Rachel took out her modified Merlin gun. No matter how fast the hunter moved, she could accurately hit him with one shot.

The kinetic energy of the huge melin gun bullets can match that of a sniper rifle. When a hunter is hit at close range, he has no other choice but to have his head explode.

While passing by a building, I saw more than ten people fleeing quickly. They seemed to be employees of a certain company.

These people held their guns very professionally and did not panic at all when faced with biological and chemical weapons.

Sir, get out of here quickly, it's too dangerous here. A beautiful black-haired woman wearing running shoes shouted while running.

Thanks, but don't worry about me. You can go first. Eddie waved his hand and looked at the woman, who seemed a bit familiar. He wondered if he had seen her somewhere.

Ah! A scream came, and a man with a gun was suddenly stabbed to the core, and his whole body was suspended in mid-air. The situation was very strange.

The black-haired woman decisively fired at a ball of air. After a burst of distortion, a ferocious monster appeared from the air. It was the seriously injured person who could become invisible!

With a large number of zombies surrounding her, Rachel withdrew her Melin gun, took out her tactical dagger, and assumed a martial artist's posture.

Go quickly, this is not the place to stay. Go to the municipal building, which is the safest place. The black-haired woman shouted.

Bang! At this time, Eddie took out his Melin gun and shot into the air. A seriously injured person was headshot in the air and fell next to the black-haired woman.

This frightened the black-haired woman, and she almost got hit without a sound! After seeing Eddie, he couldn't help but say thank you, Thank you, sir.

You're welcome, I just think you look a bit like a friend of mine. Forget it, leave quickly, this is not a place to stay for a long time. After Eddie said this, he slapped the zombies who wanted to pounce and took off. It spun 360 degrees in the air and fell five meters away.

The black-haired woman was a little confused by this strength. Okay, thank you. I can confirm that I have never met you. My name is Mia. If there is a chance again, I will treat you to dinner to express my gratitude!

Let's go! Eddie waved his hand and led Rachel towards the disaster area.

A man asked in confusion, Mia, is that your friend?

Of course not, I don't know him. Ethan, focus on what is in front of you and don't get distracted. I don't talk about personal relationships while I'm at work. Mia said seriously.

That handsome young man is obviously Ethan, the man who can marry Mia in the future, but now that he has met Eddie, the situation is hard to say.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 484: The law stipulates that people cannot be dragged

After bidding farewell to Mia and her group, Eddie continued to another chemical plant. Where is the small T-Abyss production laboratory that General Morgan has arranged long ago, and where can the original samples be obtained.

No matter how rubbish the virus is, it still has an effect. Some special used plastic covers can also be made into bubble gum, not to mention the T-Abyss. No matter how bad it is, it can be used to wash the toilet.

General Morgan had been watching Eddie's movements all the way. When he found that Eddie was about to approach the factory, he panicked. There were still some things that had not been taken care of. The people he sent were still on the way, Rachel, Lure Eddie away, there's an ambush ahead.

Got it! Rachel responded.

Hubby, that old dog Morgan is a little panicked. Rachel sneered.

Then let's go around in one direction. Eddie wasn't going to play with Morgan anymore. He wanted to do some tricks and let Morgan's old dog lift a rock and hit him on the head!

Members of the Greyhound organization are still transporting hunters to the islands, this time the hunters were bred a year ago. There are more than 60,000 of them, which is the result of sponsorship from many parties.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, some members began to rob these valuable items, such as gold rings, gold bars, and US dollars. If you take away everything valuable and don't make a fortune, then you wouldn't be called a terrorist.

The whole of Tragriga was in chaos, and no one could stay out of it.

Norman did nothing to stop the frenzied looting of the members; he needed to appease those under his command. And he was also on guard against some of the methods of death prepared by General Morgan. That old dog would never let them go so easily. The cunning rabbit is dead and the running dog is cooked. I'm afraid this is not a dream.

Soon, when Eddie went to the factory. Neil, the captain of the special forces team, had already walked over with someone and a briefcase.

Dr. Eddie, this is a sample we seized from a member of the Greyhound organization. It should be related to this new virus. You guys, escort the doctor back with Captain Rachel. Neil's words were somewhat threatening. , meaning to tell Eddie to stop running around.

Oh? I don't have time to study now. I want to drink fruit tea. There is a good fruit tea shop in the snack street on No. 17 Street. Since you are here, then go over together and help me make a cup of fruit tea. Eddie picked up the cigarette and lit it, like an uncultivated rich man, unable to distinguish the situation at all.

It's dangerous everywhere now. Doctor, you'd better take back this idea. Neil shook his head and refused.

Oh, since you're not going, then I'll go by myself! Eddie didn't give the other party any face at all.

Neil had to pick up the gun and point it at Eddie, Doctor, it's military control time, please don't run around, you will be identified as a spy.

Could it be that you don't have the power to do this yet? You are just a dog under Morgan, and you dare to talk to me like this? You are impatient, aren't you! Eddie's eyes were extremely mocking.

You! Neil became furious after hearing this, General Morgan is my idol, please be careful what you say.

Rachel snorted, Neil, you need to be careful when you speak. Dr. Eddie is a strong supporter of our committee, and he pays your salary. It's not good for you to talk to our boss like this. What if he With the withdrawal of capital, these guys’ salaries will be lost, and you are responsible.”

Rachel will not let her man feel wronged. If she wants to be bullied, only she can bully her. Does anyone else want to bully her husband? That's not possible, I don't have the qualifications.

Neil was so angry that he couldn't say a word. He was really looking down on others.

Hmph, do you understand? Young man, you really don't seem to know who you are talking to. Eddie blew out smoke rings disdainfully.

If Neil hadn't appeared in front of her, Claire, who was emotionally frustrated, would probably still like this mature and steady man.

It's just a pity that everything changed because of Eddie's appearance. In essence, Eddie is the one who stole Neil, and this hatred is almost unending. It’s just that Neil doesn’t know!

Haha, I have been in the Marine Corps for so long and I have never seen such an arrogant person! Neil sneered, he could no longer suppress his anger.

Really? Then you saw it today, I am so arrogant! Who stipulates that you can't be arrogant? Does the law of the Western Federation say that people can't be so arrogant! Eddie laughed arrogantly, and his whole body was filled with excitement. The nouveau riche that smells like copper! The enviable upstart!

You! Huh, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have money! There is also law that can punish you! Neil was so angry that he was a little incoherent.

Sorry! Being rich is really a big deal. With money, you can really do whatever you want. I don't think you can understand this state and mood. You are just a little brat. Get away, don't you dare let me A team of lawyers will sue you until you can’t even put on your underpants.” Eddie snorted and put a smoke ring in the other person’s face, which was extremely insulting!

You! Neil was about to take action.

A team member next to him hurriedly grabbed him and said, Captain, please bear with the calm for a while!

Yeah, if you take a step back, you'll get angrier! Eddie continued to hit the target.

Ah! Let's go! Leave him alone and let him die here! Neil was a little angry, but he couldn't do anything about the other party.

As soon as he walked out of the building, a large truck hit him and knocked Neil away.

The two-meter-five-meter tyrant pushed aside the vehicles scattered on the street, shaking his head and looking for the target.

These special forces members immediately went to help Neil up, and the two of them carried Neil and retreated. Others are on guard not to anger the tyrant before he attacks.

Team Betuo is calling the headquarters. We encountered the complete form of Tyrant on Fifth Street. Captain Neil was injured and unconscious. Please support us! Please support us! the vice-captain shouted over the radio.

When facing a tyrant, the best thing is to ask for help. Their configuration cannot defeat the tyrant.

At this time, the secret program was modified. The Tyrant looked at Neil and put the opponent on the no-kill list, then roared and attacked the other team members.

Running so fast that the ground shook.

Fire! the deputy captain roared.

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