The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 916: Ruffian man

This weird young man is very handsome, but his face is ruffled, with a dog's tail grass in his mouth, and he portrays the image of a villain in the market vividly.


The young man noticed Yang Fan, and when he saw Yang Fan's clothes in tatters, he gave a slight startled suspicion, and then ignored him.

At this time, Yang Fan realized that he had traveled again, and it seemed that he had returned to the correct time and space.

Thinking of this, Yang Fan felt very happy, only then did he notice his tattered clothes. When the thought moved, the six moon-white costumes changed back to their original state. This scene was seen by the ruffian man who had just walked by, and he let out an exclamation.

"My friend, it's a good method. You can restore the clothes to their original shape in the blink of an eye, but how do I feel familiar with your clothes?"

This handsome man with a hint of scorn, looked up and down, but still didn't think about it.

"Oh? My friend has seen this kind of clothes before?"

Yang Fan came to be interested. Only people on earth knew this kind of clothes, but the scoundrel man in front of him knew that there was only one possibility. He was also a traverser.

"I don't remember, maybe I remembered it wrong. Assi, I'm a little thirsty, my friend, do you want to go to the small teahouse for a cup of tea? I'll treat you."

The ruffian man disagreed, and looked at a small tea house not far away at the foot of the mountain.

"Okay, I'm a little thirsty when you say that."

Yang Fan smiled, wondering what the origins of this fellow, who is likely to come from the same place, came from.

The corners of the ruffian man's mouth raised, showing a wicked smile, and Yang Fan followed him to the small teahouse.

When the two walked past, there were only a few mortals sitting in the small tea house. It seemed that the shop Xiaoer was busy pouring tea and water for them not long after they arrived.

"Xiao Er, a bottle of Sprite!" The scoundrel found an empty table, sat down, and shouted.

The shop Xiaoer was stunned.

"The guest officer, Xue...What is Sprite? We don't have a small shop!"

"Then what do you have?" Xu Que asked.

The corner of Yang Fan's mouth twitched, and he was completely sure that the person in front of him was definitely from the earth.

"Guardian, we have good tea and some wine and food. If you need anything, just order!" At this time, the shop Xiaoer smiled honestly.

The stubborn man has fallen into a pretending longing for the future, and nodded absently, "Well, come to a pot of tea!"

"Friend, what are you coming?"

The scornful man turned his gaze to Yang Fan again. In his opinion, Yang Fan was unsmiling, not the slightest surprise at the Sprite he was talking about, as if everything in this world was dispensable to him.

"I will do whatever you want."

Yang Fan shook his head, his strength had reached the terrifying realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. For Yang Fan, the so-called eating was nothing more than nostalgia for the time on earth.

"In that case, Xiao Er, bring all of your signature dishes here, and I want to stay drunk with this brother."

The ruffian man grinned, and he involuntarily patted Yang Fan with a hand.

"Good!" Xiao Er yelled and ran away.


An invisible force bounced the hand of the ruffian man away, which was the performance of Yang Fan's body-guarding qi subconsciously protecting the lord.

Upon seeing this, Yang Fan hurriedly put it away, otherwise it would explode and the area would be flat.

The stubborn man showed a surprised expression, looked at Yang Fan again, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Friends are so strong, there should be an infant transition stage four. I don't know the names of friends."

The ruffian brain retracted Xiao Daxiao's smile, and said with a heavy tone.

"In Xia Yang Fan, he comes from the Divine Sword Sect. Isn't the realm all the four levels of the beginning, middle, and high stages, and the pinnacle? When did you switch to the digital level?"

Yang Fan looked puzzled. At this time, he hadn't realized the anomaly of the entire Five Source Continent.

The scumbag man showed a weird expression, "This division of realm was eliminated as early as 50,000 or 60,000 years ago. Don't tell me that you were immortal tens of thousands of years ago."

Yang Fan looked stunned, and vaguely felt something was wrong.

At this time, there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the distance, mixed with the sound of wagon wheels crushing the ground.

The people in the teahouse were attracted to the attention one after another, turned their heads to look, and suddenly started talking in a low voice.

"Oh, in this battle, it must be someone who is a high-ranking official!"

"Yeah, this is the first time I have seen such a brave team in so long. Will it be the imperial city?"

"What is the imperial city? You see clearly where they are going. This is because they have to go to the imperial city. It may be an envoy from a neighboring country."

"No, right? The flag of our Huoyuan country is hung on the carriage. How could it be an envoy of a neighboring country!"

"That's probably because our envoy from the Huoyuan country just returned from a neighboring country, eh, let's not talk about it, drink..."


Yang Fan and the ruffian men are also looking at the team passing by the official road. The spirit is indeed not simple. It is a team of about two hundred people, and there are more than one hundred monks among them. Yes, it is very powerful.

Some of these people ride horses and some walk, but they are all guarding the luxuriously loaded carriage in the middle of the team.

Although the carriage was completely enclosed, Yang Fan could still sense it without using his spiritual sense to detect it. There were two people sitting in it, and the realm was in the Golden Core Stage!

Yang Fan was very curious about who had such a big identity and suddenly used such a diverse infancy monk as a guard.

Just thinking of this, Yang Fan's heart was full of doubts, when did the Nascent Soul Stage monk's status become so high. The strength of the emperor of the fire source country is also the Mahayana period. These people say that the strength of the emperor is very weak.

"This guard of honor is so familiar, I seem to have seen it."

There is a monk of the Jin Dan stage on the side.

"You've seen all of this before. Tell me about it."

"It seems to be Princess Yanyang's car. It looks like it should have just returned from Shuiyuan Country. If nothing else, the Princess Yanyang is sitting inside."

The voices of these two people were very small, and only Yang Fan heard them, but the dialogue between the two made Yang Fan more puzzled.

When did Zao Wou-ki have a daughter named Princess Yanyang?

It didn't take long for the convoy to leave slowly, and the ruffian man got up, patted the cake residue on his hands, and said to Yang Fan.

"Brother Yang, it's too early, I think it's time to leave."

"Well, I have something to leave, so don't live it."

"Well, Brother Yang, if you have time this year, remember to come to the Imperial City of the Fire Yuan Kingdom."

"What are you doing in the imperial city?"

Yang Fan wondered.

"Because I am going to kill this fire emperor. Remember, it is this year. I will definitely kill him within this year."

Yang Fan just smiled. How could it be possible to be killed by an ant in the infantile stage during the Mahayana period.

I like the system to take me to practice, please collect it: ( The system takes me to practice. The literature update is the fastest.

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