The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1786: Hidden Killing Sword

   Meng Zhang, who has had the experience of enlightening Daoyun, should not be difficult to master the Daoyun left by Lord Ban Xue Jian.

   As long as Meng Zhang mastered this Taoist rhyme, even if his cultivation was not as good as Haiweili, he could still pose a fatal threat.

   The third item is a special bottle of spiritual liquid, which is made from extremely pure Yuqing Lingji as the main material. After absorbing and refining, it can greatly improve Meng Zhang's cultivation.

   This is not only helpful to help Meng Zhang complete the task, it is also regarded as the remuneration and reward for the advance payment of King Snow Sword.

  Not to mention anything else, just with that sword charm, Meng Zhang dared to face Haweli.

   With so many things out of Xue Jianjun in one breath, it is also the capital.

   For Meng Zhang, this is also an opportunity, a chance to get in touch with the companion Xue Jianjun, and make good friends with him.

   Although due to the constraints of the sects of the great sacred sites, Lord Banxue Jian, the general manager of the heavenly palace, is far from being able to do whatever he wants.

   But Snow Sword Master Banxue is enough to serve as a backer for Meng Zhang, no matter his cultivation level or his status.

  Besides, Meng Zhang had a desire for revenge, but because of his lack of cultivation, he dared not do anything.

   Now that he has the help of King Snow Sword, he can't say that he will be able to beat Haiweili, at least he has a certain degree of self-preservation.

  Meng Zhang's thoughts rolled in his mind, and he quickly made a decision.

   He happily agreed to Lord Banxue's request and agreed to kill Haiweili.

  Meng Zhang's attitude made Banxue Jianjun very satisfied.

   In her next words, she fully expressed her optimism about Meng Zhang.

   Meng Zhang and Ban Xue Jianjun chatted for a long time before they took the initiative to leave.

   During the conversation, the companion Xue Jianjun gave Meng Zhang a few words casually, which benefited him a lot.

   After a conversation, the two of them have deepened their understanding and become familiar with each other.

  Meng Zhang is also a rebirth power at any rate, and he has the qualifications to befriend Snow Sword Monarch. And he is also very valuable to King Snow Sword.

   The Snow Sword Master told Meng Zhang that in addition to the three items that he had just given him, she also helped Meng Zhang a small favor.

   Before leaving, I accompanied Xue Jianjun to explain to Meng Zhang that she would set aside about five years for Meng Zhang to refine the spiritual liquid and understand the rhyme of Taoism.

   During this period of time, Tiangong will work hard to find the whereabouts of Haiweili. Then, she will send someone to notify Meng Zhang of the specific news.

   After Meng Zhang left Tiangong, he first went back to the Xingluo Islands.

   During this period of time, Elder Yinhu finally clarified the relationship between the parties and got an understanding of the things here.

   The silver pot old man went well this time, mainly because Mr. Ban Xue Jian ordered that Taoist Taoist and Taoist Yudie were transferred away.

   It is said that there is too much pressure in the void outside the Junchen Realm, and it needs the support of the strong in the Void Rebirth Period.

   With the absence of two Void Rebirth Powers from the Holy Land Zongmen next to him, the Elder Silver Kettle naturally lost a lot of pressure.

   Elder Yinhu roughly divided the sea area and various resources of the West China Sea into a simple division.

   It is far from saying how fair and just, and it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

   The silver pot old man can only pass most of the places, and everyone can barely accept it.

   He is also a rebirth power in the Tiangong, even if many people are dissatisfied, he dare not openly cause trouble.

   In this distribution, Taiyimen naturally got the most benefit. Not only has it preserved many of the benefits that it had previously possessed, but there are also some other gains.

   The interests of Ziyang Saint Sect and Imperial Beast Sect are basically guaranteed.

   Then, according to the strength of each cultivation force, the contributions made in the previous war were divided up.

   After finishing his work hastily, the old man Yinhu hurriedly left Xihai and returned to the Tiangong.

  Meng Zhang is very satisfied with the old man with silver pot.

   Although he accidentally left a lot of tails, there will be some disputes in the future.

   But for him, he has done well enough.

   He also understands what Ban Xue Jianjun meant to do a little favor.

  Meng Zhang didn't stay in the Xingluo Islands for a long time. After confessing to the monks who stayed behind at the Taiyimen, he returned to the Taiyimen Mountain.

   In this way, Xihai Old Monster is the only one sitting here for the time being.

   As a virtuosity-returning power from a casual cultivation background, the strength of the old monster Xihai is not weak, at least it can make the Taoist priests quite jealous.

   If the true dragon clan had no intention of reopening the dispute, it would be unlikely that the Xihai side would break out again.

   The old monster Xihai sits in Xihai, which is enough.

   After Meng Zhang returned to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, he repeatedly checked that the bottle of spiritual liquid was okay, and began to absorb and refine.

   After this bottle of spiritual liquid was absorbed and refined, Meng Zhangxiu made great progress, at least saving hundreds of years of cultivation time.

  Human Rebirth Power generally has a lifespan of more than nine thousand years, and hundreds of years are not a big deal.

   But when the big changes in Jun Chen world were about to happen, and when Meng Zhang urgently needed to increase his strength, this bottle of spiritual liquid was of extraordinary significance to him.

   When the spirit liquid was almost refining, Meng Zhang began to use the dazzling shadow bead.

   dazzling shadow bead is a special item, generally used by high-level monks to leave a certain inheritance.

   Among the dazzling photo-beads, there is a clear sound image, which is equivalent to the instructions of the senior monks in person, giving people a kind of immersive feeling.

   is a bit more advanced, even with the spiritual insights left by the predecessors, in a way that is equivalent to the enlightenment of Daigo, to pass on the project to the future generations.

   The dazzling picture bead given to Meng Zhang by Master Snow Sword is undoubtedly a high-class item, and it contains the experience and sentiment of Master Snow Sword in enlightening Daoyun.

The Taoist rhyme left by Sword Master Banxue is a trick about swordsmanship. It is called the Hidden Killing This is an assassination sword, which is not only swordsmanship, but also contains concealment. Breath, the way to sneak in secretly.

   The most suitable target for this hidden killing sword is undoubtedly the assassin. The most suitable place to use is to assassinate the strong.

   This assassination method can defeat the strong with the weak.

   With Xue Jianjun taught Meng Zhang this trick to hide and kill the sword, the intention is very clear.

   Even after Meng Zhang had refined the spirit liquid, there was still a big gap in strength compared with Haiweili.

   Mastering the rhyme of the Hidden Killing Sword, Meng Zhang could sneak close to Haiweili, taking advantage of his lack of preparation, and attacking and assassinating him.

   In this way, not only can the gap between the two sides' cultivation level be equalized, Meng Zhang can also gain the initiative.

   Even if the assassination fails, Meng Zhang still has the sword charm given by King Xue Jian, which can also pose a huge threat to Haiweili.

   Meng Zhang sighed that Mr. Snow Sword was thoughtful and thoughtful, and he began to comprehend the rhyme of concealed killing sword.

  Meng Zhang has an extraordinary talent. He could comprehend the unbreakable rhyme with a piece of outer meteorite iron, and accumulated successful experience.

   The conditions are now countless times better, and there are treasures that are specially used for inheritance, such as the dazzling shadow bead.

   The Snow Sword Master has left a lot of experience and insights in the dazzling shadow bead, which is more conducive to Meng Zhang's enlightenment.

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