The Undead Empire That Travels Through the Multiverse

Vol 8 Chapter 56: The Forbearance of "Erich"

"You are Mr. Erich, the Führer's magic advisor?" General Rundstedt frowned slightly as he looked at the young man in front of him.

As an orthodox German soldier, especially a German soldier from a Junker nobleman, Rundstedt does not like necromancy, which makes him feel that it is detrimental to the honor of the soldier.

And although the young man in front of him is also from a noble family and has Feng in his name, he doesn't feel very good for Ronderstadt, as if there is another face hidden under his face, let the old general Feeling very uncomfortable.

However, although he personally did not like the young man in front of him, his conduct as a soldier and a Junker nobleman still allowed Rundstedt to not let his personal likes and dislikes affect his judgment and business affairs. After the young man in front of him introduced himself, he said He asked, "I remember that you just graduated from Egypt and returned to China not long ago. Is there any mission for the head of state to transfer you to France?"

"Yes, Your Honorable General." Of course, the young man called Erich could sense that Rundstedt disliked him, but he was obviously not qualified to be in a military commander like Rundstedt. There is no dissatisfaction in front of him, even if he is personally appointed by the head of state.

Therefore, Erich directly stated the reason why he came to the battlefield: "The Führer is not satisfied with the progress our army has made in France. He hopes that the army can take France as soon as possible, so he specially appointed me to bring the undead army. , I hope to be able to open the situation through the undead army."

"Undead Legion?" Hearing this name, Rundstedt's face became ugly.

As the commander-in-chief of the German army when it attacked Poland, of course he knew about this undead army.

If only talking about the combat effectiveness of this unit, Rundstedt is of course very satisfied. After all, what general would not like a unit that is not afraid of death?

However, the fact that the Undead Legion ate the living people in Warsaw made Rundstedt's favorable impression of this army drop to a freezing point, and also made his perception of necromancy extremely bad.

As a traditional soldier, Rundstedt may still have some traditional chivalry in his bones, and he is very disgusted with this kind of unscrupulous fighting method.

If it weren't for the Undead Legion being considered a friendly army, he even wanted the troops to directly turn their guns to destroy them.

However, the order from the Führer himself made the old general bear his temper, and said to the young man in front of him: "I will report to the Führer about this battle in person, there are no need for those undead here! And your number It is limited, and the role it can play on the battlefield is not large, and the international impact it causes is very bad.

The incident of cannibalism in Warsaw last time has had a very bad impact on the international image of our country. I should have reported this to the head of state. Why did the head of state still send you here? "

Although Rundstedt is a stereotypical soldier, he is by no means a stubborn and conservative guy, otherwise he would not have played an important role at the top of the German army from World War I to World War II.

He may be absolutely loyal to the country and leader he swore allegiance to, but he is by no means the kind of foolish loyalist.

And as a traditional soldier, he didn't want the soldiers he commanded to become man-eating monsters. Such troops were by no means the German army he recognized.

In fact, veteran soldiers like Rundstedt who have survived the most difficult years in Germany after World War I are proud of being a member of the Wehrmacht. The sense of honor and mission of soldiers has always bound the traditions of these older generations. military behavior.

Gu Wen

Although in the original history, as the war continued, more and more soldiers lost their bottom line, but at least at the beginning of the war, there were still many soldiers who insisted on basic morality and honor.

Although old generals like Rundstedt hated what Britain and France did to Germany during World War I, they were not at the level of using man-eating monsters on the battlefield.

Of course, this is also the time when the German army has not suffered many defeats. It is when the morale of the army is strong.

Especially when they destroyed Poland in just one month. This is the record for the fastest destruction of a country in the history of human warfare. For the German army, it is enough to make them extremely proud.

So even these generals with the German army didn't bother to use any crooked ways.

They believe that their soldiers and troops can solve all problems. Even if they encounter a temporary setback, it is not the problem of the soldiers, but the mistakes of the generals in the strategic arrangement.

German soldiers have always been excellent and trustworthy, especially those soldiers who chose to retire voluntarily even in the most difficult times in Germany in order to leave valuable active duty places for more important technical and command talents. Every one is good.

Rundstedt has always trusted his soldiers so much, and the German soldiers have never let the old general down.

However, these obviously have nothing to do with Erich. He just twitched the corners of his eyes, and then repeated to Rundstedt emphatically: "This is the order of the Führer, Your Excellency."

"The Führer's order? Of course I know it's the Führer's You don't need to use the Führer to press me." Ronderstedt didn't even bother to write the superficial article, and it was nothing more than this in front of him. A young man with the rank of technical major said in a bad tone: "The order given to you by the Führer is to assist the front line to open up the situation, but he didn't say that you should do your own thing, so you still have to obey my order.

Now my order to you is to go to the rear of the battle line and stand by, be ready for battle, and maintain a state of combat readiness until I give you a new order to allow you to enter the battlefield! Are you clear? "

Erich's face twitched unnaturally, but in the face of Ronderstadt's tough attitude and momentum, he could only hold back his emotions, stood up straight and said, "Listen clearly. , General."

"Very good, then go and execute the order! Bring your troops with you." Ronderstadt nodded with satisfaction, looking at Erich with a look of dissatisfaction, but still left as ordered , and then whispered: "As long as I am alive, I will not allow that group of cannibalistic monsters to sully the honor of German soldiers."

Outside Rundstedt's office, Erich obviously heard the old general's words. There was an abnormal red light in his eyes, and his eyes looked crazy and dangerous.

However, he didn't take any action at this time, he just left the headquarters with his head down.

Although he is now the magic advisor of the Führer, and he is also known as the red man in front of the Führer, he is still far from a high-ranking military executive like Ronderstadt. He must cultivate Raise your own power and seize the opportunity to climb up, so that you can have the opportunity to wrestle with old generals like Ronderstadt.

But now, he can only bear it.

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