Compared with the Germans, the Anglo-French coalition had the advantage of fighting at home in France, and could mobilize the air force from the rear airfield to reinforce the battlefield.

Although the German army also called for reinforcements from the air force, in the face of the home field advantage of the British and French coalition forces, the German air force was still somewhat out of reach.

After all, the location of this battle was in northern France. Not only could the French take advantage of their home field, but they could even take off fighter jets from the British mainland to participate in the battle.

The Germans, on the other hand, could only use the airports in Germany and Belgium, which were indeed slightly inferior to Britain and France in terms of reinforcement efficiency.

Although the Germans invested about twice as many aircraft as the British and French coalition forces in this French campaign, it is obviously impossible to appear on the battlefield all at once.

As the fighting continued, the British and French forces gradually gained air superiority and mastered the air superiority of the battlefield.

Although the German Army has played really well, the German Army is also worthy of the reputation of the world's No. 1 Army. Not only did it tie up its pockets, but it also taught a wave of follow-up offensive troops of the British and French allied forces.

The loss of the British and French infantry troops seems to be a predictable thing. After all, they are obviously inferior to the German army in terms of morale, overall quality, or weapons and equipment.

But for the top brass of the Anglo-French coalition, this was not a problem.

Because in this battle, the Anglo-French coalition had assembled more than 50 divisions in total, while their opponents were more than 30 German divisions, attacking with twice the force, they could completely fill in one with human life. Victory to come.

Moreover, the British and French coalition forces also have two other armored divisions of the British Third Armored Army that have not yet been put into battle. They are also equipped with new tanks and modified military horses, which can exert the same combat effectiveness as the besieged division.

It's just that the British wanted to retain their elite forces, so they only invested in one of the divisions, and the other troops used French troops.

But at the critical moment of the war, the British had to put these two elite new armored divisions into battle, trying to break through the siege of the German army from the periphery and save the besieged division.

In order to cooperate with the attack of these two divisions, the French also made great efforts, not only dispatched the only six armored divisions in their hands, but also joined ten ordinary infantry divisions and all the artillery they could assemble. The purpose is to completely tear apart the German siege with a saturated force.

The input of the French was effective. Although the combat effectiveness of the French infantry divisions was indeed inferior to that of the Germans, in the face of the frontal attack of nearly 20 divisions, the Germans' defense line became precarious.

The two sides once again entered into an extremely **** and brutal fight.

The battle lasted for three whole days, and even the night could not stop the war.

The British's two new armored divisions were used as spearheads to tear apart the German defense line, while the French divided their sixteen divisions into three parts, attacking alternately and in turn, trying to exhaust the Germans by means of wheel battles. .

It has to be said that this move is indeed effective. When the troops are not dominant, the Germans can only let the troops stand on the ground and stay on the ground, and there is no extra troops for rotation.

In particular, the Anglo-French Allied Forces also launched a coordinated attack of troops from other places to contain the German forces, making it difficult for them to support the main battlefield, which greatly dispersed the German forces that were not too abundant.

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At this time, some shortcomings of the German army emerged. Although after World War I, Germany has trained a large number of grass-roots officers and qualified reserve soldiers by retiring grass-roots soldiers and retaining technical backbones under a limited army scale. However, in the army In terms of scale, it is still a lot worse than Britain and France.

If the blitzkrieg is an asymmetrical war that takes advantage of tactical gaps, it's okay, as long as you win fast enough, you don't have to worry about the shortage of troops.

However, if the war gets into a stalemate and the situation turns into a **** grinder like World War I, the shortcomings of Germany's lack of stamina will be exposed.

After all, in the last World War, the French slaughtered an entire generation, which led to extreme war weariness at home, and Germany was not much better, especially as Germany was still fighting on two fronts, and the number of soldiers killed in battle was not much better than that of France.

More than 1.3 million people were killed in France and the French colonies, and more than 1.7 million in Germany. Both countries paid a heavy price.

Although relying on more advanced technical equipment and better quality of soldiers, the Germans made a very good start at the beginning of the war, but once their offensive was blocked, the gap between the two sides in weaponry and tactical strategy was quickly narrowed. After that, it was difficult for the Germans to gain an advantage.

This is also why in the later Barbarossa plan, the German army hit the outskirts of Moscow without a hitch, but was still blocked by the Soviets and counterattacked back.

Although the German army has not yet reached the stamina of the Barbarossa plan, it is an indisputable fact that their number of troops is less than that of the British and French coalition forces.

In the end, the Anglo-French Allied Forces rescued the surrounded British Panzer Division with almost twice as much force as the German Army and broke through the German line of defense. .

However, the Germans also caused considerable casualties to the Anglo-French coalition forces, and the number of soldiers killed in action was almost double that of the Germans.

Moreover, the loss of a large number of technical equipment has further reduced the combat effectiveness of the British and French coalition forces, and they may not be able to launch an attack of this scale in the short term.

It can be said that although the Germans lost this battle, the Anglo-French coalition also survived.

The German army's plan for a quick victory was broken, and the British and French allied forces were not broken, and the war was once again at a stalemate.

However, the British did have a good harvest in this war, that is, they verified the performance of their new tanks on the battlefield.

The performance of this new tank based on the technology obtained from Egypt made all the British generals satisfied, and even the French were very eager to obtain the technology of this tank.

Because of this, the British also wanted to mobilize Egypt to participate in the war, and wanted the Egyptian army to also participate in the war.

It's just that the Egyptian side has already invaded Italy at this time, completed the initial landing operation, and has already won Sicily, and is advancing towards the mainland of Italy.

Therefore, the Egyptian side declined the British request to join the main battlefield in Europe, but only said that after capturing Italy, it would go north to reinforce France.

Faced with this answer from the Egyptian side, the British and French forces did not feel much disappointed. At least the Egyptian army involved Italy, leaving Germany without a helper, which was considered a contribution to the war.

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