The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1789: Punish

It is not easy for Haiweili to retreat.

   When the two Void Returning Powers were at war, especially in such a dangerous close fight, the auras of the two were entangled and the distance was so close, there was no time to react more.

   The more Meng Zhang fought, the more excited he became.

   He deeply felt that the Hidden Killing Sword taught by Master Xue Jian was a perfect match with the Chiyin Sword in his hand.

   Although Meng Zhang is not a sword repairer, he has always been interested in swordsmanship.

  He is extremely accomplished in swordsmanship, and he can be called a master of swordsmanship.

   Hidden Breath Killing Sword is the sword of assassination, and it is an important branch of kendo.

  Based on Meng Zhang's kendo foundation, after mastering the Hidden Killing Sword, it is like a fish in water.

  Although Haiweili's cultivation is much stronger than him, he took the initiative to attack and was not afraid, and actually took the initiative in turn.

   Knowing that he could not continue to procrastinate, Hai Weili fought a heavy blow to Meng Zhang, and finally opened the distance between the two sides and got a chance to get out.

   There is a long wound on his chest and abdomen, and he is continuously spraying blood.

   That was the wound left by Chi Yin Sword Sha directly.

   Flying Sword was originally a treasure of killing, Chi Yin Sword Sha, this flying sword among many magic weapons, was considered very insidious and very vicious.

   After suffering such a sword, Haweli was not only injured, but also more difficult to heal in the future, and there was almost no fighting power left.

   He seized the last chance to get out, his body soared into the sky, smashed through the top of the cave, and his body flew out of the reef.

   As long as he flies above the sea, he can use the technique of blood escape, stimulate his body's potential, and escape with all his strength.

   Before Meng Zhang started his hand, he never expected that this assassination would be so smooth.

   The current results have made him very happy.

  Since the enemy can't resist, he must strike while the iron is hot, and take advantage of his illness to kill him, and never let him escape from here.

   The Void Returning Power of the Sea Clan is not as difficult to kill as the Void Returning Power of the Human Race, but Haiweili wanted to escape, and Meng Zhang couldn't stop him.

   Meng Zhang sighed, and the sword talisman given by King Xue Jian had already come to his hand.

   He thought that relying on the Hidden Killing Sword and Chiyin Sword Sha, it was enough to surpass Haiweili, and he could save this sword talisman.

   What a pity, such a precious sword charm has to be consumed in this place.

   Meng Zhang sighed in his heart, but the movements on his hands were not slow at all.

   He easily released the sword talisman, stimulating the power contained in it.

   saw the light of the sword talisman disappear, and a sword light flew out like a lightning, directly slashing at the Heweli who was performing the blood escape technique.

   This sword talisman was bestowed by King Snow Sword. According to her, it has almost one level of skill after casting it.

   Meng Zhang hadn't personally seen how powerful the companion Xue Jianjun was.

   It’s just that everyone said that Sword Master Banxue was the first sword repairman in Junchen Realm.

   Meng Zhang learned the rhyme of the hidden killing sword from the light-chasing shadow bead she gave.

   Looking at the leopard in the tube, it can be seen that his kendo cultivation is brilliant and his strength is unfathomable.

   Today, Meng Zhang cast this sword talisman, which is considered to have seen some strength of the companion Xue Jianjun.

   is also the power of returning to the void, Haiweili has almost no resistance to this sword light.

   Of course, this has something to do with his poor state and busy performing the blood escape technique.

   Jianguang slashed his body accurately, and his body protection technique and even the powerful body did not play a blocking role in the slightest.

   The spring of blood spurted wildly, and Haweli was killed in a different place.

   Sea Clan’s Void-Returning Power has the advantage of a strong physical body, but the power of the soul is far inferior to the Human Clan’s Void-Returning Power which has been cultivated as a Yang God.

   The human race returns to the Void, the power of the Yang God, to the heaven and the earth. To completely obliterate it, it is necessary to shake or even destroy the heaven and earth that Yang Shen trusts.

   But other races have the power of rebirth, including the power of rebirth of the same human race, and practice other systems, such as the Buddhist priests, etc., do not have this advantage.

   The sword light transformed by the sword talisman cut through the body of Haiweili, and also killed his soul by the way.

   Meng Zhang flew over the two corpses of Haweli and put them away.

  A sea clan powerhouse of the Void Returning level, even a corpse, has a great effect.

   Apart from other things, the mustard space used to nourish Meng Zhang, or the burial in the blessed land after it is built, has a great effect.

  Meng Zhang had heard before that those holy land sect monks often put spiritual items into their own blessed land, including the corpses of powerful alien races, to ensure that the blessed land is full of aura.

   Meng Zhang returned to his cave mansion immediately after collecting the corpse of Haweli.

   Meng Zhang ransacked this place without any delay.

   Including the treasure house carefully hidden by Hiveri, none of them escaped his looting.

  Meng Zhang knows that no matter which race, the power of returning to the void is a first-class person.

   There are countless rebirth powers of the Sea Clan, and there must be a connection between them.

   The sea clan loses a Void-returning power, the loss is huge, and it will never give up.

  Meng Zhang is backed by his companion Xue Jianjun on this trip, so there is no need to worry about future troubles.

  If there is any follow-up trouble, Mr. Ban Xue Jian will naturally help to solve it.

   But if Meng Zhang is not clever enough, moves too slow, and is blocked on the spot by other Sea Race's Void Returning Power, then he deserves to be unlucky.

   Meng Zhang didn't count them very much, so he collected these trophies and left here as quickly as possible.

   The mission is completed, and he can't hide his deeds anymore. Directly cast the escape technique to escape to a place where the power of the thunderstorm is weaker, and then use the spatial teleportation to leave here.

   Just as Meng Zhang left with his front foot, two Sea Clan’s Void Rebirth Powers rushed here on his back foot.

   Haweli had just been attacked by Meng Zhang, he secretly contacted the powerful people of the same clan and asked them for support.

   After Meng Zhangzhu killed Haiweili, it was not that he would not pay any price.

  Meng Zhang was also injured, and the wastage was huge.

   Fortunately, he escaped in time and escaped a dangerous situation.

   The Sea Clan Returning to the Void, who came to support him, came to Haweli’s cave and found that there was a mess inside and all valuable things were looted.

   Then they came to the place where Haweli had fallen.

   Regardless of the demise of that race's Void-Returning Power, it will trigger certain phenomena of heaven and earth.

   It's just that according to the different cultivation system, the level of cultivation, the various phenomena of heaven and earth are different.

   The place where Haiweili fell, the vitality of the heavens and the earth was boiling fiercely, the waves rolled frantically, and the waves surged into the sky, and there seemed to be a shower of blood in the sky...

   Such an obvious phenomenon of heaven and earth is naturally easy to be discovered.

   sensed the aura left by Haiweili before he died, the two sea races still didn't understand what happened.

   Since they received a request for help and rushed here, there was no time delay along the way.

   But Haiweili couldn't support it even this time, so he was killed on the spot, making their faces extremely ugly.

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