The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1787: wait

   Meng Zhang put his spiritual thoughts into the dazzling shadow bead, and all of a sudden, there were countless light and shadow information, and his brain flooded into his mind.

   Meng Zhang received the information while carefully comprehending.

  The Hidden Breath Killing Sword is not a simple kendo trick, but contains a whole set of methods from hidden breath to explosive assassination.

   Even a monk who is ignorant of the way of assassination can transform himself into a master assassin after fully comprehending this trick to hide and kill the sword.

  Meng Zhang himself actually has a deep foundation for assassination.

   When the cultivation base was low, he also did the trick of sneaking into the assassination.

   It's just that as the cultivation base deepens, there is no need to do this.

   Among his friends, such as Luoye Zhenjun and Jueying, they are all first-class assassins.

Under the influence of    ear rendering, Meng Zhang also benefited a lot.

   Now that he is comprehending this concealed killing sword, it is not difficult for Meng Zhang.

   The disciples in the Taiyi Sect knew that the master was practicing in retreat, and there was nothing big, and they would not come to interfere with him.

   Five years have passed in a flash, and Meng Zhang is finally an introduction to the practice of hiding and killing the sword.

   Soon after, the subordinates sent by Lord Ban Xue Jian sent Meng Zhang information about the whereabouts of the Void-Returning Power of the Sea Cruiser Clan.

   The rebirth power of these sea tribes is not only regarded as a thorn in the eye of the human race, but also not seen by the true dragon tribe.

   It's very rare that Haiweili and Ying Feitian of the real dragon clan make friends.

   In the eyes of most of the real dragon clan powerhouses, a slave race like the sea clan should not have the power of returning to the void at all.

   The slave is too powerful to be conducive to the master's rule.

   Regarding the rebirth power that the Sea Clan has finally cultivated, they have no good feelings about it, and they can't wait to die early.

   Of course, even if they are the masters, the true dragons are not good at attacking the emptiness of the servants for no reason.

  In this awkward situation, the Sea Clan's Void Returning Powers are often scattered and hidden in the depths of the ocean to avoid all kinds of unkind eyes.

  If no major incidents happen, they will generally not return to the Sea Race, let alone appear in front of enemies like the Human Race at will.

   If it hadn't been for the Xihai Sea Clan to face extinction last time, the Void Returning Power of these Sea Clan would never rush back to the West Sea, and confront or even fight against the Void Returning Power of the Human Race.

   On weekdays, the Sea Clan's Void Returning Power, including Haiweili, pay attention to hiding their whereabouts.

   With Snow Sword Monarch, as the general manager of the Tiangong, he can easily mobilize the intelligence system of the Tiangong.

   Human Race is the ruler of Junchen Realm, and Tiangong is the nominal ruler of Junchen Realm.

   It’s not difficult for Tiangong to figure out the whereabouts of a Sea Clan’s Void Returning Power.

   Among the information sent to Meng Zhang by Lord Snow Sword, there is Haweli's accurate whereabouts.

   After receiving the information, Meng Zhang confessed to the disciple in the door and set off directly.

   has already taken advantage of King Snow Sword, this fight cannot be avoided.

   Haiweili usually hides in the waters of the West China Sea, but at the junction of the West China Sea and the South China Sea. Almost all of them have entered the South China Sea.

   The junction between the West China Sea and the South China Sea is a very large area with almost no living things.

   There are many natural dangerous places here, full of dangers. Even if they are powerful and familiar with the sea, they dare not enter here rashly.

   Those strong outsiders who are not familiar with the situation can easily fall into danger.

   The place where Haiweili usually hides is a special sea area.

   The violent storms here are endless, and the sky is often full of thunderstorms.

   In the information in Meng Zhang's hands, in addition to the hiding place of Haweli, there is also a detailed introduction to the surrounding environment.

   As far as the Void Returning Power is concerned, as long as you are a little careful, most of the Junchen Realm can be visited.

   Most of the so-called natural dangers in Junchen Realm can hardly stop the steps of returning to the Void.

   Meng Zhang entered the sea area where the target was located without much delay on the road.

   The violent storm in the sky makes it difficult to gain a foothold in the heavenly palace, and the frequent lightning bursts can crack many invisibility spells.

   Although Meng Zhang is not likely to be affected by these external environments, he still sneaked into the sea and approached the target from the sea in order to keep his possessions secret.

   Although Meng Zhang has gone through this period of painstaking practice, the strength gap between him and Haiweili still exists, and it is not small.

  Meng Zhang has self-knowledge, knowing that if it is a fair frontal fight, his chances of winning are not great.

   Only by sneaking in, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, and conducting assassinations, can he have such a chance of winning.

   Therefore, Meng Zhang must not expose his deeds before discovering the target.

   In order to avoid alarming the enemy, Meng Zhang did not even use the water escape technique, relying solely on the power of his flesh to move forward on the seabed.

   Even if he has not practiced the body-building exercises specifically, at the beginning of his practice, his body was tempered by Yin Qi, and later he was repeatedly tempered by the real fire of the sun and the real water of the Taiyin.

   While passing the thunder tribulation of the sun god, Meng Zhang's physical body also experienced the tempering of the sky thunder.

   By this time, Meng Zhang's physical strength has surpassed many other races, and may be a little weaker than the powerful races like the True Dragons.

   After sneaking in the sea for a long time, Meng Zhang arrived at his destination.

   That is a large reef under the shallow sea.

   The cave house where Haweli usually hides in is located in this submerged reef.

   Outside the reef, there are a lot of array restrictions and the like.

   Although the Hai Clan has its own unique civilization, its formations and restrictions are also unique.

   But at the overall level of, there is still a big gap compared with the human cultivators.

  Meng Zhang is not particularly good at these things, but after so many years of accumulation, he has also reached a good level.

   Meng Zhangyun secretly observed for a long time without breaking the false law, saw through the illusion, and found the flaws in the restrictions of these formations.

   He condensed all his breath, used these flaws, sneaked into it secretly, without making any movement.

   Meng Zhang cautiously walked through the forbidden formations, and soon came to the interior of Haiweili's cave.

   Meng Zhang was a little disappointed that there was no one inside the cave, and Haweli was not there.

  According to the information, Haiweili came and lived alone, living here alone, without even serving men.

   In the cave, besides storing many cultivation resources, there is also a hidden treasure house.

   In order to avoid leaving traces, Meng Zhang did not rush to move the treasure house.

  Meng Zhang thought for a while, and decided to wait here for a while.

   The items in the old nest are all there, and Haweli will not give up the old nest and go out for no reason.

   Even if he abandons here, he cannot give up the resources stored in it.

   The biggest possibility is that Meng Zhang came by accident, and he went out to visit friends or do errands.

  Under normal circumstances, he should come back again.

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