The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1737: Ask for help

After Meng Zhang left the Dali Dynasty and returned to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, he did not go to other places, but waited for the arrival of the Ziyang Saint Sect envoy in the mountain gate.

   He waited for several days, but the envoy of the Ziyang Saint Sect did not wait, but first waited for the long-lost Qiu Gangfeng.

   Qiu Gangfeng left the Xingluo Islands alone, not far away, and came over to visit Meng Zhang, which was considered intentional.

   After seeing Meng Zhang, Qiu Gangfeng respectfully paid homage to Meng Zhang as he respected his predecessors.

   Meng Zhang dodges again and again, saying that he can't afford it, and the two of them should talk about friendship as they did before.

   Actually, Qiu Gangfeng got the help of the old monster of Xihai in the past. When he survived the thunder tribulation of the sun god, he did not leave any troubles, but gained a lot of benefits.

   He has cultivated for many years and accumulated rich accumulation, and he is only one step away from breaking through the Void Return Period.

   According to his situation, the possibility of successfully advancing to the rebirth period is very high.

   If it weren't for this, Ziyang Saint Sect would not be so jealous of their brothers.

   If it weren't for helping his brother Qiu Wanshui to remove the hidden danger and restore his body, he would not delay for so many years.

   Meng Zhang and Qiu Gangfeng were polite for a long time before sitting down and talking slowly.

   Looking at Meng Zhang, who has become a great power in the rebirth period, Qiu Gangfeng has mixed feelings in his heart.

   When I met Meng Zhang last time, Meng Zhang's cultivation level was still far behind him.

   At this meeting, Meng Zhang has far surpassed himself, but he is still standing still.

   Last time in the Black Jade Forest, the Qiu family brothers told the secrets of Jiazishu and Baijiaguo, and organized a powerful team of monks to take the Baijiaguo and try to grab food from the tiger's mouth from the side of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   After a lot of hard work, everyone found nothing, but Meng Zhang succeeded in Baijia Guo.

   It seemed that they had made wedding dresses for Meng Zhang.

   That’s right, Qiu Gangfeng had already guessed that for Meng Zhang's ability to advance to the stage of rebirth so quickly, it must have played a key role in Baijiaguo.

When    guessed about this, Qiu Gangfeng had mixed feelings in his heart. Some are not convinced, and some are sour.

   If possible, Qiu Gangfeng is really unwilling to come to meet Meng Zhang in person.

   What a pity, the situation in the Xingluo Islands is too bad.

   Since the Ziyang Saint Sect cut off aid to the Xingluo Islands, other comprehension forces have followed suit. Not only have they stopped assisting the Xingluo Islands, but even the caravans to and from the Xingluo Islands have almost disappeared.

   Although the caravan of Royal Beast Sect still communicates normally. However, the main business direction of Royal Beast Sect is not Xihai at all. The caravan is limited in size and the frequency of exchanges is not high.

   At this time in the Star Rock Islands, everything is scarce, and the market has long been empty.

   Although I can still rely on a little savings for the time being, this kind of days of sitting and eating in the sky cannot last long.

   The Star Rock Islands now seem to be advancing in strength and strength, and they are in their strongest moment since their establishment.

   There have never been so many Yang God Stage powerhouses in the Star Rock Islands, and the shock to the Sea Clan is not small.

  Unfortunately, no matter how strong the fighting power of the Yangshen stage is, it will not be able to change all kinds of cultivation materials.

   The last time the sea clan army invaded, colluding with True Monarch Chilong inside and outside, has caused great harm and destruction to the Xingluo Islands.

   Now in the Xingluo Islands, many monks on the island can't even maintain their daily practice.

   The low-level monks are a little better. At any rate, there are still some spiritual veins of different levels available in the Star Rock Islands.

   The monks of the Yuan Shen stage and above are miserable, and the stocks of Nine Heavens Essence and Yu Qing Ling Ji have basically been emptied.

   Still the same sentence, the Star Luo Islands are as powerful as they are, and there are so many cultivators.

   Even Qiu Gangfeng himself, if it were not for the lack of training resources, he could completely ignore everything, and the retreat began to break through the rebirth period.

   Due to the prestige of the Ziyang Saint Sect, no power of cultivation dared to help the Xingluo Islands.

   Even the old monster of Xihai, who has been supporting the Qiu brothers behind his back, was bought by Ziyang Shengzong with the 10,000-year tree heart of Jiazishu and gave up his support for the Qiu brothers.

   The Qiu family brothers looked around, as if there was only one Taiyimen who could ask for help.

   Qiu Gangfeng made a decision this time, even if it is a shameless and humble begging, he must get a certain amount of assistance from Meng Zhang.

   Qiu Gangfeng asked in spite of his face, it was really difficult for Meng Zhang to refuse.

  Actually, according to Meng Zhang's idea, no matter whether Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong negotiated a peace, they should try their best to help the Xingluo Islands.

   Maybe the Taiyimen spend an extra resource in the Xingluo Islands today, which can reduce the huge losses caused by the sea clan to the Taiyimen in the future.

   Although Taiyimen's current life is also very difficult, he is already burdened with debts again.

   But once Meng Zhang made up his mind, he was still able to allocate resources to assist the Xingluo Islands.

  Taiyimen, after years of hard work, opened up a large-scale trade route in the heavenly palace.

   Taiyi Sect has a good reputation and stable income, so it is not difficult to borrow from other cultivation forces.

   In fact, Taiyimen had made many large-scale external loans before, and finally returned the capital with profit.

  Meng Zhang’s idea was that Taiyimen once again borrowed on a large scale to provide support to the Xingluo Islands as much as possible.

   Of course, relying on the Taiyimen family alone, even if the family went bankrupt, it would not be able to support a power of comprehension like the Xingluo Islands.

   Meng Zhang is also ready to run around, seeking more assistance for the Star Rock Islands.

  Meng Zhang believes that there are so many comprehension forces in the realm of comprehension, there are always those who are not afraid of the Ziyang Saint Sect, and are willing to support the existence of the Xingluo Islands against the sea clan.

   On the Star Rock Islands, it is necessary to restore trade routes as much as possible and strive to obtain income.

   It takes time for Taiyimen to raise materials for cultivation, and Meng Zhang explained his plan.

   Regardless of what thoughts Meng Zhang had before, Qiu Gangfeng was very grateful for what Meng Zhang did at the moment.

   Many words of gratitude were said, and after agreeing with Meng Zhang how to hand over the supplies, Qiu Gangfeng left with gratitude.

   The Qiu brothers have risen in the realm of cultivation for so many years, they are still somewhat related, and they have some connections.

   Qiu Gangfeng was going to take a good turn in Junchen Realm this time, pulling his face down, asking for help everywhere, to see if he could gain anything.

   After Qiu Gangfeng left, Meng Zhang confessed that the middle and high-level men of the door had borrowed heavily from the various forces he had acquainted with, and at the same time worked hard to raise supplies to support the Xingluo Islands.

   On the other side, he patiently waited for the envoy of Ziyang Saint Sect to come.

   But what surprised Meng Zhang was that he waited and waited, but he couldn't wait for the messenger of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Could it be that Saint Zong Ziyang really gave up the two Yang Shenqi monks captured by Meng Zhang?

   Next, what will Ziyang Shengzong do?

   Is this to swallow this sulking breath, let go of Taiyimen, or ignore it and prepare to launch a full-scale assault on Taiyimen?

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