The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1016: Senson Sakai Oni

"Sure enough, it is a ghoul, and the strength is not low."

The monk at the peak of the Immortal King realm sipped low, his folded hands suddenly loosened, and his right hand slowly lifted. Suddenly a shadow in the sky enveloped everyone. The preacher and others looked up, and suddenly their pupils shrank.

I saw a big hand covering the sky slowly covering the sky, just like the scene of the Tathagata Buddha suppressing Monkey King, but now it is the lord who is being dealt with.

"Big brother, no, master, holy monk! You must be mistaken, how could I be parasitized by that ghoul."

The lord wanted to escape, but found that he was imprisoned, unable to move at all.

"It's a bit wrong, how do I feel that the speaking style of the lord has changed now."

The preacher frowned, always feeling something abnormal.

"Don't you say, I really haven't noticed that the tone of this Lord Lure's speech is indeed not quite right. Although Lord Lure is timid and afraid of death, unless he is a very familiar person, it is impossible to always address others in such a respectful and humble tone. ."

When Yang Fan's words were heard by the lord, his expression changed slightly and then returned to normal, without being noticed by others.

Looking at the huge palm that was falling fast in the sky, Lord Lv looked anxious and hurriedly shouted at Yang Fan and the preacher.

"Brother Yang, brother Taoist, come and help me quickly, otherwise my little life may really be planted here."

Seeing that big hand was getting closer and closer, the lord was anxious, but Yang Fan and the preacher heard this and their expressions changed unconsciously. The two of them were absolutely sure that the lord in front of them was absolutely wrong.

"Should I be taken away?"

The two thought about it at the same time, and then hurriedly used their spiritual knowledge to transmit the sound.

"damn it."

The lord roared, he actually broke free from the shackles of the light beam projected by the aura mirror, and left the coverage when the huge palm was in a critical time.

As soon as he left the coverage area, the lord roared at Yang Fan and the preacher.

"How do we say we are all companions, don't you have any sympathy to save me?"

"If it is the lord, of course we will save it, but you are not. Although you don't know when you occupied the donkey's body, you are still exposed."

"What are you talking about? I am a donkey!"

"Look, you see, although you are deliberately imitating the tone of Lord Donkey's speech, you haven't even figured out the most basic self-proclaim. Donkey doesn't call yourself that way."

The preacher sneered, if it weren't for the ghoul in front of him who was occupying the body of the lord, I am afraid the preacher would also take action.

"What are you mumbling about? My Buddhist monk is clearing the monsters, so I don't want to be affected, so I should leave as soon as possible."

The previous monk on the third floor of the Immortal King realm said solemnly.

Yang Fan and the two had to succumb to the strength of Buddhism, and hurriedly retreated some distance.

"Damn ants, you killed my parasite."

Seeing that he couldn't disguise anymore, a black mist emerged from his body, and the smoke dissipated. When he saw his whole body turned jet black, he looked like a demon from a distance, without the figure of the master.

"The ghoul of the fairyland!!!"

The one who spoke was the peak of the fairy king realm, the seven ring scar monk, his two long eyebrows seemed to be spiritual, and he could swing up and down freely.

The monk with long eyebrows showed a solemn color. The ghouls in the Immortal Realm are very powerful. Even if he did not cooperate with the Buddhist magical instruments, even if the Buddhist magic restrains the monsters and ghosts, he will not be the opponent of the ghouls .

"Boy, I blame you!"

The lord uttered an angry shout, the voice condensed into substance, turned into a sharp blade, and struck towards Yang Fan's neck.

This attack speed is very fast, Yang Fan is planning to defend, and when his hands are raised to normal, the corners of his mouth suddenly rise, but his hands are lowered.


A deafening bell rang, and everyone followed the reputation and found that a golden illusory clock appeared around Yang Fan. It was this big clock that blocked all the attacks of the ghouls.

The original black cheeks of the Immortal Realm Ghoul who occupies the lord's body became darker, and a pair of white eyes turned to look at the monk with long eyebrows.

"You want to stop me?"

The long eyebrow monk did not answer, but used actions to show his position.


The long eyebrow monk held his two half-meter-long eyebrows with both hands, and then gently flicked them. I saw that the two long eyebrows grew in an instant, curling towards the ghoul.

The ghoul was unmoved, letting the two eyebrows trap him.

Upon seeing this, the long-brow monk frowned tightly. With the power of a ghoul, he had time to escape, but he didn't.

With this kind of vigilance, the monk with long eyebrows did not intend to give the ghoul a chance to resist, his apple was agitated, and a large mouthful of blood was sprayed on the long eyebrows.

The golden blood exuded a strong Buddha-nature light, and then it was quickly absorbed by the eyebrows.


The two eyebrows that had absorbed the blood became thicker, and then quickly wrapped the ghoul, like a silkworm cocooning into a pupa.


When the other monks saw this, they cheered.

Generally speaking, ghouls and corpses are not very strong. The main reason why every monk is tested in front of each city is that these two monsters are very good at hiding their bodies.

The long eyebrow monk breathed a sigh of relief. The light from the seven rings of Buddha behind his head was obviously dimmed.

"Does the donkey just believe it?"

The preacher swallowed his saliva. Although he often quarreled with Lord Donkey, he sometimes fought hard because of some trivial matters. However, after such a long time of running-in and turmoil, the two are already good friends, good brothers, and they will not leave each other alone when it is critical.

This is also one of the main reasons why Yang Fan is willing to accompany these two guys.


Just when everyone thought everything was over, the long eyebrows that wrapped the corpse suddenly broke apart. The face of the long eyebrow monk changed and he hurriedly shouted.


Before everyone could react, they only heard a bang, and the eyebrows that covered the ghoul burst instantly. A majestic coercion was released, and some of the hapless guys who were close were directly hit by the coercion and suffered heavy casualties. With luck, the soul was severely injured and became an idiot.


Almost at the moment it exploded, the monk with long eyebrows spewed blood again, but this time it was caused by a backlash.

"Is this the coercion of the powerhouse of the Immortal Realm?"

This coercion also swept Yang Fan and his party, but fortunately, the three brothers Bing Xingwen and the two sisters Bing Lu and Bing Yu did not cause an impact on the six.

"Bald donkey, is this your strength? It seems that Buddhism is like that."

The ghoul laughed and looked slowly at Yang Fan and his group, who instantly felt as if they were being stared at by wild beasts.

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