The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1738: Turnaround

Unexpectedly, the Ziyang Saint Sect did not send an emissary, and Meng Zhang was shocked and suspicious. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to go to the Heavenly Palace to explore the sound of the wind on the side of Saint Zong Ziyang through his relationship.

Before Meng Zhang left, news came from the monks stationed at the Taiyimen in the Tiangong. The old man in Yinhu asked Meng Zhang to go to the Tiangong as soon as possible, saying that there was something to discuss.

Meng Zhang didn't dare to neglect, he immediately left the mountain gate and went to the heavenly palace.

After arriving at Tiangong, Meng Zhang didn't care about going up to the station, so he went directly to the mansion of the silver pot old man.

Along the way, Meng Zhang found that many monks came and went in a hurry, as if there was something urgent.

There are many people coming and going in many shops, even crowded, it seems very chaotic.

Meng Zhang has come to the Tiangong many years ago, and has been in and out of the Tiangong many times. The time spent in the Tiangong is not too short.

But in the heavenly palace, he had never seen this scene before him.

In his memory, Tiangong has always been orderly and without any waves, as if it would not change for ten thousand years.

It was the first time I saw the sight of Tiangong in front of me.

Meng Zhang guessed in his heart, could it be that what happened in the heavenly palace could not happen?

Is Ziyang Shengzong’s reaction related to this?

Meng Zhang, who was full of doubts, came to the mansion of the old man Yinhu, and met the old man Yinhu smoothly.

When Meng Zhang saw Elder Silver Kettle, the Elder Silver Kettle was walking around in the hall, obviously a little anxious.

Seeing Meng Zhang's arrival, the old man at Silver Kettle grabbed Meng Zhang, and without a word of nonsense, he went straight to the topic.

It turned out that not long ago, the Tiangong Grandmaster Ban Xuejian, who had been ignoring foreign affairs for many years and devoted himself to practicing in retreat, suddenly ordered to summon the high-levels of Tiangong.

Including the hall masters and deputy hall masters of the main halls of the Tiangong, some veteran members, as well as the principals of the sacred sects in the Tiangong.

When summoned, Lord Banxue Jian directly ordered that in the following days, Tiangong would unite with the sacred sects, mobilize the power of the entire cultivation world, and conduct a thorough cleaning of Junchen world.

The goal of the sweeping cleanup is the enemies of the cultivators, including the various alien races, demonic cultivators, extraterritorial invaders, and so on.

The scale of this cleanup will be unprecedented in history.

King Banxue Jian will personally sit in the Heavenly Palace and fully supervise the operation.

The main halls of the Tiangong and all the sects of the holy land must participate fully, mobilize all forces, and absolutely not allow the slightest slack.

In order to concentrate on carrying out this action, in the cultivation world, the fighting among the major cultivation forces must be stopped immediately, and all forces must be unified to the outside world instead.

After King Banxue Jian gave the order, the high level of Tiangong immediately took action.

The various sacred sects have also received the news and will respond soon.

After Meng Zhang heard the words of the Elder Silver Kettle, he was first taken aback, and then there was a burst of ecstasy.

If Banxue Jianjun's orders are strictly enforced, then the biggest threat currently facing Taiyimen will temporarily disappear.

The major cultivation forces are not allowed to fight, even if the Ziyang Saint Sect has the intention to attack the Taiyi Sect, I am afraid it can't do it.

Also, mobilize all forces in the cultivation world to work together to clean up all the different races.

The situation on the Star Rock Islands should also be eased.

The great enemy Hai Clan that Taiyimen has always guarded against will suffer even more this time.

If the Sea Clan is really cleaned up, Taiyi Gate will save countless efforts.

The command of Sword Master Banxue was really a great benefit to Meng Zhang, and the Taiyi Sect benefited immensely from it.

If he hadn't seen Lord Ban Xue Jian before, and had nothing to do with Lord Ban Xue Jian, Meng Zhang almost couldn't help but doubt that Lord Ban Xue Sword intentionally helped Taiyi Sect.

Of course, Meng Zhang has a more reasonable explanation for this matter.

Only when self and Taiyimen's luck are high, will such a good thing happen, and then Ban Xuejian will just give this order.

After Meng Zhang was happy for a while, he remembered one thing.

Although Tiangong is the nominal ruler of Junchen Realm, he still needs to discuss with the sects of the sacred land in many important matters.

If all the sacred sects strongly opposed things, it would be difficult for Tiangong to carry it out alone.

If some holy land sects feel that the orders of the heavenly palace are not good for their own family, they will violate the yang and the yin and create resistance everywhere.

In this regard, Tiangong has no good solution.

Not to mention that Meng Zhang is a registered law enforcement messenger of the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall. He is also an official member of the Tiangong, but he only knows a little about the organizational structure of the Tiangong. It is even ignorant of the high-level power structure and power distribution.

He had heard before that Tiangong was stationed in Junchen Realm as a dispatched agency of the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, and it ruled this big world on behalf of the Spiritual Realm Immortal Realm.

Therefore, the supreme ruler of the heavenly palace does not have any titles such as emperors, but is called the great general.

The general manager of the Tiangong is to manage the affairs of the Tiangong and act on behalf of the will of the Spiritual Sky and Immortal Realm in the Junchen Realm.

Of course, in a big world like Junchen Realm, due to the special circumstances, the immortals who opened this realm and the sacred sects left by the immortals have caused great constraints on the Tiangong, preventing the Tiangong from exercising power arbitrarily, right. The rule of Junchen Realm is greatly Especially Junchen Realm is too far away from the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm. Thousands of years ago, for some special reason, it temporarily lost contact with the Spiritual Realm Immortal Realm. .

As a result, the Tiangong, which had the greatest support, was temporarily lost, and the strength was even more unable to suppress the sects of the sacred land.

Even if it is the chief director of Tiangong, the right to speak is limited, and it is very difficult to order the sects of the sacred places.

The general manager of the Tiangong at this time seemed to be a female sister known as the Snow Sword Monarch.

As for more news about Sword Master Banxue, Meng Zhang knew almost nothing.

In Meng Zhang's impression, the various affairs of the Tiangong were handled by the main halls daily.

Of course, because the main halls are not weak and can perform their duties, all affairs are handled in an orderly manner, ensuring the normal operation of the palace.

What Meng Zhang was worried about now was that although Banxue Sword Monarch was the chief of the Heavenly Palace, due to lack of authority, the orders issued by the sacred sects would not be strictly followed, and at most he would deal with it on the surface.

There have been many similar examples when Tiangong issued various orders in the past.

If Ziyang Saint Sect only obeyed the order on the surface, secretly continue to attack Taiyi Sect.

Even, the Ziyang Saint Sect is more vicious. It is entirely possible to take advantage of this opportunity to clean up the enemies of the cultivators, take the opportunity to calculate the Taiyi Sect, buckle the Taiyi Sect for various crimes, come first and then kill the Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang once did similar activities.

Collusion with magic repairs, collusion with aliens...Anyway, these kinds of hats don't need money, you can buckle them at will.

As long as the hands and feet are clean, no one will come forward for Taiyimen afterwards and find trouble with the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Thanks to the thief Han Buxia, EricWSC, and Li Xiaoyao in Chunguangli for their many rewards and support.

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