t leave

It's a woman dressing up as a man, no, it's a man dressing up as a woman. Those people are eager to experience what it feels like to be a woman, so they can't help but develop some strange things. For example, they first try to wear women's clothes and learn to speak from women. This is It’s a hobby, I’ve seen it a lot, and although it’s disgusting, it’s not a bad thing.” Eddie shrugged.

These words made everyone look awkward. They were all soldiers, hard-blooded men, and roses. They are all normal people, but they really can't understand the thoughts of a cross-dressing man.

This is really interesting. Come and have a drink. We are going back to deal with business and have a meeting. Jettingham raised his glass and said.

After having a meal for two hours and chatting with several former members of Umbrella's special forces, I discovered that Spencer's power was extremely large and even had some ulterior secrets.

Just as he was about to leave Pentagon City for a trip to Europe, an unexpected phone call came.

King Ada's voice was still full of strength, but with a hint of concern, How have you been lately?

It's not bad. It would be even better if I had you with me. Eddie smiled and used the communication device on the fighter jet to talk. The equipment here was installed by Suzuki Yoko and would not be eavesdropped.

If you want to see me, then come and find me. I recently took on a mission and I'm a little bored. Would you like to go out to the sea and see the scenery together? King Ada's silvery laughter came.

Did you accept another commission from Simmons? Eddie frowned.

King Ada, who was on the other side in Europe, was not happy, I said I have no contact with him, do you want to come over?

I'm on the plane, see you later. Eddie hung up the phone after saying this. He took the lead this time and couldn't let King Ada take the initiative.

King Ada looked at the phone in his hand, somewhat unexpectedly, and shook his head, Oh, man!

Four hours later, Eddie was back on the cruise ship. Ada Wang was drinking coconut juice with Jill, talking and laughing, and she didn't know how she came here.

You seem to be living a good life and have achieved great results. King Ada said with a half-smile. Without paying attention, other women started to get pregnant, and some of them started to get pregnant very quickly.

It's okay. What is this mission? What's in it for me? Eddie began to cross-examine. He was not a good person. King Ada had not joined his team yet and could not help her work for free. Women could not tolerate this.

King Ada smiled charmingly, The person who hired me this time is Shenya Pharmaceutical. They know that a place called Sina Island has a tyrant material that Umbrella started to develop a long time ago. The production method is very simple. Special. They want to get information about this tyrant, and the price is one billion!

One billion, they can send other mercenaries there, and they can knock down any island. Eddie said disapprovingly, is this a bragging contest?

King Ada's expression became serious, her pretty face rounded, They had sent many mercenaries before, and even a small group of troops carrying heavy firepower, but all of them were wiped out without exception. Now Umbrella has no time to take care of himself, it's A good time to seize information.”

The question is, what can I get? Eddie spread his hands, not knowing what he would get.

There is information on an experimental project about natural selection above. I think it will be very helpful for us, especially you. Jill has not yet carried out secondary strengthening. Your research has encountered a bottleneck and needs some additional inspiration. Make a breakthrough. King Ada said earnestly.

She had never thought so much about a man, and the man's ridiculous dreams moved her. Especially with the secondary enhancement of the G virus, King Ada has never felt so good.

It's not perfect, including you and me, and it still needs to be perfected. Once the injury is too serious, there is no guarantee that it will turn into a monster. To suppress the G virus, we still need willpower and time. This is why I have been so late. Fortunately, they understand the reason for the secondary strengthening. After Eddie said this, he looked at Jill's indifferent smile, everything was worth it.

The sudden confession caught people off guard, and it almost hit their waists.

Are we not perfect yet? It seems that we will have to deal with you in the future, which is really troublesome. Did you plan it from the beginning? I said you are not a good person. King Ada smiled.

Okay, don't you just stand on the deck chatting, do you want to have dinner? Gil came over and smiled. Gil, a generous man, managed things at home in an orderly manner, and seemed to have awakened some kind of talent?

After dinner, Eddie was searching for information in the computer room. He was looking at Umbrella files and information about Sheena Island.

The most powerful tyrant experiment was secretly carried out on this island. Before the crisis in Raccoon City broke out, it was only 80% complete. This biochemical weapon named Sleeping Tyrant has a combat power that surpasses the G-Virus monster. It is also used to develop weapons that can lurk.

Eddie frowned. He found that things were not that simple. Why was this Tyrant not sent to Raccoon City to collect actual combat data?

Ta-ta-ta-ta, there was a sound of high heels tapping on the floor, accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind. King Ada came over with a wine glass, Would you like to have a drink together?

Eddie took the red wine glass and said, Sina Island is very dangerous, I don't recommend you go.

Rather than the danger, I care more about the data inside, which will be very helpful for your path to eternal life. Ada whispered, her voice very gentle.

Why don't you come and help me? Eddie was confused

You still need time. I can't put you into trouble because of my selfishness. When you have the capital to fight Simmons, I will marry you. Ada Wang said what he said under the influence of alcohol true thoughts.

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