The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 102: forever mila

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In the Bronze Titan quarry, the contingent from the core of the lighthouse is already in place, ready to thoroughly investigate the ancient witch incident.

"The chaotic world was a special historical stage a thousand years ago, and it was also a key node in the formation of the current world." A beautifully shaped robot was simply reporting relevant information to the team members.

It is made of light gray alloy casting, with cyan light bands distributed all over the body. The front of the oval head is a transparent shield to protect the photoreceptor, communication equipment and sympathetic chip in the center. It is extremely tall, reaching about 2.5 meters. It's terrifying to look at.

Around it, there are Xintaixizhou soldiers wearing advanced individual armor. These armors are painted white and seal the soldiers from head to toe, like a silent messenger, commonly known as the "Pale Legion", which is the routine of Xintaixizhou. Armed, and now the number of people present has reached 7.

Taking into account the differences between themselves and humans outside the New Taixi Continent, they are reluctant to expose their appearance in front of outsiders, let alone let others hear their voices. Communication is done with the built-in communicator of the individual soldier armor.

A witch in a black trench coat stood a little further away from the soldiers.

The witch is slender and well-proportioned, with a variety of styles, perfect proportions, plump and mature, her upper body is tightly wrapped by a gel tights, extremely bulging and round in outline, as if it will be broken at any time. pressure. Her lips were bright red, her eyes were blue, her lashes were extremely long, her eyeshadow was dark, and her skin was pale and bloodless, creating a stark contrast that evoked ghosts.

"Go on," she ordered to the robot.

"In the chaotic world," the robot continued to report, "there are a total of 8 witches with heinous crimes, who committed a series of horrific crimes and brought unparalleled disasters. According to the clues we have collected, it is believed that now in the What was unearthed at the Bronze Titan excavation site was the 'Aquileia Village Girl' code-named 002."

The people of the Pale Legion laughed for a while inside the armor, exchanged views in a low voice, and turned their attention to the depths of the tomb, which was pitch black.

"This 'Aquileia Village Girl' is very young and has been active for about 7 years. It was initially recorded as a parish deacon." The robot continued to interpret, "It is believed that she once participated in the murder of the gods, which led to Incident D-9, she was hunted down by the Witch Council and disappeared from the historical records. She may have made contact with 7 other sin demon women who were active at the same time, and successfully escaped the pursuit. Now, she is in the Aizu Castle Catacombs How she got here and how she survived the millennium remains a mystery.”

"Heh..." The witch in the black trench coat raised the corners of her mouth.

"Now, our mission is very obvious, that is to find and recover this ancient witch at all costs. She should be related to the previous wrong crisis." The robot salutes the Pale Legion and the witch, "The report is complete."

"I heard that on the day of the incident, you reached an exchange with this place." The witch turned to look at a nervous suit company employee. The other party was surrounded by a team of security personnel from Kyoto Infinite, but they did not dare to come out and did not want to talk to him. The people at the heart of the lighthouse clashed.

"Yes." The company's code name is "cedar cat", which is the person in charge of Kyoto Unlimited who first discovered that the quarry had been invaded. Because he was closely related to the incident, he was recruited at once.

Seeing the team of pale legions, advanced robots and witches in front of him, the fir cat had a headache, and it was impossible to provoke him.

Especially this witch, her name is Milaya, a field witch specially hired by the lighthouse core.

The core of the lighthouse does not train witches by itself, but hires witches from the outside world at high salaries to serve them, usually from the best in the world, both ability and quality are extremely terrifying.

Among them, the powerful one was named "Goddess of Peace", and the weaker one was awarded the title of "Messenger of Peace".

Milaya is one of the peace messengers. Fir Cat doesn't know anything about her abilities, but hears her special features.

——According to the information held by Kyoto Infinite, Milaya’s ability neither enhances physical fitness, nor includes long-range killing methods, nor is it a reality manipulator, but she has not lost a single defeat, and ends in a very short time each time. fighting.

That is, the horror of the unknown.

"People from Black Fire Innovation have visited." Milaiya stayed still, reading the information sent to her by others, countless information flowed in her heart, and she analyzed it clearly.

Seeing Milaiya's appearance, the fir cat knows that she has been installed with a digital mind. Her mind is as meticulous as a computer, and can convert neural signals into photoelectric signals.

The witch's mind is more complex than humans, and is usually not compatible with digital mind technology, but she belongs to the core of the lighthouse after all, and their ability to dominate technological means is above other companies.

"Our facilities have all been hacked." Shanmu Mao said, "Heihuo Innovation has hired a cybersecurity officer named Xu Yang, who has a digital mind just like you."

Milaia narrowed her eyes. She likes close opponents.

"Go on," she ordered.

"There is no follow-up..." The fir cat shook his head, "He was an exile from Gaoge Kyushu. Pan Ruiyi killed him with his own hands and threw him into the rat tide, where he was tortured and burned."

"Oh." Milaiya remembered Pan Ruiyi. She was so bright, cruel and brainless, and she was useless except for being able to fight. "What about the ancient witch?"

"The clue is lost, I activated the electromagnetic pulse to prevent things from getting worse." Fir Cat explained, "It seems that it should fall into the hands of Black Fire Innovation, but we are at odds with them, and we may go to war at any time, and I don't know if they are The ancient witch has been turned away."

"Is there no clue?" Milaiya smashed a stone under her feet.

"No, I'm very sorry." The fir cat bowed 90 degrees to them, secretly annoyed. These **** lighthouse cores really treat Kyoto Infinity as their own backyard. If they were in front of Ms. Noriko Honma, they would all be cowardly like dogs.

Seeing the fir cat like this, the people of the Pale Legion began to snicker in the built-in communication channel again. They knew that the humans outside the New Taixi Continent were in a primitive state, they knew nothing, couldn't do anything, and were very incompetent. However, from the outside, they did not move at all, like exquisite sculptures, loaded with live ammunition.

When the fir cat raised his head again, he saw that Milaiya had already stood in front of him.

"Uh—" He looked stunned.

Seeing this, the security guards around him in Kyoto Infinite raised their weapons and prepared to defend themselves, but the next second they put down their guns.

After a brief silence, they said the same sentence in unison.

"Forever Milaiya." The tone was the same, without any personal feelings, and the words were full of sincerity and rigor.

Milaiya slowly paced in front of them as if reviewing her own troops.

She raised the chin of the fir cat with her fingers, and the other party looked sluggish.

Countless information poured into Milaya’s digital mind, and she gradually drew a big net in her heart—electromagnetic blasting occurred at the bronze Titan excavation site, a rat tide appeared, the Lijia group in Katagi district was bloodbathed, and the No. 1 connection was cyberspace. The ghost appeared for the first time, the Shenkong Building was blasted, and the abandoned factory of the Optical Fabrication was looted.

"Forever Milaya." Fir Cat repeated mechanically.

"Have you got a clue?" a white-armored sergeant asked, "Where to start looking for the ancient witch?"

"Suzuki Shinji." Milaiya found a name, "The leader of the gang, you have probably been in contact with them."

"Go." The white armored soldier moved with the robot.

Fir Cat and the security guards around him came back to their There seemed to be some fragmentation in their memory, as if they were drunk.

He didn't feel very well, maybe it was a precursor to Cyber's mental illness. He consciously lost his composure in front of Milaya and lost the infinite face of Kyoto, and quickly tried his best to stand up straight, like a bamboo pole.

After Milaya withdrew from the quarry, Guan Wancang put down his telescope in the fissure far away. A rat man next to him holds the signal jammer, and the other hand shakes the portable generator to charge it.

"Hawhaw?" the rat man next to him asked what happened.

"A new round of disasters." Guan Wancang put away the binoculars and rubbed his dimmed eyes, "Let's go and find the man named Xu."

Forever Mila.

A cold voice sounded in Guan Wancang's mind. He tried his best not to repeat it. It took a long time to suppress the urge, and then wearily followed the young and strong rat man.

Forever Mila.

On the other side, in Shenghui Garden.

When Xu Yang woke up, he was thinking about how to plan the next step and when to go to Mouse Village, when he saw Farosa sitting next to her with a livid face, as if someone else had provoked her.

"What?" Xu Yang felt strange, "What trouble did you encounter?"

She usually goes straight, and rarely has this expression. More importantly, Farosa usually sleeps until the sun rises, but now she wakes up earlier than Xu Yang.

"Maybe her hair was pressed." Lila walked to the bathroom and prepared hot water for Xu Yang to wash her face.

Farosa was not in the mood to make a joke. She faced Xu Yang and hesitated to speak. A lot of words were stuck in her heart, eager to pour down like a flood, but she had to keep the news and never let it out. go.

Her powers were exhausted.

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