The hardness of flesh and blood cannot be compared with steel. Steel will be blown apart, let alone a biological and chemical weapon?

The bombers dropped their explosives ton after ton. The city of Wiener was a famous tourist attraction. Even if it caused heavy damage, it would still be better than using nuclear bombs.

The incompetent William kept roaring, but was eventually blown to pieces.

My head fell on the floor of a certain building. There was no one here.

William, who had only one head left, was still breathing, his eyes fixed on the front.

Eddie came to William smoking a cigarette, Long time no see, Raoby. Look at yourself, how miserable you are?

Eddie Cai! You trash, you beast! William was still roaring. It was hard to imagine how William, who had only one head, could speak.

I heard that you have been looking for me and Annette? Actually, you don't have to look for Annette, she is at my house, just like husband and wife. Annette also gave me a daughter named Chelsea, who is very beautiful and well-behaved. Don't worry, I will take good care of you. I'll take care of Annette and Shirley, I promise! By the way, I'm going to have a second child with Annette, so there's no need to congratulate us! Eddie squatted on the ground and blew out smoke rings with a mean smile on his face.

You! A thief, a beast! It wasn't until William died that he realized that when he asked his wife to stabilize Eddie, he was actually sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth. I feel regretful thinking about it now, especially after hearing what Eddie said.

William couldn't bear it any longer. He kept coughing up blood, his eyes widened, and he looked like he was dead. He had obviously died!

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 548: Kara and Ada share the stage

Eddie didn't feel anything about William's death, it was just that there was one less list in his hands.

Eddie had no respect for William after his death and twisted his right hand. Under the distortion of the magnetic field, William's head turned into a burst of dust, and the electric light flashed, and he was dead.

After dealing with William, Eddie felt much more relaxed. From now on, Annette can shop normally in the pedestrian street.

The only thing that stands in the way is that William is dead, and there is no need to worry about being hated by Shirley. This is Eddie's plan.

Returning to the temporary laboratory again, no one knew about Eddie's departure, except for Jill and Hilda, the two pillowcases.

Jill wouldn't ask what Eddie had done, and as long as everything was normal, she wouldn't say anything.

The disaster in the city of Weiner has come to an end for the time being, but the mastermind behind William has still not been found out, only a few words are known.

Three days later, on the Goddess Island, Eddie was basking in the sun and drinking coconut water. Next to her, Annette, who had not seen her for a long time, also came out to bask in the sun, with a lazy expression. It seemed that her mood had become much better since William's death.

William was actually killed by me. He still had some remaining consciousness and was killed by me. Eddie suddenly said.

Annette took out the cigarette and lit it disapprovingly. She took a puff and blew out the smoke. I don't care. I am your wife, not his wife. I will support you in whatever you do, dear, I I have unconditional trust in you.”

Thank you, I love you. Eddie also turned his head and smiled brightly.

Annette's lips curved into a charming smile, I love you too, husband.

Chelsea came over with a volleyball and said, Oh, don't be so mean and let's play beach volleyball together. Sister Shirley, over here, let's play together, hehe.

King Ada and Siena also returned to the Goddess Island with their daughters. As the name suggests, they are all goddesses.

The phone rang, and Ada Wang opened it. There was a video of a man who was fascinated by her. He also took out the phone and yelled at his fiancée to break up.

Kara's voice sounded very proud, This appearance really makes men unable to be fascinated. I wonder which man is so lucky to have two fairy-like beauties at the same time?

Ada Wang directly dialed the phone, You can have fun, don't mess around in my name.

Kara snorted, I am who I am. Who knows you, King Ada? My name is Kara Radames!

King Ada seemed to have thought of something, When will you come back?

As soon as she finished speaking, King Ada saw Kara standing in front of her, exactly like her. Apart from the different clothes, no one could tell from the appearance.

Ada's daughter Jordana frowned, You are not a mother, you are the type that father prefers.

Kara stroked her soft short hair and asked, What type?

She's the mistress type. Jordana nodded straightforwardly.

Kara was speechless, Are you belittling me?

Jordana shook her head, I'm not belittling you. Dad likes this type very much. You may need a better kidney.

This made King Ada and Carla a little worried. These daughters seemed a little straightforward, a little upright, and a little cute.

Soon Carla and Ada Wang walked to the beach talking and laughing. Both women were very smart women.

King Ada couldn't easily deal with a woman like Kara who was not particularly experienced. She became a best friend in just a few words, a best friend who was not afraid of being poached.

In the city of Tall Oaks in the Western Federation, it is as peaceful as ever, with everything to eat and drink.

In the family meeting, Simmons looked at Caprondo who had rejoined the family with displeasure.

With the influence of BSAA, Caprondo now has many opportunities to show his face and has returned to the family. Although he cannot pose a threat to Simmons, he can still make him sick from time to time.

I'm very busy, so just tell me if you have anything to do. Isn't this family meeting just to welcome you back? Simmons puffed on his cigar unhappily.

Caprondo raised his index finger and shook it, pretending to be interested, No, today I brought a great gift to the family, and it is also an opportunity to intervene in the security of the world.

You should just say it. Simmons was unhappy, and Kara left. Although she couldn't eat, it was still a good thing to see. You can't even see it now, so it's no wonder he's upset.

Targeting Eddie has no effect, as the other party does not participate in the existing profit cake. Moreover, President Benford will not allow him to target Eddie, which will lead to the breakdown of existing medical benefits, which will lead to civil unrest.

As a security consultant, Simmons naturally knew this, so he could only endure it. Simons personally made a King Ada and then gave it away. Simmons worshiped King Ada as a goddess. Such behavior is already blasphemous.

Caprondo clapped his hands, and a tall man wearing sunglasses and a trench coat came out. It was Albert Wesker who had disappeared for a while!

Brandon and Spencer have no hostile relationship, and they may even join forces to continue developing new viruses. Brandon is ninety years old, but still maintains the physical strength of a fifty-year-old man, relying on the Ouroboros virus.

Your immortality plan is actually Spencer and Brandon's plan, but their plan's name is much nicer, the Immortality Plan!

Build Umbrella and develop viruses. All of this is to serve the immortality plan. And biological and chemical weapons are just derivatives. Spencer is just using them to make money. Find Brandon and you will get what you want. ! As Wesker talked, he became more reserved, and his only thought was to take revenge on the two old dogs, Spencer and Brandon!

Simmons kept turning the ring on his finger, thinking about whether the other person's words were true or not.

What do you want? real estate tycoon Zhi Luoduo asked.

Wesker smiled slightly, no one could guess what he wanted, Redemption!

What? Caprondo was also a little confused, acting like an actor.

Redemption, it's time to reorganize Umbrella, form the Blue Umbrella Company to develop subjective modern weapons, declare war on biological and chemical weapons all over the world, determined to eliminate the last biological and chemical weapons, give the world peace, and give myself a redemption ! Wesker said seriously.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 549: Axela’s grandmother

This itself is impossible, but Wesker thinks this suggestion is good and worth trying. If he can, then he has successfully cleared his name.

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