The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1790: Trophy

It has been more than a month since Meng Zhang successfully assassinated Haiweili.

   At this time, Meng Zhang is standing high in the sky, looking down.

   Below him, is a ring-shaped mountain range, enclosing a large plain.

   In the center of the plain, there is a wide highland.

   This is the blessed place Taiyimen has been built for many years.

   For so many years, Taiyimen has invested a lot of manpower and material resources, not hesitating to burden the Zongmen and even the entire Hanhaidao League with a heavy burden, just for this blessed land.

If   Blessed Land is built, it will not only be the foundation of Taiyi Gate, but also provide a holy place for cultivation of monks in the gate, and once the Junchen Realm changes, monks in the gate can hide in it and use it as a place of refuge.

The construction of    Fortune Land has begun to come to an end.

  The more at this time, the more difficult the construction, and the more high-level resources that need to be consumed.

   After Meng Zhang succeeded in assassinating Haiweili, he rushed to the palace and returned to the companion Xue Jianjun.

   The Snow Sword Master admired him very much, and it was clear that there would still be places where he would be useful in the future, so he could go to the Tiangong a lot and walk around her a little bit more.

   If Meng Zhang has any difficulties in the future, he can also speak to Lord Ban Xuejian. If there is a place to help, Master Snow Sword will not be stingy.

   As for the follow-up effects after the killing of Haiweili this time, Banxue Jianjun also said that she would abide by the promise and bear it alone, so that Meng Zhang will not be involved.

   Not talking about the benefits from Snow Sword Master Ban Xue, nor the status of Sword Master Ban Xue Sword, just her personality made Meng Zhang greatly admired and willing to work for her.

  Since the companion Xue Jianjun is so magnificent, Meng Zhang didn't say much.

   After leaving the palace, Meng Zhang hurried back to Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

   took a break for a while, recovered his state, and he came to the place where the blessed land was built.

  On the way back, Meng Zhang had already figured out how to deal with Haweli's body.

   Meng Zhang got a lot of spoils this time.

   In the cave mansion of Harvey, he has acquired a lot of cultivation resources.

   There are a lot of refining materials such as Wanzai cold iron and Xuanyin cold copper produced from the bottom of the sea, as well as elixir like Deep Sea Orchid...

   These cultivation resources can greatly increase the strength of Taiyi Sect.

  The alchemist in the Taiyi Sect is not yet qualified to refine the elixir needed for the Void-Returning Power, and those few of the most precious elixir cannot be refined into the corresponding spiritual pill for the time being.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   But whether it is planted in the door, as the foundation of the sect, or directly refined by Meng Zhang, it is a good choice.

   Even the commonly used weapon of Hiveri, a golden steel fork, after re-tempering, is the best material for refining magic weapons.

   However, there is currently no refiner of this level in Taiyi Sect who can refine magic weapons.

   Among the many trophies, the most valuable is actually the corpse of Haweli.

   The value of a rebirth power far exceeds a lot of foreign objects, even just a corpse.

   You must know that no matter which race or cultivation system it is, it is not an easy task to cultivate a Void-Returning Power.

  During the growth of a Void-Returning Power, I don’t know how many precious resources to absorb and refine, how much heaven and earth auras to absorb...

   The aura and all kinds of heaven and earth essence contained in the body of Void Returning Power are simply countless.

   If the corpse of Haiweili falls into the hands of those who are proficient in the way of ghouls, it can even be refined into a ghoul puppet of the rebirth level.

   Many problems have appeared during the construction of Taiyimen's blessed land.

The corpse of    Haiweili helps to solve these problems.

   Meng Zhang and the monk in the door dismembered Haweli's body.

   His main bones were all buried by Wen Qiansuan and Li Bo in a special location below the blessed land.

   The aura in these bones is far more abundant than the jade clear spirit, and it is slowly released, which can be used as an important foundation for the blessed land.

   Haiweili's whole body was ground by Meng Zhang's own true essence, and became a powder.

   During this period of time, countless **** raindrops have been falling down above this blessed land.

   Meng Zhang used the technique of cloud and rain, mixed the flesh and blood of Haweli in the rain, and slowly nourished the blessed land under construction.

  This will help shorten the time for the blessed land to be built and save a lot of precious materials.

   It's just that, using the flesh and blood of the corpses of the creatures in this way will inevitably have some troubles in the future.

  Meng Zhang also eagerly wants to build the blessed land as soon as possible, and has no longer cared about these future troubles.

   During this period of time, Meng Zhang spent most of his time staying at Fudi, helping the monks in the door to build.

   With the addition of this illusion-returning power, many tasks have accelerated progress and many problems have been solved.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   After Meng Zhang successfully assassinated Haiweili, he immediately escaped. The subsequent troubles are constantly brewing.

   When Haiweili asked for help from the same clan, the information about the enemy included the information about the help.

   Haiweili fought against Meng Zhang and was no stranger to him, and recognized him very quickly at that time.

  The human race and the sea race have clearly truce, and the human race's return to virtual power also sneaked in to assassinate the sea family's return to virtual power Haiweili.

   Such behavior is really despicable and shameless.

  As the murderer, Meng Zhang must be responsible for this and must pay for Haiweili's life.

   Terran cultivators must pay a sufficient price to calm the anger of the sea race.


   The Void-Returning Powers of the Sea Clan have been making Angrily flocked to the territories of the Human Race.

   At the same time, the sea clan also asked the real dragon clan for help.

   The last time the sea clan and the human clan truce, but he obeyed the order of the true dragon clan.

   Now the human race is provoking again, it is clear that it is violating the agreement with the real dragon family and not paying attention to the real dragon family.

  The Void Rebirth Power of the Sea Race that flocked to the Territory of the Human Race was blocked by the Void Rebirth Power sent by the Human Race.

   The Sea Clan did not rush to start the war, but threatened them and put forward many unrealistic conditions.

   If it were normal times, the human race powerhouse who was the ruler of Junchen Realm would have a long-winded relationship with the Sea Race, and would only directly fight back these gangsters.

   But under the current circumstances, the high-level Human Race is also unwilling to break out a war with the Sea Race.

  The matter of Meng Zhang's assassination of Hiveri was simply not wrapped in paper to keep the fire, and it quickly spread among the high-level human race.

   Due to the deliberate propaganda of King Fan Xuejian, Meng Zhang's purpose of killing Haiweili this time was only to take revenge.

  Some people admire him greatly, thinking that he has played out the power of the human race. Delightful enmity, really a hero.

   There are also people who are very dissatisfied with him, thinking that he is selfish, regardless of the overall situation, recklessly.

   If the sea and human races are restarted at the end of the battle, then he is a sinner.


  Of course, no matter what point of view they hold, they will not agree with the request of the Sea Clan to hand over Meng Zhang, and let Meng Zhang pay for Haiweili's life.

   Even Meng Zhang’s enemies would not stand on the side of the Sea Clan at this time.

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