I'm not that bad, right? That old dog Simmons is very shady. Eddie rolled his eyes. He was not used to such a gentle King Ada. It's just that the pride in my heart is unavoidable. No matter how tough and tough you are, you have to sit down obediently when you meet a poor monk.

You are indeed not bad, otherwise I would not look down on you. Okay, it's getting late, get ready, we will set off tomorrow morning, finish the work later, and hand in the work early. King Ada is not drunk, her physique is It’s because you don’t get drunk because your metabolism is too fast.

As a result, there was a bang and the door of the computer room was closed. Eddie's evil laugh came, This road is blocked. You have offended the abbot and still want to leave? Just stay obediently!

Chapter 308: Zombie-infested Sina Island

The affairs of the foundation were left to Cindy. Fortunately, Cindy, who has a sweet voice and a sweet voice, worked hard without complaining, otherwise another woman might have quit her job.

Emma did not follow. After getting the information that Janeuri had hacked into the federal weapons depot, she began to develop individual rocket launchers. If she can get a linear particle cannon, she can also speed up the weapon's production process.

Armed with the weapons developed by Emma, ​​the five set out. If the wolf mother wasn't still in her first trimester of pregnancy, she might have followed.

On the deck, watching the man go away, the wolf mother suddenly smiled, After I give birth to the child, I must find some monsters to have a good fight with.

I might wait for you then. Jill smiled. Her due date would be sooner. The first woman to approach her due date would be Annette.

Taking a small boat, this is a small yacht, which also requires nearly 100 million in funds. It is rich in material, and there is also a large and comfortable Simmons to meet various needs.

Eddie drove the yacht to the target location. Actually, I thought about it. The information on Sina Island is more helpful to my research. If I encounter a tyrant who is very small, like a human, and has claws. You guys Don't move and let me handle it.

The tyrant is not scary. Don't be scared. Just find the right weakness and shoot it with this gun, and it will die. Claire joked that she prefers sniper rifles and enjoys the feeling of being shot into the soul. !

Yes, yes, you are all too good, but I am too good. I am really stressed. Eddie joked. He didn't expect that Claire would accompany him to Sheena Island. If Chris found out, I wonder if I will admit that I am my brother-in-law?

Sneaking all the way there, after three hours, you can see an island in the distance. I don't know how big it is. No matter how big the island is, it is just a small area in the eyes. If you don't really step into the island, you don't know the specific area.

Using a special telescope, you can see that there are some Umbrella guards guarding the island.

How to get there is a question. Eddie frowned.

There is a small island five nautical miles to the west. Ada Wang Yu pointed to the small island not far away.

Then we put on our diving gear and swim over there? Eddie joked.

King Ada rolled his eyes and poked the man's forehead with his jade finger, Idiot, which direction are you going from? The sun is right on the guards now, so they can't see clearly.

He is indeed a professional infiltration spy, but he is different.

Actually, we can change the speedboat to go there. The speedboat is small and at the speed of the speedboat. We can get there in about an hour, which is enough for a round trip. Yamaha Kyoko suggested.

As a former mercenary, just because she's not sociable doesn't mean she's a fool. On the contrary, she is a genius-level figure, but her emotional intelligence is a little low.

Came to the island and fixed the yacht. I picked up the equipment, changed to the speedboat and continued to move forward.

About fifty minutes later, we arrived at Xina Island, which seemed a bit deserted. After docking the speedboat, the five of them boarded the island together.

With its streets and restaurants, it looks like a small, isolated city.

It seems to be quite developed here, but I smell something not very good. It's the smell of viruses. Eddie frowned, and in the distance, he could see the lighthouses that were originally used for observation. is extinguished.

Everyone here seems to be missing. Do you want to investigate? Claire also felt keenly that something was wrong.

The five of them walked forward and approached the lighthouse. Even King Ada did not choose to act alone. Instead, she followed the large army, which was not her style.

Near the lighthouse, you can also see two wandering zombies, wearing uniforms and appearing to be local guards.

Eddie walked directly over, kicked off the heads of the two zombies with a roundhouse kick, and then approached the lighthouse. There was no one inside.

There isn't much dust on the table, it looks like it hasn't been cleaned for three or four days. On the table is a notebook that records the ships and planes that come to and from the island.

King Ada found a map at the lighthouse. It can be seen on it that their current location is in the north.

This Xina Island has an area of ​​ten square kilometers. It is not too big but not too small. It can already be established as a military base.

There should be indigenous people on this island, and they may not be alive after Umbrella arrives. Let's go, we need to cross the street, reach the restaurant, and then go down to the underground research facility from the restaurant. King Ada is on the map Pointing.

The entrance to the underground facility is in the restaurant? Noila Mo's expression was a little strange.

Whoosh! There was a sliding sound, and Yamaha Kyoko had slid down from the thirty-meter-high lighthouse. I took a look just now. The entire island has been turned into ruins, with traces of flames. However, some buildings have been preserved. Some biochemical leaks should have occurred here.

Then cheer up and shoot if something goes wrong. We don't have to worry about other people. We just need to go to the underground facilities to find the information. Eddie took the lead with a Merlin gun.

Passing through the grove, we arrived at the perimeter of the wall. The gate was blocked. There are zombies wandering on the streets, and these zombies seem to be dressed like local residents.

Eddie easily jumped over the three-meter-high wall. Claire and Noila Mo need to kick on the wall to get over. This is the gap in strengthening.

Roar! New living creatures were discovered, and zombies began to surround them.

The zombies here seem to be stronger, and some even have mutated mouthparts. It seems that not enough food has caused them to become unfinished lickers.

Click! Eddie didn't even choose to shoot, but used physical skills to push past. This is not a game with unlimited bullets. He doesn't carry many bullets, most of them are Melin gun bullets and an electromagnetic sniper rifle.

Ordinary zombies don't need to waste bullets at all. There are no zombies that can't be eliminated with one punch. If there are any, just add more kicks to get rid of them.

Chapter 309: The cool minister

At the island's underground facilities, Vincent, the commander of Shina Island, began to transfer data. He needed to transfer the data to the memory card. Then take him out so that even after the institute explodes, he can still keep his status and life intact.

A beautiful middle-aged white woman with a beautiful face but a cold expression appeared on the screen. Her blond hair was tied back into a lady's bun. A precious necklace hangs on Xue's neck. The aura of a noble lady and the aura of a strong woman make it impossible for people to do anything or move beyond her limits in front of her.

Minister Christine, the information on Tyrant of Sleep is already being packed and will be completed in two hours. Commander Vincent said respectfully while standing in front of the big screen.

It takes two hours to transmit data? Are you farting or talking in your sleep? Christine started to scold without any politeness. She would know if it was true or false.

Mr. Minister, it's true. It takes two hours. There are tens of millions of genetic data in it, and the equipment is aging, so it does take so much time. Vincent didn't dare to take a breath, facing this woman, He was genuinely frightened.

Even though Christine is so beautiful, she looks hard to talk to. In fact, she is really difficult to communicate with. Even if there are people who want to be given free rein, they will be thrown into the laboratory and used as samples by her.

In the eyes of such a strong woman, men are just tools, and even Spencer may not take him seriously.

In two hours, I will send someone over to collect your information. If you are not ready by then, just jump to the Atlantic Ocean yourself. Christine said coldly.

I understand, please don't worry, Minister. Just after Vincent finished speaking, he wanted to look up at the beautiful Christine, but found that the screen had gone dark.

Bah, you stinky woman, why are you so proud? Sooner or later you will be obediently waiting for labor on Simmons. Vincent said, and when he didn't see the real person, he was in high spirits.

The intercom rang, and a male voice came, Your Excellency, Commander, there are aborigines who have escaped from our quarantine area. The detective who came to investigate before is provoking us. Do you want to pursue them?

Catch them from behind and drive them to the streets to feed the zombies. Vincent smiled ferociously, his tone was extremely cruel, and he actually asked those aborigines to die!

On the streets of Xina Island, all the zombies here have been knocked down. There are still a few zombies wandering in the distance, but they have not come over.

Eddie and his party were blocked by an iron gate, which was the road leading to the restaurant, and the people blocking this place were most likely the Umbrella guards stationed there.

According to the nature of the game, you must search the streets for guard zombies to kill, or you must find the key to open the iron door in a certain room.

Eddie wouldn't do that. It seems like it's time to show your true strength again. After speaking, he walked over, grabbed the iron rod and kept pushing it in.

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