The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 103: The Law of Killing and the Law of Restoration

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Farosa was distraught, her thoughts were like being thrown into a juicer, and all that came out were tiny fragments.

They finally swallowed the gods and obtained the most perfect divine power, but now they are lifeless, frozen like broth that has cooled down, and they are still running away and need to be replenished urgently.

She threw down Xu Yang, did good deeds every day, and diverted her attention. Xu Yang was intoxicated by Farosa's body, while Farosa became more and more calm, and she thought about it by herself after she was done.

I am inexperienced in using divine power myself and need help. But if you humbly ask for help from the ancient mysteries, the witch's career will end, so you should find a way by yourself.

Divine power has become a pool of stagnant water, and it is constantly depleted. Most likely it is due to the lack of self-driving force. That is to say, because it is completely plundered from the gods, it cannot be used flexibly, so it will gradually become silent. Farosa's own strength is enough, even if it is small, the purpose is to activate the body of divine power.

Farosa focused her willpower to drive the divine power, which began to flow reluctantly, but the process was so jerky that she felt like she was dragging a mountain with her mind, extremely difficult to move.

own strength... own strength...

dew drops.

Be sure to get a dew drop to **** on.

Dewdrops are the crystallization of faith, derived from the will of loyal worshipers, and she knows that secret rituals can complete the process, but only a certain number of followers must be gathered.

There are too few followers on hand, just the three little witches 101, 102 and Bacchus. To perform the ritual, at least 7 witches are needed.

Where can I get 4 more witches?

Farosa, with her hands behind her back, walked around the room barefoot pretending to be serious, while Xu Yang read books and newspapers to expand his knowledge.

The education provided by the company school was insufficient. After learning about a witch as knowledgeable as Celita, Xu Yang became more aware of the importance of cultural quality.

"I have a 'big plan'." Farosa jumped onto the bed, and the bed shook violently.

"What? What are you talking about?" Xu Yang put the smart screen aside.

Farosa hugged Xu Yang tightly and whispered in his ear: "I have become so much better, I would never talk to people about these plans and plans in my heart, but now I suddenly feel that I have to tell you, because you An unusual person for me."

"Of course, so do I. Farosa, you are the most important to me."

"Most important? More important than anything else?"

"I can't tell."

"It must be stronger than Lila."

"You still miss this? Lila is still watching."

Lila swept the floor in the room and glared at Farosa.

"I just want her to watch and you to admit it." Farosa was mischievous, "I want to break her heart."

"Don't fool around." Xu Yang kissed her.

"Now it's my turn to be broken." Farosa gently bit Xu Yang's earlobe, "You are a beast."

"Beasts often live free." Xu Yang overwhelmed Farosa, "What do you think? Going back to the plan you said earlier, what is your big plan?"

"I want to rebuild the Witch Council, which I said before." Farosa said, "You have to help me, help me collect excellent witches, let me train them, and then I will hold a secret ceremony. "

"What's good?"

"It can sublime my power." Farosa explained, "I have received divine power from God, but I can't use it at will, and must be reactivated through ritual. The law of recovery is my magic power, and magic and divine power can be combined. ."

"That is to use the power of God to drive your witch ability."

"Yes, the result of the combination of the two is an unprecedentedly powerful divine technique. The 'law of recovery' is driven by the majesty of the gods. Its effect is much stronger. Maybe it can restore some things to the past! So you must help me get more little witches, the ceremony needs manpower."

"A stronger"

"In the current world, what could be reverted to the past that would dramatically change the situation in the entire world and take a big hit for the company?"

"How long do you expect to go back?"

"According to the effect I can currently use to increase the power of divine power, it was about 3 centuries ago. It is also called the 'Great Recovery Law', and its time limit is no longer 7 days back, but 300 years."

"300 years... At that time, the Witch War had not yet begun, but many companies had already landed in New Taixi Continent. Hmm... restore something back to that era... Is it okay to abstract things? For example, the 'level of science and technology' The Great Retrospect is twisted to 300 years ago."

"Maybe." Farosa thought for a while, "but you will no longer exist! The coverage is too large, and you will also be affected. You have things you only have in this era, and once they are removed, you Possibly life-threatening."

"Then knock me down again." Xu Yang said with a smile, "Return to the state before death."

"It doesn't work, the oath is limited." Farosa said, "If the catastrophe will cause your death, then I can't use it in the first place, even if it can save you after the fact."

"An oath is really a complicated thing." Xu Yang thought about it, "It's hard to define betrayal and harm."

"If it is particularly difficult to judge, the forest lord will intervene." Farosa explained, "The life of its realm, after tens of thousands of years, has a very detached view of the world and can make appropriate decisions."

"So that's the case," Xu Yang thought deeply, "I think that corporatism now relies most on technology. It has developed today's productivity through technology, and a certain productivity supports a certain social form. Then, as long as technology and productivity remain unchanged , the world will transition into this sooner or later. So if technology cannot be reversed by the law of recovery, no matter what else changes, the world will not change much.”

"Ah... Then the Law of Massacre and the Law of Restoration are of little significance for a while." Farosa estimates that if the Law of Massacre is activated, all life within a radius of 5,000 kilometers will evaporate, covering about 3 billion human beings. Reduce the burden on Mother Planet by one third.

"There were still many spirits and magical animals 300 years ago, how about restoring them all?"

"But they only have the power to protect themselves, and they are not powerful characters." Farosa didn't like those goblins and dwarfs.

"Really, even if a giant dragon is reproduced in this era, it is only at the level of being killed by a fighter jet."

"That's why the Law of Reversion is useless?" Farosa also thought about it casually, without planning.

Lila observes Farosa, and she knows the most terrible use of the "Retroversion", that is, to restore "magic" to 3 centuries ago.

In the Third Corporate War, reality manipulator Eve Anark manipulates reality with his magic, "all witches lose their magic", and even though its potency quickly wears off over time, it still has some impact.

According to the company's statistical report, compared with the ancient witches, the quality of magic power of today's witches has dropped significantly, so that it is very easy to control, and almost no witches can achieve breakthroughs with their own power. The weakness of the witch is not only due to the withering of gods, but also due to Eve's curse.

This is also the principle of the anti-witch weapon. The witch's magic power is too weak and weak, as long as the sensitivity of her nerves to external magic power sources is limited, it is enough to make it impossible to use magic power.

Therefore, as long as the target of "The Great Law of Recovery" is designated as "the spell that Eve Anark once released", and this powerful spell is returned to a state that did not exist hundreds of years ago, the witches spontaneously The growth rate will be doubled, and the ability to make independent breakthroughs will be greatly enhanced.

In the past witch council, although there was no **** to assist, and no new queen was born, there were still a large number of supreme witches, and their skills were still beyond the reach of current witches.

Therefore, as long as the shackles that Eve Anark put on all the witches are withdrawn, the witches can get a new round of prosperity.

However, Lila knew very well that once the news was revealed to Farosa, she would definitely act without hesitation due to her nature, setting off a **** situation in which new witches and humans were killing each other all over the world.

This cannot be allowed to happen.

Correspondingly, when Farosa realizes the power of her own retrogression, the world will be turned upside down.

So far, Farosa has made up her mind to expand her witch The revamped Bacchus has become her new darling.

Bacchus originally said that she would make a good change, but her new image really surprised Xu Yang.

The so-called "Bacchus" is a thing of the past, she cut her hair, washed it back to black, bought a new dress, changed out of her old street-style ragged clothes, and took care of her coat and trousers, which were all the same size. Very conventional, nothing out of the ordinary, just new seasonal products.

At the same time, she solemnly told everyone that she completely accepted the name Mizusaki Yoshioka, and please stop calling her by the code name "Bacchus".

The former street mercenary and hacker witch Bacchus has been completely called history, and the new witch Miyoshi Yoshioka will devote all her heart to Farosa.

Seeing Yoshioka's determination, Farosa doesn't know what her future will be like. Before, she thought she was not a talent. Now it seems that this kind of judgment is too early. At least she has the determination to change. .

Since then, Farosa has been serious about educating Yoshioka Sumi, helping her train those ink beasts.

When Xu Yang was about to move the event location, Guan Wancang came to the door. It was haunting the dark back door and was discovered by Xu Yang with the camera.

"How did you find this place?" Xu Yang hurried over to find it, "Isn't it being followed?"

"The way of rats is invisible to people." Guan Wancang shook his beard, "I'll find you by focusing on the smell."

"The drug detox is ready." Xu Yang knew that it would not come rashly.

"More than that." Guan Wancang stood upright, and Xu Yang greeted it, "A most terrifying team has come to hunt you down, and I'm here to remind you to prepare."

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