The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1015: Aura mirror


The human monk in blue costume only has the poor Taiyi Golden Fairy Realm, and this kind of strength has no resistance at all in front of a strong man in the Fairy King realm.

Seeing the attack from the monk in front of him, the monk showed horror and hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Seeing that the Buddha-like attack was about to hit, and everyone thought that the matter would end here, the human monk on the ground who kept begging for mercy suddenly sank, stood up, his face was full of death.

"Damn bald donkey, why are you breaking my plan?"

There was an unpleasant metal rubbing sound in the throat of the blue-clothed human monk, and that sound was very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Yang Fan's three eyes saw a ghost-like black phantom attached to the body of the blue-clothed monk, unable to see his face clearly.

That unpleasant sound came from when the phantom attached to the blue-clothed monk.

"Amitabha! Humans and ghosts do not exist at the same time. Moreover, Xundao City does not allow shoe demons to enter crookedly, and offenders die!"

The monks on the third floor of the fairy king realm read the Buddha's title, their eyes burst with light, staring at the body of the blue-clothed monk.


Accompanied by a screaming scream, Yang Fan noticed that the black phantom was wiped out by the attack of the Buddha's breath, but when the black phantom figure was dissipating, looking at Yang Fan, it was just Seems to have found something.

And as the black phantom was wiped out, the parasitic blue-clothed monk collapsed to the ground, with more air intake and less air, obviously he could not live long.

There is no alternative.

After being parasitized by ghouls and corpses, they will swallow the host's large amount of vitality and lifespan for the first time. Anything that can be swallowed will be swallowed, and they will not be found.

Before long, the blue-clothed monk completely disappeared.

"Ah this!!!"

The lord's eyes widened, and there was a panic in his heart. He didn't expect that after the ghoul was eliminated, the host would actually die. If this is the case, then he better not go in.

"Well, Brother Yang, I don't think I will go in anymore. The outside is pretty good."

It is too late for Lord Lvy to escape. Yang Fan's formation is very high. It is impossible to break it in a short time. Otherwise, Lord Lvy would not use this almost balloon tone to say, but just flee.

"Don't worry about it, I think that the reason that person died may be because he was parasitized for too long, and his body was hollowed out without knowing, otherwise he would not die directly. I suspect that ghouls and zombies In order to enter the monk's gathering place, before that, the host will not be allowed to die, and it will be fed with the engulfed breath."

Yang Fan's words didn't work, but it made the lord even more frightened.

Soon, a group of people came to the gate of the city, and a monk from Daluojin Wonderland stepped forward and spread his hands. If he didn't know the situation beforehand, those who didn't know thought he wanted to collect money before he would enter.

"We don't have that token."

Bing Xingwen stepped forward and showed the token of his own ice temple child, said.

"Huh? A child of the Ice Temple?"

The monk on the third floor of the Fairy King Realm looked at Yang Fan and his group, and glanced over Bing Xingwen's six people who were obviously descended from the Ice God.

"You can go in."

The Ice Temple is no longer the previous Ice Temple, so the monk did not embarrass the six, nodded and let go.

But when it was Yang Fan's turn, they stopped.

"You don't have a pass token either?"

Previously, when Yang Fan and his party arrived together with Bing Xingwen, they were discovered by the monk. Although they knew that the two might be together, they still spoke in business.

"Master! We are all coming to the Fairy God Battlefield in the Upper Continent for the first time. We don't know the situation here, so I hope it will be convenient."

Yang Fan approached the monk, and a profound Buddhist scripture appeared in his hand. His actions were very subtle, as careful as bribing a public official of the country.

Upon seeing this, the monk on the third floor of the Immortal King's face obviously sank, but his light swept a few words on the scriptures, and a greedy color emerged in his heart, but he was quickly suppressed.

"Since it is the first time to come in, the little monk can understand, but no matter who it is, he must be tested if he wants to enter Xundao City."

The monk on the third floor of the Immortal King Realm put away the scripture without changing his face, and his tone was much more kind.

The corner of Yang Fan's mouth raised. Although this is not a monk on earth, the crows in the world are generally black. As long as people have desires, even the Buddha is like this, not to mention a monk in the fairy king realm.

This monk on the third floor of the fairy king realm put away the scriptures with a plain face, and the whole process was very indifferent, as if accepting bribes is a very common thing, which shocked Yang Fan a bit. People are also hypocritical.

For example, Ananda and Kasaba in the postscript of Journey to the West, when Wu Tian attacked Lingshan, they immediately rebelled against Buddhism.

"Stand not move under the aura mirror."

The monk in the fairy king realm in front of him bowed his head slightly, and Yang Fan was the first to stand under the huge mirror on the city wall.


A beam of light hits quickly, very fast.

After the beam of light touched Yang Fan, a warm current swept across Yang Fan's body instantly, and he also clearly felt the beam of light walking around him quickly, as if he was looking for something.

It didn't take long before that beam of light disappeared, and the huge mirror still showed Yang Fan's original appearance.

"This is a bit like the magic mirror in Journey to the West, it can actually reflect the original appearance of things."

Yang Fan was a little surprised. Magic weapons such as the mirror of the demon are seldom rare, and it is also very difficult to refine, let alone a mirror that can see through the disguise of the immortal king level powerhouse. If you take it down and sell it, you can sell it anyway. Thousands of superb fairy crystals.

Soon it was the turn of the six people from the Ice Temple, and the six came under the aura mirror one by one, and were irradiated separately, all without exception.

Then there are the three of Zeng Zhuojun, Chen Shuyue, the preacher and Xiao Baiju.

Then came Yuhun, a golden light shone, and the original appearance of Yuhun appeared in the aura mirror.

A long, jet-black knife exudes a dark light.

Everyone's gaze stayed on the lord, sweat kept on his forehead, and Yang Fan released the shackles of space and forcibly pulled him under the aura mirror.


As soon as Lord Lvy came under the Aura Mirror, the Aura Mirror began to tremble, and an extremely dazzling light shone on the Lure. This is no longer like detection, like 100% certainty that there is something on the lord's body, and those beams are obviously used to imprison him.


The anomaly here suddenly attracted the attention of the other nineteen monks. Among the nineteen, the strongest monk with long eyebrows at the tenth-level peak of the Immortal King realm suddenly opened his closed eyes, bursting with cold light. The system takes me to practice the latest chapter address: system takes me to practice the full text reading address: system took me to practice txt download address: system takes me to practice mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1015 Aura Lens) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "The system takes me to practice", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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