The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 192: get out of trouble

"It feels weird." Xu Yang waved his scepter at will, and a large pool of sea water instantly appeared in the cabin and splashed on the ground.

"Human brain power is limited, and physical strength is also limited." Farosa pretended to be mysterious, and crossed her hands and fingers, "Think about it, if you use various elixir and amulets to increase your abilities, wouldn't you be able to achieve the next level? One step of evolution, not only smart, but also capable of driving all kinds of modern equipment. The witch, the mystic, and the **** of death all have many means to make up for your shortcomings and turn you into a small bucket , it's great at anything."

"That's really promising." Xu Yang threw the scepter back to Farosa, activated the shuttle's self-purification system, and emptied the seawater on the ground.

"And, if we die quickly, the theory of longevity will separate us." Farosa took the scepter, "Even if you want to spend hundreds of years with me in the future, you have to make good use of the mysterious power to prolong your life. ."

"This is..." Xu Yang didn't want to die so early.

"And me." Lila will live for a long time, if Xu Yang falls before her, she will never accept it.

The undersea journey counts down to 10 hours, and the shuttle travels fast.

No matter how troublesome or tiring it is, Lila will not be bothered by it and will do what she needs to do. Farosa played with the good things that Xu Yang brought back, thinking about how to make these ocean series treasures come in handy.

Xu Yang stared at the deep-sea landscape outside the glass. After crossing the huge corpse, everything on the seabed became novel.

Before, the sun could be vaguely seen through the turbid seawater, and the seabed sediment piled with industrial waste could be seen. As the Innovation continued to voyage and dive, the sea became deeper and the visibility became worse.

The "God Bound Project" is located in an area called "Blue Ocean", which is located at the junction of the jurisdiction of Kyoto Infinity and the core of the lighthouse. The Innovation has sailed all the way, leaving the natural structure of the continental shelf, diving as much as possible to avoid being discovered by other ships on the ocean surface. At this time, the Innovation is like entering a deep abyss. Through the window, you can see the underwater creatures blindly wandering back, compared with the past. , marine organisms have been greatly reduced in both the abundance and density of their populations, and they have been tortured by human water pollution.

There is a feeling of extreme loneliness here.

The deep sea was pitch-dark, like an incomparably huge cocoon, wrapping them in the innermost, making them an insignificant little point in this world.

Away from the continental shelf, Innovation descended to a depth of 500 meters. Coral, seagrass and bizarre seabed rocks were distributed under the shuttle, like a whole painting, covered with a mess of paint, but it was displayed in a dimly lit gallery. Among them, the color cannot be distinguished.

The interference of the gods' fragments is gone, and the sea-dwellers regard Farosa as their mother again. They strive to follow the Innovation. These sea-dwellers have many hands, wings, dragon heads and scales. Swarm, go to search and kill the surrounding fish, and don't return to follow the shuttle until they finish eating. They are veritable ocean overlords. Because Farosa has been creating and guiding ocean currents behind the shuttle, the sea descendants can also follow the shuttle. up speed.

After Farosa tried the magic tools she had snatched from the small shrine, she sorted them into collections. When they were not in use, she, like Xu Yang, silently stared at the silent scenery of the seabed outside the window.

It's so quiet that you can't feel anything. In fact, the main engine of the Revolution has been whistling and vibrating all the time. It's just that their ears have listened to the roar of the engine for too long, and they have regarded it as a normal background sound. The surroundings were silent.

Lila turned her head to look at Xu Yang and Farosa from time to time, this voyage was too short for her.

The three of them were quiet, not noisy, accompanied by the feeling of suffocation in the deep seabed.

She loves it.

One third of the voyage left, they entered the absolute deep sea and came to an ancient realm that humans have not yet explored. The intelligent screen on the center console detected and imaged the surrounding environment, and they saw the huge whale bone and the dead. Marine life, different from the fragments of gods, Xu Yang has at least seen these long-extinct creatures on the Ocean Encyclopedia. Their corpses are piled up at the bottom, and their nutrients nourish a particularly prosperous marine ecology. The skeletons turn into reefs and become jellyfish and worms home.

They also saw sunken ancient ships, treasure chests, and half-buried giant-like skeletons. However, to save time, I did not investigate one by one.

"Yan Duoye..." As soon as Xu Yang opened his mouth, he realized that he felt jerky because he hadn't spoken for a few hours.

"It..." Xu Yang added, "Does it also have its own scroll clan? Like the ice giant, it has a big hand, but there are also many small creatures drilling out next to it."

"Yantuo is a lonely life." Farosa looked at the huge corpses of the strange giants. "These giants who died on the seabed should be descendants of other external races. They all fell from the sky."

"It is estimated that we will have to deal with them in the future." Xu Yang took a deep breath. He felt a bit top-heavy, and staying at the bottom of the sea for too long gave him a particularly extraordinary experience.

Staring at the countless wreckage that died on the sea floor, Farosa is now more aware of what it means for her to sleep for a thousand years.

Too many people died in it, too many legends flourished, flourished, faded, withered during her death, forgotten like the landscape in this deep sea, she wanted to speak but not to make a sound, she would rather As silent as the whole sea.

She was gradually attracted to the sea.

The more she eats for the gods, the stronger her control over the sea water will be, which will be of great help to her next plan to ascend to the gods.

Farosa has completely subdued the gods mentally, so the mental interference of the gods is no longer a concern. Every drop of sea water constitutes a part of the god, but he killed that existence with his own hands, swallowing a part of it into his own spirit and body. After she completes the 7 witch rituals, the witches' prayers will make her fully evolved.

"Ocean" is undoubtedly the first power, and what power will there be after that mainly depends on what the seven witches will think, and their mixed thoughts will construct Farosa's essence of being a god.

101 will offer "Mystery" because she can't see through Farosa.

102 will provide "strong", although 102 doesn't understand all of this, she at least knows that Farosa is strong.

Yoshioka Aqua would provide "majesty", and she was grateful to Farosa for transforming her from an inkjet waste witch to a witch with development potential.

The shallow dream will provide "domination" because the shallow dream is immature, and the fool will find a master for himself.

Du Qianqian will provide "fear", which is also designed by Farosa. She is extremely harsh to Du Qianqian, in order to gain a terrifying power in her future **** construction.

Pan Ruiyin has gone too far, and after being recalled, he will be domesticated again as a servant. And then there's one last person, one last place...

Farosa thought slowly. 7 The witch ritual is quite complicated. In ancient times, there were many queen-level witches who tried it, and they all used the magical power obtained by the ritual to dominate for centuries until they were attacked by mysterious people or gods.

She can't let herself fall into that kind of fate, so this time to become a **** must be perfect, especially the candidate for the seventh witch.

This silent deep-sea snorkeling made them all feel much deeper. Xu Yang did not rest and kept looking at the deep-sea landscape outside the window. At first, I was slightly excited because I saw the wonders, and I kept recording their images with the brain processor. Later, I was completely numb, whether it was a cemetery, a whale fall, a school of fish, a rare giant squid, an underwater volcano or an ocean crest, Hai Trench, Xu Yang has already seen no worries.

It is too beautiful and lonely. Compared with the sea, Xu Yang feels like a fine dust. The burdens of the world and the problems of life have become insignificant compared to it.

Eat, rest, two people together, three people together. It is true that 101 and 102 should not be brought here. They are too young to know how to face the enlightenment of life brought by this huge sea.

At 1:00 a.m. on September 10, the Innovation arrived at the "God Bound Project".

When the probe confirmed that the deep-sea base was less than 5 nautical miles away from them, they let go of the breath they had been holding for a long time, the power of the shuttle engine dropped, and Xu Yang also lost his strength.

"Here, here." Lila left the bridge and went to the side to charge herself. Xu Yang debugged the network communication module and prepared to hack into the God Bound Plan.

Those seaborn roam loyally beside the Innovation, ready to fight for Pharoosa's will.

Such a long expedition to the solitary sea cannot be in vain. Xu Yang took a deep breath and adjusted his mood. This time, I will definitely, definitely complete the plan to save Ri Zhiyanduo from this base.

At the same time, Sun Zhiyanduo in the God Bound Plan also woke up from the slumber of the past two months.

It vaguely sensed that Farosa was coming, which it had longed for for a long time, and immediately began to establish a spiritual connection with Detected the thought fluctuations, the scientific research witches in the base immediately became alert, Start work, and the entire Bound God Project lights up in many places.

"Yan Duo-Yan Duo-Yan Duo!" Sun Zhi Yan Duo was very happy.

It really wants to get out of trouble.

Yan Duo thought that Farosa was going to deceive it, just like so many mysteries had done before, "Moonfire" Mond, "Liar" Michael, the wicked daughter Dirnai, the reborn Indis... one A conspirator and a villain, all of which made it suffer and take advantage of it.

But Farosa is different, how wonderful, how righteous, how honest, kind, and friendly witch, actually came to save it!

"Yan Duo!" Yan Duo continued to call, "Yan Yan Duo!"

"Okay, okay." Farosa responded in her heart, "I'm here."

What a sincere emotion, making Ri Zhiyanduo feel that there is still beauty in the world, this world is not completely chaotic, justice and order are shining brightly at this time. Farosa de Aquilia, the underage girl of the witch family, the slayer, the ruler of the throne, the mysterious exile, the master of escape, one of the 13 chaotic witches. Just relying on the friendship from a thousand years ago, he is willing to come to rescue it, to free it from the **** of human beings, how can it not be excited.

Much scorching!

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