During the most awesome competition, Alexia was suppressed to death. After Alexia faked his death, he could continue to pretend to compete. A typical monkey without a tiger in the mountains became the king.

The entire city of Weiner was divided into half by the guard's powerful firepower. One half was a safe area, and the other side was an infected area.

The European branch of BSAA immediately sent people for rescue, and some United Nations senators were trapped inside and needed rescue.

After rescuing the trapped citizens, it was time to launch the attack on William Birken.

After Chris arrived in the city, after surveying the local situation, he immediately went to rescue without stopping.

Eddie also came to the site to make the vaccine. Every time the vaccine is made, local samples need to be extracted to find out the special variables.

Then the vaccines that have been produced are processed, and finally a new model of vaccine is obtained.

A short-haired woman wearing a suit walked in. This was a woman with wavy curly hair. She was somewhat beautiful, but not very stunning. At first glance, she is very comfortable and attractive, and she is a very unique woman.

Hello, Dr. Eddie, I am agent Cathy White from the BSAA. This is the sample I collected. I hope it will be helpful to you. The beautiful woman in a suit handed over a bottle of sample.

Eddie took the sample and put it into the instrument for extraction and testing. He looked at the beauty in the suit and thought she was pretty. Are you a local?

Cathy shook her head, I'm French and recently moved to the Western Commonwealth. Is there anything else Dr. Eddie needs my help with?

Can you pour me a cup of coffee? Thank you. Eddie looked at the microscope and said.

Cathy smiled and said, Of course. After that, she walked out of the laboratory and went to pour coffee.

Jill gestured with her tactical dagger, Husband, no matter how I look at you, you seem to be a bit unruly.

Kara said, That woman is a relatively famous investigator. Our team may be able to expand. Are you right, bastard husband!

Eddie didn't hide it, What you said all makes sense, but I prefer the other one. Cathy is very good at intelligence investigation, but no one knows that she has a master's degree in energy science.

Kara took out her wrist computer and browsed the information through the satellite, Do you want to recruit her? Do you want to develop new energy? She seems to have a fiancé, who seemed to be introduced by a matchmaking agency. You are lucky, Cathy did not conduct premarital experiments. Behavior.

Eddie was speechless, Am I the one who cares about this kind of thing? I only care about talents.

After hearing this, Jill looked a little weird, Do you think I will believe your nonsense?

Has a fiancé? That's too easy. What does his fiancé do? Eddie doesn't mind being a construction worker for a while, as long as he can wield a hoe well!

But Kara smiled meaningfully and said, Leave this matter to me, and I will help you do it properly. After saying that, he left the laboratory on high heels, with that smile that felt like a femme fatale.

Chapter 547: The truth is revealed and you will never die in peace

If Carla takes action, things will be terrible. Kara has the same beauty as King Ada. Basically, few men can resist the temptation of such a beauty, plus Oriana's skill in playing with men.

It's hard to imagine how miserable Cathy's fiancé would be. If he had a criminal record, it would be even more miserable next time.

However, this is the reality. If you have money, you can really do whatever you want, break up the couple, and then take over yourself. It is very satisfying to do this once. It’s always fun to take it apart!

Cathy didn't know what she would face yet, but her unintentional appearance caused a change in the trajectory of her life.

Walking in with coffee, she held several cups in order to give everyone in the laboratory a cup.

Eddie took the coffee and was still observing the microscope. Then he typed on the computer for a while and began to calculate the data.

Has Miss Cathy been to Latin America before? Eddie picked up the coffee and took a sip.

Cathy nodded, Of course, is there something Dr. Eddie wants to know about?

I was just wondering, after the death of the drug lord Javier, is there anyone who comes after him? Eddie asked.

There is a young businessman who has taken over Javier's channel. On the surface, he is engaged in the beverage business, but secretly he is engaged in drug trade. He is also supporting the armed forces against local rule. His ambition is not small, and he wants to monopolize the entire Latin America. Business. Cathy's expression was serious as she recounted her findings.

This young businessman? Are you sure he is a young man? Are young people today so courageous? Eddie asked.

Cathy looked at Eddie with some confusion. She was almost thirty years old, and Eddie was only about twenty-five years old and a serious young man. Is it really appropriate to speak like this?

Dr. Eddie is really funny. No wonder he can steal the heart of the tactical elite Ms. Jill Valentine. Cathy smiled, a very kind smile.

Do you think I'm joking? If it's really a young man, then he must be very brave. Otherwise, your intelligence is wrong! Eddie picked up the coffee and said.

Cathy's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, My intelligence cannot be wrong. That person is Glenn Arias, an extremely dangerous person. It is said that he is also selling signs and channels about biological and chemical weapons, otherwise ordinary drug lords would not If it comes into our sight, that is a matter for the anti-narcotics team.”

Well, that guy is not someone to be trifled with. You'd better be careful. Eddie quickly made a special vaccine.

Later, BSAA members will conduct vaccine testing. Once successful, it can be replicated on a large scale based on the formula.

After Cathy saw that nothing happened without her, she turned and left.

Although Eddie is a handsome and talkative man, Cathy is a traditional woman who insists on not doing anything inappropriate before marriage. She also has a fiancé and is really not interested in other men.

The northern part of Weiner City was caught in a sea of ​​fire.

The furious William was running wildly on the street, crushing all the cars he saw or throwing them out, as if nothing could stop him.

Even if a tank came, the furious William rushed up carrying the tank's shells and overturned the tank. The fifty-ton tank was like a toy car in front of William.

The huge fist hit the tank's outer shell one after another, forcefully smashing the tank to the point of collapse.

The echo reverberated in the cab of the tank, and coupled with the shock, it shocked the soldiers inside to death!

Eddie was watching the pictures coming back from the laboratory, and suddenly felt a little pitiful about William.

Although William is now extremely powerful and maintains his sanity, this is just burning his own lifespan and potential, and also burning the lifespan of the Ouroboros virus.

If William extracts his own bone marrow and uses it to make clones, then William's current potential and lifespan are only half.

After this conversion, the lifespan is only twelve hours. Once the time is up, take the dog off immediately.

Can such a person not be pitiful? When he was a child, he was suppressed by Eddie's wife Alexia. When he grew up, his wife was poached and his daughter was also taken away.

He was almost killed by someone sent by Spencer for hiding the G virus, but he finally achieved something. But Brandon brainwashed him and finally found himself turned into a pawn.

William roared with incompetence, which seemed quite pitiful at first glance.

William, go on your way well. I will help you take good care of your wife and your daughter. Eddie picked up the coffee and silently said righteous words in his heart. But why do I feel a deep malice? Is this serious?

William, who was wreaking havoc in the city, was hit by a missile mounted on an armed helicopter, and one of his arms was immediately blown off.

Professional bombers flew in the sky, and the tanks on the ground quickly replaced special fishing net bombs.

The bomb flew out and suddenly exploded when it was close to William. The fishing net made of special steel wire entangled William inside, with three layers inside and three outside.

No matter how powerful a species is, as long as it is restrained, it will be very difficult to exert its power.

William kept roaring, trying to break free from the shackles of the fishing net. The next second, a high-intensity bomb dropped by a bomber directly blew off William's other arm.

No matter how powerful the flesh and blood body is, it cannot compete with high-tech weapons. Whether it is the ultimate Ouroboros monster or William's form that surpasses the G5 and maintains sanity, they are only the pinnacle of physical defense.

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