Click, click, click, the sound of an assault rifle sounded, and the bullets formed a metal storm.

The tyrant directly covered his eyes with one hand, and then rushed forward quickly. He grabbed a special forces member, squeezed it with his big hand, and exploded the helmet along with it.

Chapter 485: One-on-one duel with ball champion Rachel

That mysterious mycelium may be very helpful in the immortality plan, and two thousand years is not enough. If Eddie wants to live longer, it's best to live forever!

Just halfway through, I happened to encounter Chris escorting the civilians to retreat. The team members were quickly killing the hunters and zombies around them. The hunters are like free tools, constantly rushing towards me.

Hey Eddie, it's dangerous here, where are you going? Chris shouted.

Me? I still have some things to deal with. Eddie shrugged.

Hey, young man, don't die. If you don't want my daughter, you will be a widow. Barry patted the other party's shoulder. These words made people speechless. What does being a widow mean? It's so ugly.

Eddie rolled his eyes and was really speechless for this father-in-law, Don't worry, I will be fine. Your daughter will give me a few more children.

Barry was speechless this time. How could he answer this? He was such a bastard!

What are you stopping for? Keep walking, it's very dangerous here. came a pretty female voice, it was the heroic Sheva! Also the partner Chris met in West Africa.

When did you start working together? Eddie's expression was strange.

Eddie! Are you okay? I didn't expect to see you here. Sheva's eyes clearly lit up when she saw Eddie. She still had a good impression of Eddie.

I'm here to find virus samples. There is too little time to make a vaccine. But it will be useful in the future. You'd better wear a gas mask. That thing will spread through the air. Eddie shrugged.

What! Airborne! Quint screamed.

It's normal, otherwise why would they use drones to spread the virus. But you don't need to worry. You have no mutations now, which proves that your body is not bad. Just drink more hot water if you have nothing to do! Eddie laughed.

Drink more hot water, what does this mean? Sheva was a little confused.

Rachel's lips curved into a playful smile. What he meant was for you to drink more water, go to the toilet more, and detoxify more, and then everything would be fine!

These words made Sheva a little speechless, it sounded the same thing again. This is a bit vulgar no matter how it sounds, and the words are rough but not rough.

Then drink more hot water. Chris did not doubt his brother-in-law, who had no other problems except his lifestyle.

The group soon separated, escorting citizens was not what Eddie wanted to do.

Sheva glanced at the direction Eddie left with some reluctance. This was her benefactor who had given her a lot of help. Especially the supply of money, which does not require her to be extra distracted by money. Use your free time to learn more knowledge.

The tyrant soon caught up with him, and Eddie shook his head, It's really a ghost.

Let me help you! After Chris said this, he asked Quint and others to escort the citizens to the evacuation point, while he came to support with an assault rifle.

Sheva also came over. She was smarter. She carried a rocket launcher and fired at the tyrant from a distance.

Whoosh! The rocket launcher flew out with its tail flame.

The tyrant directly grabbed the rocket launcher and turned it in another direction.

The rocket launcher directly hit another house, killing the dripper inside.

Sheva was a little surprised by the tyrant's performance. With such intelligence, only a large-caliber machine gun could break through his defense!

Da da da! Chris pulled the trigger to attract the tyrant's attention, Eddie, you go first.

Eddie was a little speechless, You should leave quickly, it's just a tyrant, I can still deal with it.

How do you solve this problem? The opponent is so capable of hitting, but your Melin gun can't cause effective damage to it. Chris roared angrily.

Eddie took out a medicine needle, ran over quickly, stabbed the tyrant in the neck, and then turned around gracefully.

The speed was so fast that even the tyrant couldn't react.

The tyrant who was stabbed by the needle kept roaring, a large number of veins appeared on his skin, and finally began to rot rapidly.

What did you give him? Chris asked confused.

T virus, excessive T virus will cause the tyrant's muscle balance to lose control, leading to loss of control. But such a tyrant will also be more dangerous! Eddie explained.

Aren't you just helping your opponent? Chris was speechless at this brother-in-law.

No, I will make it go berserk. A tyrant that is out of control is much easier to deal with than a tyrant with wisdom. Don't worry about me, just go away, I can handle it, you will only give me Adding trouble. Eddie waved his hand.

This made Chris a little unhappy. After all, he was a experienced man, but he was treated as a burden.

Rachel said, Sheva, you stay, I will teach you how to deal with the tyrant!

Copy that, instructor! Sheva nodded and trotted over.

I saw Rachel taking out the dagger and assuming a fighting posture. Then he ran over in high heels, and the sound of the heels of the high heels hitting the floor came, coupled with Rachel's proud figure, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

The tyrant who fell into madness saw a low-level creature provoking it. Without any hesitation, he rushed forward and smashed the opponent into pulp with his fists.

The howling wind came, and the punch weighed almost thirty tons.

Rachel jumped up very nimbly and dodged Bakuju's fist in the air. At the same time, the dagger in his hand slashed the tyrant's neck, almost cutting off half of his neck.

A large amount of fishy blood flowed out, and the tyrant covered his neck in pain.

Rachel turned around and took out the Merlin pistol, pointing it at the injured part of the tyrant's neck. Jade finger pulled the trigger, directly tearing the neck apart, and all six bullets were fired.

The tyrant's head was knocked off in less than a minute.

Rachel picked up the pistol and blew on the still smoking muzzle. He took out bullets to replenish his revolver, then locked the safety before putting it away.

Did you see that the neck and head are the weak points of any biochemical weapon? If you cannot know the weak point, hitting these parts is the best choice. You must be quick, accurate and ruthless! Rachel taught.

I understand, thank you, instructor! Sheva nodded firmly.

You only need to know how to use it after you understand it. Try using it on zombies, and then those drippers. The tyrant is about to try, and you are not its opponent yet. There is no need to fight head-on, just use weapons to deal with it. Rachel He added that she really felt like an intellectual royal sister.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 486: Leader Sadler robs a bank

After seeing off Sheva, Eddie and Ruqiu continued to the laboratory. That is the joint secret laboratory of Shenya Pharmaceutical and Glory Pharmaceuticals (HCF). The superior environment here is very suitable for developing isolated mycelium.

Eddie's goal this time is to get the development information of mycelium, hoping that there is something left there.

On the other side, Ye Minzhi and Mia met, Have you taken out all the information?

Mia nodded, They were taken out, and some are still in the closed experimental cabin. Allen arranged for personnel to blast them.

Be sure to remove all traces. In addition, the company will send a ship over tomorrow and you can evacuate together. Ye Minzhi ordered.

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