The Wandering Planet

Chapter 240: Expeditionary Landing

After the planetary engine fortress was finally rebuilt, it, like the previous Wandering Earth Embassy, ​​stowed all the weapons installed on it and transformed it into a giant space rocket, ready to be launched on the Pacific Rim world.

"Hawaiian One planetary engine space rocket is ready! Countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-launch!"

The bottom of the planetary engine flashed a dazzling fire instantly. The orange-red flames wrapped in steaming water and spewed out along the two-way backflow trough, arching upwards to form a cohesive force, gently holding the huge planetary engine slowly. rise.

Don't worry about the residents of the dungeon. The dungeon has been evacuated and closed, and the population has been transferred to the ground or other dungeon.

With the fierce shaking of the earth, the tens of thousands of meters of the planetary engine base gradually began to lift off the ground, and took thousands of expeditionary soldiers and a large number of logistic staff stationed inside the engine into the sky and flew towards the vast space.

For many expeditionary soldiers, including Wang Lei, it is not the first time to enter space, but it is an unprecedented experience to enter a space by a planetary engine.

As the height continues to rise, the ground below can no longer see the details, only the beams of light ejected by other planetary engines can be seen standing on the wandering earth like pillars standing on top of each other.

No matter how many times this picture is viewed, it is so shocking that more than 10,000 planetary engines built with all human power can be clearly seen in the universe.

Human beings are so small in the vast universe, but the strength of billions of people can unite in sand and form towers.

The wandering earth can survive to this day, relying on this force to push it forward!

The planetary engine rocket gradually separated from the atmosphere, and at the same time passed through the shielded force field of the planet covering the entire stray earth.

Under the influence of the shield of the world, the wandering earth disappeared instantly in front of everyone.

At the same time, the planetary engine rocket also broke away from the gravity and began to enter the space taxiing phase, and continued to accelerate to the Pacific Rim plane where Joe Law was located.

They will be the vanguard of the pioneering civilization of human counterattack. They will take the lead in establishing a front-line base in the eastern part of the Hawaiian group, and then use the transmission function of the planetary engine to continue to send a steady stream of stray earth expeditionary forces to the earth in batches.

This also means that the wandering earth will officially enter the war, and the era of unilateral threats to humanity by the pioneer civilization will be over!

In order to cover the arrival of the planetary engine, Moss carried out an unprecedented hacking operation, directly hacking all the astronomical observation satellites and radio telescopes on the Pacific Rim, preventing them from observing the arrival of such a giant space flying object.

Of course, it is still possible for pure optical telescopes to see the planetary engines approaching the earth, but without computer data analysis, it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack to detect changes in space with the naked eye.

Unless the optical telescope is really pointed in the direction of the planetary engine, it is difficult to detect such a subtle change in the vast universe by optical images alone.

In order to avoid the existence of the fish that leaked the net, the Ark, which has entered Earth orbit, also emits interference waves at the same time as the planetary engine arrives, which temporarily disables all astronomical satellites on the planet. Then the planetary engine smoothly enters the atmosphere and land on this Hawaii on the world.

All of this is to conceal the existence of the stray earth. After all, if humans in this world find that there is such a huge mechanical building falling from the sky, then the existence of another human civilization in outer space will become a well-known thing.

Even if they think that the planetary engine was built overnight using unknown technology, it is better than letting the people of this world know that the entire building actually comes from space.

The former can also make them wonder whether aliens have been mixed into human beings, while the latter is almost equivalent to showing the existence of stray earth.

At this point, you still need to pay attention.

At this instant, the failure of the astronomical satellite still caused a small storm on the Pacific Rim, but the reason for the panic was not that they realized that there was a new visitor from space, but that it was a pioneering civilization's aggressive attack. omen.

Under the circumstance that the Earth itself has been invaded by aliens, the human civilization of the Pacific Rim world did not have much energy to focus on space exploration.

Now that the failure of astronomical satellites has suddenly occurred, they first noticed whether the wormhole cracks, which are also located in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, have changed.

After all, for them, this time is the biggest threat facing the earth, and the situation in outer space is already the focus of their attention.

This gave the planetary engine a chance to land silently into the world ’s Hawaiian Islands, and quickly completed its deployment, re-formed it into a planetary engine fortress, and began to build it as a frontline base for the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force.

From any angle, this planetary engine fortress is a giant building that is integrated with the entire Hawaiian Islands, and there is no sign of outer space.

No one could have expected that such a tens of thousands of meters tall building could move, let alone transform into a rocket and launch it into outer space. This is absolutely something that humans in the Pacific Rim world cannot imagine. Light It is that their existence has completely exceeded their expectations.

Due to the monster invasion, the Hawaiian Islands at this time is already a completely uninhabited area, and even the cities here can still see the traces left by the monster raging.

A large number of Wandering Earth Expeditionary soldiers began to walk out of the gates at the bottom of the planetary engine, including several super-heavy tracked base vehicles MCV that had appeared on the biochemical crisis level, and quickly unfolded into a huge frontline base for construction The factory, cooperating with the vehicle engineering mecha, began the construction of the front-line base.

Their mission is to build this already uninhabited island into the frontline base of their Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force, and use this as a springboard to wait for the opportunity to launch a counterattack against the pioneer civilization through the wormhole!

The blue pillar of light pierced the dark night sky, and more expeditionary forces teleported from the wandering earth.

In order to win the mother star of the pioneer civilization in one fell swoop, they must accumulate troops from now on. In the final analysis, Wandering Earth is only three months away. To carry out such a large-scale interstellar war, we must race against time to prepare!

Knowing the situation in advance, Qiao Li stood at the top of the broken dome base, looking at the direction of Hawaii on the Pacific Ocean, and whispered to himself:

"The expeditionary force has already begun. It seems I have to hurry up."

At this point inside the broken dome base, Raleigh is conducting the first dangerous rover neural connection test with Asako, and after they have also completed preparations, Pantcoast's bombing wormhole plan should be staged as scheduled.

At the same time, Dr. Newton, who is assisted by Jolly, is using the neurosympathetic device to sympathize with the monster brain without authorization. He tries to get more information about pioneer civilization in this way, which is what Jolly needs. of.

Globally, the previous Wall of Life incident in Sydney continues to ferment, and riots have erupted along several Pacific Rim cities. Many countries have discovered that the coastal defense wall built by PPAC is the tofu project, and finally realized that they Cheated.

A spokesman for the Pan Pacific Defense Corps also said on TV: "We have moved millions of people and supplies three hundred miles inland ~ ~ to a safe area."

A reporter from the audience immediately asked: "The Pacific Rim can be far more than millions of residents! Safe areas, those who are rich and powerful are staying. What about the rest of us? Answer!"

The spokesman could only say in an official voice: "I believe that not all of the Wall of Life projects have problems. At present, most parts of the Pacific Rim are still protected by the coast defense wall. I don't think there is a need to evacuate And evacuation. "

As a result, a shoe was thrown onto the stage, and the person who threw the shoe yelled: "You are kidding about the lives of tens of millions of people! Is human blood gimmick delicious?"

After the news report was published, there was no doubt that it caused widespread riots. People have realized that they have not only been deceived, but also abandoned by these military and enterprise chaebols who have already had enough money.

This night, the entire Pacific Rim is in chaos, and on the other side of the wormhole, the monster army of pioneer civilization is also about to move.

Things are becoming increasingly unpredictable!

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