The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 915: Mysterious angel statue

"What a strange statue."

Yang Fan was puzzled. The lavender reincarnation writing wheel looked at the angel statue for a long time. It was a very ordinary stone statue.

It's just that this iron chain is magical. With Yang Fan's eyesight, not only did he fail to see what kind of material it was made of, but his divine consciousness couldn't penetrate it either.

"it's wired."

With this kind of doubt, Yang Fan touched the iron chain with one hand and found a cold feeling coming from it.

And the moment Yang Fan touched the iron chain, the angel statue suddenly moved a little bit, very subtle, and Yang Fan didn't notice it.

With a slight force, Yang Fan was shocked to find that this iron chain was very hard, and Yang Fan tried his best to crush it. This one was abnormal.

Yang Fan furrowed his brows, his eyes moved up, his face changed immediately when he looked at the angel statue.

I saw an angel statue covering his face with his hands. I don't know when, with the cheeks where the hands had been separated, there was a distance of ten centimeters between the palms and the cheeks.

"This is not right!!!"

A dangerous feeling appeared in Yang Fan's heart, but he didn't know where this feeling came from.

Then Yang Fan looked around to see if anyone was hiding around him, observing himself in secret.

It’s just that almost as soon as Yang Fan looked away from the angel statue, a cold hand suddenly grabbed Yang Fan’s wrist, and a terrifying suction force struck. The immortal power in the body and various avenue rules were constantly being absorbed. .

Yang Fan was taken aback, turned his head to look, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The angel statue in front of Yang Fan has taken both hands away. Its left hand firmly grasped Yang Fan's wrist, and its right hand was raised in a claw shape, looking like it was about to attack Yang Fan.

It is only now that Yang Fan really understands where the danger comes from. It is the angel statue in front of him.

The angel statue's hands were brought, showing the appearance of a female angel. His eyes were fixed on Yang Fan, and the corners of his mouth were faintly raised, as if it was a provocation to Yang Fan.

"Dididi! Warning, an attack by an unknown creature is detected, and a defense mechanism is triggered."

Just when Yang Fan was still thinking about how to get rid of the angel statue, the system's rapid alarm sounded. Before Yang Fan could react, a terrible suction came from Yang Fan's body, and the energy that had sucked the angel statue into it was sucked back.

The face of the female angel statue appeared humane and puzzled, and she didn't understand what had happened.

Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief, but the angel statue's handwriting was still tightly grasped, no matter how hard Yang Fan tried, he couldn't get rid of it, even if he used the power of blur.

In order to verify the thoughts in his mind, Yang Fan closed his eyes and opened them again. The angel statue in front of him showed a hideous color. His mouth was wide open, revealing four pointed teeth, and his right hand was only one centimeter away from Yang Fan's neck.

"That's it, it seems you can't move in sight."

Yang Fan sneered, waved his right hand, and a paintbrush appeared in his hand, with colorful paint floating around.

"Since you can't move and can't do anything to me, then it's time for me to act."

The paintbrush quickly drew on the cheeks of the angel statue, and in a short while, he became a big man with a beard and painted vividly.

"What do you think now?"

Yang Fan condensed a water mirror in front of the angel statue, then moved his body back as far as possible, and then quickly blinked.

When he opened it again, the angel statue's face showed anger, and his right hand pointed to the ground.

When Yang Fan saw it, he was immediately happy, with six words written on the ground.

"I will remember you!"

"Just remember, there are other moves I haven't used yet."

While talking, a pan and a large bag of stinky tofu appeared one after another in front of Yang Fan, the oil was boiled on the fire, and then the stinky tofu was poured into it.

Suddenly a disgusting smell came, and people who have never seen it would definitely think that stinky tofu is dried into block-shaped shit.

Yang Fan raised his mouth and looked at the angel statue, showing disgust and disgust on the statue's face.

"You don't like this smell. Then I ask you, what can be so smelly, if I rub it on you, I don't know if you will feel sick."

Yang Fan blinked again and found that the statue did not move.

"Give you three breaths time, don't let go, I will just pour the whole pot on you."

He closed his eyes as he said, waiting for the angel statue to let go.

However, Yang Fan only muttered for a second in his heart, and he keenly felt the fluctuation of time. He opened his eyes so suddenly, the angel statue was calm, and an unstable time vortex appeared on his body, and Yang Fan, along with him, stretched out into danger.

"Fuck, I'm just talking, is it necessary to die together?"

Yang Fan's complexion became very ugly, and he hurriedly used time to resist. But as soon as the Avenue of Time appeared, it merged with the time vortex on the angel statue and began to create new time cracks.

As soon as the time crack appeared, I madly wanted to pull Yang Fan, the angel statue, and the other two statues nearby, but all three statues were trapped by chains, and the suction of the time crack had no substantial effect on them. .

"not good!"

Yang Fan's face changed drastically. Without Zhong Yuze's help, he didn't want to be sucked into the cracks of time.

With a thought, a gem the size of a green quail egg appeared in his hand. As soon as the gem appeared, it weakened the horrible suction by half, but Yang Fan's figure was still a little closer to the time crack.

That's it!

Yang Fan stayed in a stalemate for a few minutes, and was finally sucked into the cracks of time.

In the crack of time, Yang Fan walked through it and was pulled into the long river of time by a force. Yang Fan was surprised, thinking that he was about to return to real time and space, controlling the time gem to protect himself from the time storm.

That force did not have any hostility, and took Yang Fan back through the long river of time.

"It looks like I can go back soon."

Yang Fan heaved a sigh of relief, still thanking the angel statue in his heart.

It's just that when the force led Yang Fan through the real space-time position without any intention to stop, Yang Fan suddenly couldn't sit still. Extend the gem of time to the extreme, and finally get rid of the shackles of that power, plunge into the barrier of the long river of time

I don't know how long it took, Yang Fan slowly opened his eyes, and the dazzling sunlight hit his eyes directly. Yang Fan narrowed his eyes and looked around curiously.

At this time, Yang Fan was standing on a street more than forty meters wide, and the surrounding monks kept walking by. It's just that the monks who passed by Yang Fan cast doubtful glances, as if there was something strange about Yang Fan.

At this moment, a handsome young man with a cloak on his shoulders, black clothes, a cloak on his head, and a black ruler with an exaggerated shape on his back passed by Yang Fan.

PS: I don’t know if anyone thinks this person’s dress is familiar

I like the system to take me to practice, please collect it: ( The system takes me to practice. The literature update is the fastest.

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