The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 191: noisy funeral

Farosa raised her hand, pressed against the glass, and released the law of killing before the Innovation fell into the Eye of the Abyss.

A strong gray light flashed from the palm of her hand, and the magic power mercilessly scattered away, penetrating the entire body of the giant, forcing it to die. The cracks that appeared in its body, the bright gray light exploded along the way, scattered outward, the monster itself was like a bag of flesh and blood that could not withstand the pressure and exploded, instantly disintegrating, making a muffled sound.


Every tentacle, including its huge and ugly body, stopped moving in an instant, was divided into tens of millions of tiny pieces, and hurriedly sank to the bottom. .

Haiyi was originally affected by the mental influence and desperately rammed the Innovation, but now they have stopped moving, wandering in the sea at a loss, losing their direction.

The Innovation pitched downward, Lila re-fired the engine, leveled the body again, and the thrusters began to work again, humming.

"You..." The god's voice resounded in Farosa's heart again, but this time it was especially weak, screaming to death, "...How dare you..."

"Let's talk slowly after eating, I have time to digest you." Farosa responded gently.

The body fragments of the giant gradually sink to the bottom, and everything is calm.

"Come down the shuttle, just eat the fattest part," Farosa suggested.

"How did it become so vicious." Xu Yang pondered, "Gods should have been more omnipotent and rational."

Lila manipulated the Innovation to lower the depth. At this time, the giant had turned into a large pool of flesh and blood on the seabed, and the minced meat and black blood were scattered in all directions.

"We thought so too. The problem is that she made the wrong choice when she ascended the throne." Farosa breathed in a low breath, the humming and screaming in her mind disappeared, and the ocean became tranquil again. "Let me ask you, Xu Yang, if you become the supreme being, are you willing to give up your current body, your mind and spirit?"

"In other words, to become a 'God', you have to give up your original human nature and original human body?" Xu Yang thought about it.

"That's an idealized state." Farosa walked to the equipment area at the rear of the cabin and poured herself a cup of hot water, "That's the original purpose of the Throne, depriving us of our current vulgar flesh and blood and erasing our creatures. Inferior instincts, evolved our small primitive brains, and eventually turned us into 'gods' who can do anything and see everything from a higher dimension. You can imagine the situation - by then, we will be completely different beings."

"Organisms driven by genetic instincts are indeed completely different from gods." Xu Yang nodded.

"But we don't want to, we all don't want to," Farosa said, "and some of the beings in the ancient mystics are different, they are willing to sacrifice everything, just for power, to become the highest existence. So they hate the previous ones. The god, that is, Orxian. Orxian... the ruler of the sea, after ascending the throne, he is unwilling to let go of himself, unwilling to completely accept the new nature of the god, you have also come into contact with it, a violent, vicious one Its inferior mind drives a power far beyond its state of mind."

"So it has become its current state...very weak." Xu Yang nodded. Not to mention the magic of Falosa's deprivation of life, a missile can kill one of its clones.

"This is how the contradiction was born. It was a contradiction a thousand years ago," Farosa drank the hot water. "Or Xianan, who has complete divine power but no divine mentality, makes those mystics jealous."

"Then are they trying to seize divine power?"

"Of course, the contradictions were too intense, and eventually a very troublesome thing happened." Farosa looked at the dark sea, and could almost see Yan Duo trapped in the distance, "Across a thousand years of history, the mysterious person is still Surviving, and again interfering in the world and trying to take back the position. So we have to control Yanduo because things will escalate."

"In that case, it's better to make artificial intelligence gods," Lila said. "They have been freed from the control of biological genes from the beginning."

"Like you?" Farosa quipped.

"I can't, I will definitely be partial to the master." Lila said, "If you can't be fair and rational, you are far from God, and you are the same."

Lila manipulated the innovation, opened the stabilizer below, changed its shape, and used it as a hook. It was originally used to fix the innovation on the maintenance machine. It had a strong grip and quickly caught a few pieces. Larger black flesh.

"It's the same topic as before—" Xu Yang doubted, "Is it true that you won't eat a bad stomach?"

Although he knew that Farosa had the habit of eating monster meat, considering the appearance of this thing before, it was still a little hard to accept.

"Just be sashimi, there is no such delicious seafood." Farosa laughed.

"I detected a small shrine-like structure." Lila unleashed her magic power, "It is 145 meters to the right and diagonally below where the creature is lying."

"It's half-dead, but it didn't really die. It's probably because the mysterious group has been feeding it regularly." Farosa thought of this, "It should have accumulated a considerable amount of offerings over the years. Anyway, I don't eat sashimi. It's so beautiful, you better go out for a walk."

"Let me take a look." Xu Yang also wanted to investigate the surroundings.

He took off his jacket and completely liberated the "beast in the cloud" nano-armor. The nano-robot quickly began to operate, covering the whole body and turning into a densely woven nanofiber bundle to form a completely closed and solid armor. Various auxiliary modules were launched, with amazing effects. .

The Innovation has made many modifications for this submarine expedition. Xu Yang opened the watertight door separating the inside and outside, and entered the diving cabin suspended on the side of the Innovation. He manually opened the external hatch, and the sea water suddenly poured in, mixed with the blackness of the monster. Red blood, he kicked lightly, then passed through the hatch and swam into the sea like a fish.

Xu Yang swam to the underside of the shuttle, where the pieces of meat that Farosa needed had already been captured. He held a large piece of meat in one hand, it felt like a fat sea star, and then Xu Yang dragged them upstream. He felt that his body strength was multiplied, he was quite strong, and he didn't bother at all. He easily stuffed the two pieces of meat into the diving cabin, and the outer door closed automatically at the same time.

After the diving cabin empties the sea water, the watertight door can be opened from the inside again, and Farosa will pass through the internal partition and drill into the diving cabin to build.

The water pressure is very strong, but the nano armor also has a diving mode, which can easily help Xu Yang enter the state, and can communicate with Lila. She slowly guides Xu Yang, so that he can smoothly pass through the piles of corpses on the seabed and reach the sand. the other side of the base.

The innovation turned the lights to help Xu Yang see the situation below. He saw a large dark purple statue sinking in the sand, surrounded by various treasures and offerings, which looked like a treasure trove under the sea. The secret ritual group dedicated to the gods must be exhausted for this. The sea in this place is desolate, and it is estimated that they have spent a lot of effort just to find this half-dead **** fragment.

The statue itself is like a beautified deity, still retaining the characteristics of a monster, but it looks extraordinarily kind, with a humanoid appearance, it spreads its arms, as if to embrace its followers, withering out the cloak and normal body The muscle texture, the craftsmanship is quite good, but it is made of stone and is not worth much.

There was a large colorful old cloth wrapped under the statue. He untied the cloth and used it as a purse for collecting loot, and stuffed all the valuable items he found into The loot is extremely impressive, these treasures More than half of them are gold and silver, but he is not short of money, so he chooses those strange objects, which reminds him of the ancient artifacts that Black Fire Innovation tried to collect in the island continent. The imprint of the gods and the remnants of magic power, it is easy to distinguish them from ordinary gold and silver.

Xu Yang spent a lot of time carefully packing and knotting the bag, and Farosa had already finished eating.

"Fortunately, she didn't grow scales on her body." Lila said to Xu Yang through a secret channel, "She looks mysterious and pleasant, and she is indeed a high-end cuisine."

Farosa couldn't help but be unhappy, each piece of **** shard contained sufficient marine-based divine power, and Xu Yang brought back a lot of considerable loot. While playing, she manipulated the water flow behind the shuttle to make the innovation speed up.

"The speed is twice as fast." Xu Yang saw the current speedometer.

At the current speed, the speed of the shuttle is doubled, and it only takes another 10 hours to rush to the "God Bound Project" in one breath. The originally expected long and boring journey under the sea seems to be over quickly.

"There are many magic tools related to the ocean in these offerings." Farosa threw a sapphire-encrusted scepter to Xu Yang, "Come on, you can also experience what it's like to step into the transcendent."

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