The Wandering Planet

Chapter 241: The truth about monster invasion

Pointe Coster was conducting the nerve connection test of the dangerous rover in the command room, when his aide went up to him and said:

"Sir, some astronomy enthusiasts said they saw a huge UFO landing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I hope we can send mecha to investigate."

Due to the risk of monster invasion, the entire Pacific Ocean was classified as a dangerous area at this time, and even warships were afraid to pass through it. There is no doubt that the investigation into the Pacific Ocean can only rely on the mech hunter dedicated to dealing with monsters, otherwise It's too easy for those deep sea monsters to destroy several ships from the bottom of the sea.

But Pantcoast asked just calmly: "Are there any abnormalities detected by our satellites?"

The lieutenant looked at the data displayed on the computer and shook his head and said, "No abnormalities, sir."

"Then ignore it, now is the crucial moment for us to fight those invaders from the seabed wormhole, not the time to investigate what the UFO truth is!" Pant Coster said of course.

Nowadays, the Pacific Ocean where alien monsters are always present is arguably the most dangerous place in the world, and no one will rush into such a place to investigate.

If their satellites also detect UFOs, even a few astronomy enthusiasts say that they have seen something like UFO, it can only be said to be commonplace, and it is not worth their attention at all.

In the final analysis, it is their top priority to deal with the wormhole cracks on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. As for UFOs, they are far less worthy of attention than alien monsters.

After simply sending away these astronomy enthusiasts, Pantcouster refocused on the nerve connection tests of dangerous homeless people.

Raleigh left aside for a while, Asako was his adopted daughter, and she officially became the driver of a dangerous wanderer. This was a very important moment for Pontecoste.

However, the problem that followed was that he couldn't worry about him.

In the biological laboratory of the Shattered Dome, Newton is preparing to synchronize with the monster brain using neural sympathy equipment to obtain information about the pioneer civilization behind the wormhole.

Because this matter was not approved by Pentcost, he could only carry out this dangerous experiment while Herman was away.

Newton also knew the risks of doing this, so before the final experiment, he recorded his words with a voice recorder, so that he could leave his last words after death.

"Herman, when you hear this, either I am alive and prove that my research results are correct. Or I am dead, so I want to tell you that it is all your fault, it is your compulsion mine."

Just as he was determined to press the start button, the sudden appearance on the side surprised him, and he almost did not scare him to throw the remote control out.

The man who appeared before him was exactly Qiao Li who had been observing his every move in secret.

"Don't worry, Dr. Newton, I'm here to help you," Qiao Lu said.

He himself came from the pioneering civilization information that Newton could have with the monster brain for synaesthesia. This information is very critical for the wandering earth.

"It's you."

After discovering Joe's coming, Newton was also relieved.

After all, this set of neural sympathetic equipment was also brought by Qiao Li for him. At this point, Newton still didn't feel it necessary to conceal him.

"Then come and help, I can't bear to press it."

Newton handed the remote control to Qiao Li, and there was only one button on it, so there was no need to explain how to operate it.

Then he looked at the ugly monster brain missing from the training chamber, and said with a little worry:

"This area of ​​the brain is the frontal lobe. Well, it may have been severely damaged and unable to synapse. So I don't know what will happen, anyway, try it first."

Then, Newton sat down on the chair aside and signaled that Jolly could begin.

"Good luck, Dr. Newton."

Joel said, pressing the button on the remote control, so that Newton's brain and the monster's brain began a neural sympathetic connection, and then he can learn the truth about the pioneer civilization.

With a twitch of his body, Newton instantly lost consciousness, and the whole person collapsed on the chair.

He first reviewed the memories of his life like a marquee, from a child to growing up, to the moment when he had a synaesthesia with the monster's brain, it was only in an instant.

Then he finally saw the memory stored in the monster's brain, real information about the pioneer civilization.

The first thing that appeared in his mind was the picture of the monster being made.

They were originally embryos, or larvae, descendants of a much larger monster. They were transformed into what they are today after being transformed by a group of alien-like engineers.

Pioneer civilization will customize a monster army for the planet they will invade, so before that they will send a group of weak monsters that should be eliminated as cannon fodder, and collect suicide attacks to collect the planet's environmental data and main Resistance information.

Later, they will continue to update and adjust the biological characteristics of the invading monster according to the collected information until it can perfectly adapt to the local environment and terrain, and it can also restrain the main forces of local civilization.

Once they found a suitable sample of monsters, they would clone thousands of monsters of the same type and form an army of monsters.

The aggression force formed under this design will become a highly targeted and adaptive terrorist force.

The local civilization that thought it had the advantage in the previous suicide attack of the pioneer civilization will be instantly submerged by this army of monsters tailored for them, and they will no longer be able to resist in the slightest.

This is the truth of the monster invasion!

So far, all humans have faced are hounds used by pioneer civilization to gather information.

To them, this is a mere suicide attack, not even aggression!

But how ironic is this that humans have gradually become powerless to resist?

But before I do anything, you fall!

This terrible fact shocked Newton with a cold sweat, but what made him even more alarmed was that while he was reading these memories, there was always a huge eye staring at him in midair, as if he was aware of this. Intruders from outside the brain are average.

This caused Newton to have an inexplicable fear ~ ~ He didn't know what the real body of this eye was, but it seemed that his every move was already under the surveillance of the other party.

In the end, the picture gradually narrowed towards this eye, and Newton felt as if he had been deeply sucked into it, no matter how he struggled, he could not escape his surveillance.

This is the master brain of the pioneer civilization, who controls the thinking of the entire ethnic group, and this monster brain is naturally also under its control!

When Newton read the monster's brain memory, he also exposed himself!

Fortunately, the broken monster's brain can no longer maintain this kind of neural connection, so that Newton can return to life at the moment of death.

"Dr. Newton? Dr. Newton!"

His eyes were covered with bloodshot blood, his body could not stop trembling, and that eye kept lingering in his mind, even when Qiao Lu shouted that he hadn't heard it.

The seeds of the mind control of the pioneer civilization have been deeply buried in his brain!

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